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Says its from surges into Regional Elections leaders of the alternative for Germany Party say mainstream parties will now have to reconsider their previous refusal to work with. Im phil gal welcome to the program and i struck by the start of that coalition the fighting in yemen has hit a Detention Center killing at least 100 prisoners and this is according to officials from the who think rebel group locals say the building was being used to detain people opposed to the who says touring the site they had of the International Red cross in yemen suggested the death toll would rise from crowd construction said they sent the health around 170. 00 people and only 40 that survived the saudi Like Coalition said it had attacked a military target. Yemens devastating was been raging since 2050 not many journalists have managed to get into the country he doubly correspondent fighting for shah has just got back welcome fani what did you see. A very fluid and difficult situation fluid in term so when you go through aden and the area around this interim capital you go through checkpoints and you sometimes really wonder who is in charge is it what is left of the government left from the government is it the separatists the s. T. C. Or dreaming of a one state basically of the south of yemen what used to be before 990 yemen was separated into 2 places north and south is it the i mean iraqis that are part of the society that Coalition Officially supporting the government in their efforts to fight to the back so as you can tell and then of course we didnt even mention the jihad its on the grounds that strike often is about as you can tell that is such a complex and chaotic situation its a very unstable and dangerous situation for the ordinary citizen the ordinary yemeni within that situation i have met fatah not very young doctor 26 years old she just graduated but the situation shes experiencing in that Public Hospital rachel works is beyond imagination in fact she really struggles both mentally and physically to do her job but she continues and lets watch her story and find out what. Things can change in seconds at this intensive care unit in aden this is just not shes 18 months old and has been diagnosed with and malnutrition shes home between life and death that a 3rd of what either of us did you request oxygen there is nothing the oxygen bottle and the room doesnt work in which. The. Doctor fatuma must improvise its not the 1st time she has failed helpless steam inhalations is the only option available for at the moment its not just now paralytic uncreate see her you know breathing is still flat so she needs us to go right away fatimas shift is just beginning the oxygen bottle is delivered after all it will make it many children do not for fun the fact that oxygen cannot always be provided on time is depressing when she began her medical studies before the war shortages were unheard off i was feeling optimistic i was really looking forward to graduate but its just so difficult for delivering even for doctors considered you know what i have got here in the country. Happiness comes in small doses here this father is relieved his daughter is gaining some weight for now is there not enough doctors and most of those here must work unpaid. Hospitals cannot cope its not just the lack of food in yemen that brings a lot of people especially malnourished children to this hospital once they arrive they face another problem lack of medical supplies and theres not enough space simply they arent you know its all these children. These children are new patients waiting in the hallway for admission. 14 i was not prepared for this level of stress. After a 24 hour shift she finally find sanctuary at home photography helps her to one of wind at the age of 26 she finds her job overwhelming it makes me feel that i am not still working and just forget it im leaving it all in the hospital and stuff. For life but there she wants to continue her medical studies germany her father a geologist used to live there in the 1980 s. Puppets i think the war never and will end. A lot of time how long do you think this is nobody lives but we hope the war ends for children because the people are suffering and they are in bad shape theres no stability nothing nothing no salary no jobs the youth is lost. With a future so bleak fatima doesnt know how long she will stay in yemen working on paid she wants to continue working as a doctor to help people but she also wants better opportunities for own if possible outside of yemen. Its a funny shot this all sounds very bleak as you said at the end of the piece and you just give us an idea of what daily life is like for people. Its a mixture you also see people having an ice cream for example something that you wouldnt expect when you look at the pictures that came out of yemen so far of the famine of course there are still people who can afford an ice cream who who do have a pension who do have some money but thats a very very small portion of the country people millions of them are in dire need of aid and that aid which is supposed to be channeled to them. Doesnt always arrive not just because the way that this aid is being distributed for example in the north controlled by the who feeds the growth which program a u. N. Agency has claimed that the food is stolen by these and resold. To to their own their fighters and then again if you can make it to a Distribution Site to get some food to your family everybody has the fuel to pay for fuel which is also going up in price to actually go to the distribution side so there are many many layers that had to this daily difficulty of survival in yemen and most people that ive spoken to are simply frustrated because they feel abandoned not just by whats left of the Yemeni Government but by the International Community itself they feel that nobodys really paying attention to yemen anymore because more and more people have grown riri in terms of what this entire conflict is about as its getting more complex by the day and you say its getting more more complex by the day is there any sign of it ending at this point bluntly put not really which has to do to the fact that there are new front lines opening up so far i mean war was described as a proxy war between iran and saudi arabia iran allegedly supporting a do through of elves and so you arabia with the united arab its arab emirates trying to support the Yemeni Government to drive these out at the same time however given the saudi that coalition there is a rift as well the iraqis for example are supporting a group of the separatists that are dreaming of an own state as i said earlier so they have different interests competing against each other that you really as you wake up in yemen somebody told me hes asking himself who is really in charge of yemen and whether this war will ever going to end you know because both of them official. Now to greece where the government has begun to move hundreds of Asylum Seekers off the island of last boss because of severe overcrowding more than 600 people have been moved from the camp maria which houses around 10000 refugees despite being built for only 3000. 00 the transverse come after about 600. 00 migrants survived on the island from turkey at the end of august. Astrid there cast the line is the head of the u. N. H. C. R. Sub office in vast vast shes there supporting the government in the relocation of the refugees and migrants and joins us from the other welcome to d. W. So as i just said the camp has a capacity of 3000 and its actually hosting nearly 10000 what is the daily situation like for people there. Well it is. Very challenging in the setting for any chair and sitting there to say this all over which means. Entirely based on all the distinctives on here on access to health services. It has. Its also increased fiction respect for children. Because most of the police. Found. It has an impact on the security because also we. All are. Yes errors because every 33 meaning. There is. More reason for security incidents poor class. So we find it to mean i dont know the different. Areas. So we are welcome as you mentioned do not transfer overnight to. Where you need shared. Scenes. Started being mean all 3 weeks of multithreading degree in order to make sure they are informed. Ok so let me let me in danger if you have so this transfer is happening as opposed to the 1st question that jumps into ones mind is the situation there has been a horrible for a long time you still got 100 refugees arriving on the island every day so why is this remote patient only just starting to happen and whether they are being taken to. Why i just know it is also because you know. There is a limited reception given compass is on the main obstacle is. More Science School to day. Has been dozing 500 to be good to be moved to this juilliard ill have. To know we are eating a badass entry had it been we are stupid. Or yes our secret signifies the ferry they will be transferred to demean and where it will be moved in the past chairs exacting then dispensed different cookies. Ok we wish you well reveals. We will have you know your efforts astrid the cattle on from that you and i that on the last bus thank you ok. Now lets take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world british Prime Minister Boris Johnson could call snap elections amid of parliamentary bid to block his plans for brets it is called an emergency Cabinet Meeting for later today opposition lawmakers are expected to propose legislation on tuesday to try to force the government to postpone britains exit from the european union. Prodemocracy activists in hong kong are still on the streets there despite calls for a general strike today which have gone largely on he did except for students and some hospital workers this follows the 13th consecutive weekend of protests in which police stormed the subway compartment had beaten pepper sprayed many on board as they tried to track down protesters. Hundreds of people are missing and feared dead after a boat caught fire off the coast of california the u. S. Coast guard tweeted a picture of the rescue and said the captain of the burning boat was alive and helping with the operation least 4 other people also are also reported to have been rescued now the u. S. States of florida georgia and South Carolina have issued evacuation orders as Hurricane Dorian approaches as many as a 1000000 people could be forced to leave their homes the powerful storms forecast to hit the eastern seaboard of the United States by tuesday doron is currently a pounding the northern bahamas. Returning home to a scene of devastation like this really have everything. Everything. Hurrican dorians advance across the northern bahamas has been slow and relentless clocking winds of nearly 300 Kilometers Per Hour its left a trail of destruction flattening buildings crushing cars and downing power lines. A strong search trickett severe flooding across parts of the im in change. For focused as expect orian to remain a cash agree 5 storm as it moves towards the u. S. Overnight into tuesday President Donald Trump has already declared a state of emergency is. One of the largest we have seen so the actual real hundreds of miles well war for the item to swallow and it will eventually make all. The predictions differ about when and where that landfall will be communities from florida to the carolinas are preparing for the worst many have been stocking up on supplies and shattering up homes and buildings and must become a familiar ritual of the hurricane season. Germanys main Political Parties are assessing the fallout from 2 states elections that source in support for the far right alternative for germany will f. T. Emerge as the 2nd Strongest Force in the Eastern States of saxony and brandenburg the mainstream parties did play on to power in both states the results are raising questions about how and whether they will deal with it after a. While that t. W. Such as Political Correspondent melinda crane can tell us more welcome bill and despite this populist surge germanys 2 main parties are still in charge in the state so has the threat to anger back was Ruling Coalition a been overcome for now. Well whats important to note is that these 2 mainstream parties that just to barely clung to their leading positions in the 2 states are the same ones that are governing in that federal coalition so prior to the election there had even been some speculation about whether if there were a disastrous result for the social democrats the Junior Coalition partner and for conservatives whether in fact we might see the government fall now it looks like that is not going to happen the federal coalition the 2 parties have gained a breather but frankly the sighs of relief here in berlin were shallow at best today because both parties have bled support to the far right alternative for germany the a. F. D. Party and because politics has gotten a lot more complicated for these 2 parties that were once assured of strong majorities 1st of all in terms of bleeding support to the far right there was a very surprisingly high voter turnout both in the state of brandenburg and in the state of saxony yesterday but the fact is the largest share of those 1st time voters were voting for the far right thats going to be very troubling for these 2 mainstream parties both of which are relying for support these days on older voters many of them already pensioners who clearly are going to be dwindling in number so another point very troubling for both parties many young voters actually also flock to the far right that seems surprising and that will certainly be causing some consternation now the parties the 2 partners here in berlin will be meeting in the federal format to be talking about where things go from here this evening theyre looking at trying to put together a new Climate Policy theyre also talking about how to boost the economy in the face of signs of recession and also trade uncertain. But the fact is there do for a Midterm Review of the federal coalition at the end of this year the s. P. D. The social democrats also going to be holding a major Party Conference where they will review whether the grand coalition should stay in effect but i think what they will take away from this result is that politics now is more fragmented than ever both at the regional and at the National Level and that if new elections were to be called that will become a problem for them at federal level as well right when the crane chief Political Correspondent thank you the United Nations envoy is in cyprus today for talks with the leaders of the divided the island giant hole lou todd has been meeting with the president s of the republic of cyprus and the break white northern part of the island which is occupied by turkey the u. N. Has been trying to encourage reunification since ive been divided in 1904 following the Turkish Military invasion the last round of talks broke down 2 years ago in w. s from kaufman has this report from an island where many and im fed up of the division. The main shopping street in the cypriot capital neko c. A is still divided the pedestrian checkpoint marks the transition from the internationally recognized Greek Cypriot part of the island to the turkish occupied north. A sign here informs tourists that nicosia is the last divided capital city. Europe is trying to overcome the situation he was elected as one of the island 6 parliamentarians early this year everyone here knows him she were usually usual i agree completely that a solution to the cyprus problem will be difficult either but we cannot give up we have to fight looks real good its true he wants the turks and greeks cypriots to negotiate to end the division his election in may was a surprising positive sign 6000 Turkish Cypriots voted for him. The sociologist grew up in the turkish north but 25 years ago he became a professor at the university in the greek south and he represents both parts a 1st for the island. Some are hoping the time is right for new negotiations mediated by u. N. Secretary general antonio good terrorists the last negotiations he led between the president of greek cyprus and the turkish occupied north broke down in 2017. E. U. Politician neon rick senses that people on cyprus are frustrated as here in the turkish part of the island. But what we want to kind of piece that protects the rights of Turkish Cypriots you know month theres no other way we have a right to live here to this was once an ottoman territory and we are turkish and we want our rights. Here i hope so but hopes turning to disappointments here time and again. Always broken down you know why does that happen with and whos behind it. The mood is very similar in the greek south people i have no expectations none at all as if its all about power and International Interests who have divided up and diminished our country what. Rubbish nothing changes because turkey one of the. Same problem it has been there for 43 years if they want to do it they do tomorrow. He was elected above all with the hope of renewed negotiations or where they are when im traveling in the occupied part and talk to people i always say to solve the cyprus problem you need. To be maybe rid of. Your skin turkish means talking to one another because your goals are how can you solve a problem without talking about it without condition must be foremost exactly. How do you go to understanding others. And counters like this give me as a kissel jurek hope. As an e. U. Parliamentarian representing both sides of the cyprus divide he hopes to find a solution to end that division once and for all. But a football in the german bund as the brain were desperate for a home. After those in the 1st 2 matches this season could bring and finally get their european ambitions off the ground. 0 mosque their dream and coach florian cole felt received the backing of the fans after a bad start to the season they were looking for their 1st points against out there was europe their aim this term. And the home crowd soon had something to shout him out yet to suckle making it one nil up to just 6 minutes out those defensive line was far too high. But the visitors hit back stefan links china finding fellow swiss ruben vargas for the equaliser the 2 recent arrivals showing a great understanding. Braman though continue to fratton and josh argent showed super the skill to put them back in front on 21 minutes the 19 year old american is already making a name for himself in northern germany. It got better over the hose when luke china picked up a 2nd booking and was sent off just after the half hour mark home but instead of falling apart at the regroup for the 2nd half. And vargas got his and his side 2nd right after the restart. Game on. Graeme an extra man began to tell however and japans own suckle snatched the winner 432167 minutes his 3rd goal of the season the same amount he managed in the whole of the last campaign up i was burger still to get their 1st win but bremen are now off the mark. For now the czech capital prague is home to lots of grand buildings including im. Ornate opera house but some in the citys culture scene are keen to attract new audiences by doing things a little differently one proposal is staging a twist on an opera classic Mozarts Don Giovanni with a rather unorthodox seating arrangement lets just say youd be well advised to take it out. This year. Not the way opera lovers usually enjoy their favorite pastime. But for one night fans savored the music in a stunning quite different from a grand opera house. I dont normally follow the opera so closely but to see don giovanni down this way from a bath tub with a nice view of the prague castle its something incredible scrutiny on its own. Security checks in there is performed best loved arias from the mozart classic which premiered in prague back in 787. Percent over a motorhome as opposed to the very top there when the old guys are asked me to be part of this event it was a daring step for me as of a minute 30 trying something very nontraditional novia but i like new challenges. So the wish to have bill becomes even less of the kill even though of course people in the theater are also in the mood to listen to a nice opera. But its different here the atmosphere the view the wind and the bathtub all make it a bit different than. The idea according to promoters is just about culture in new and innovative ways as the best way to preserve it for new generations. This is the dublin years our top stories the head of the International Red cross in yemen has said and as strike by the saudis that coalition hit a Detention Center killing at least 100 prisoners the Saudi Led Coalition is that it had attacked what it said was a military target. American dorian has battered the bahamas with winds of 300 kilometers an hour the category 5 storm is now moving towards the u. S. Where the straits of florida georgia and South Carolina have issued evacuation orders as many as a 1000000 people could be forced to leave their homes. Leaders of the far right alternative for Germany Party who have held strong gains in 2 state elections they say mainstream parties will now have to reconsider their previous refusal to work with them despite the populist surge mainstream parties have retain control of saxony and brandenburg. A major rescue operation is underway off the coast of california after a commercial diving boat caught fire dozens of people are missing and feared dead the captain of the of the burning vessel is said to be safe and helping with the rescue this is d. W. News line from baghdad as always youll find the latest headlines around the clock at d. W. Dot com or you can follow us on twitter at steve w. News. Coming up next to a day w. s a science show tomorrow today this time with a look at how likely it is that the earth will be hit by a deadly meteorite. Yes something to look forward to ill be back at the top of the hour if we make it out of a good. Colleagues on nothing more than our series on tomorrow today we want to see what he saw to experience what drove a journey through latin america following in the footsteps of the great scientists. Next stop cutting me off in colombia tracing the history of the slaves. To our budget deficit. Natural richardson or precious resources. And a rewarding investment. Of farmland has been called ethiopias growing goal to the country has an abundance of life leases it to International Giants the government is after high export revenues of the corporations high Profit Margins but not everyone benefits from the booming business. With you when i saw the altos or clearing the land i was devastated to give it up with a bulldoze the land without my permission in the world and knew it belonged i mean a woman. Expropriation environmental destruction starvation. The price for government and corporate. Selling out of our country. Dead donkeys fear no he knows. Start september 18th on d w. Youre watching tomorrow today the science show on t w coming up. Whats in a voice how pitch tempo and internation influence the success of the speech. Its all about cartledge arthritis is one of the most common joint disorders we make a scientist who hopes to curate. And continuing our journey in one box footsteps we look at the legacy of slavery in the

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