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A great Prime Minister and one thing upon his has to do is get other people to do the work and im full partners for making the charge that. Were going to rise and king all the guy rapes still starts and if you keep. Looking forward to have a good looking relations with him that many different and difficult issues to tackle together you can break the deal mr jones. Also coming up in the u. S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez under attack again last week it was a hateful tweet from the u. S. President now 2 Police Officers are accused of using facebook to suggest someone should shoot her both of these officers we consider have violated our. Policy. These regarding social media. We have a 0. Tolerance policy. This incident we feel has been an embarrassment to our department. And to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and all around the world welcome we begin the day on the eve of a new political era in britain the era of Prime Minister Boris Johnson today Boris Johnson the former mayor of london the former British Foreign minister and one of the leading bright city years was elected to head the conservative party tomorrow he is expected to become the new Prime Minister and johnson seized his partys leadership in a landslide victory but consider this those conservative Party Members who hoisted him to power they represent 110th of one percent of the British Population and the numbers in parliament theyre also small he takes power with a majority of just 2 seats well this is anything but a mandate and that is what johnson inherits from theresa may who spent 3 years as Prime Minister trying to take britain out of the European Union her motto busy was brakes it means brakes it but we now know brakes it meant exit for reese and me what will it mean for Boris Johnson a no deal crash out of the e. U. Well no one really knows tonight what we do know is that even in the face of these tremendous challenges johnson knows how to turn a dud into a dude. Deliver bricks it unite the country and defeat Jeremy Corbett and that is if. I know i know someone somewhere has already pointed out that deliver in night and defeat was not the perfect acronym for an Election Campaign since all pushing it spells done but they forgot the final easy my friends easy for energy audience and i say i say to all the doctors. We are going to energize the country were going to get bricks it done on october thought it was going to take advantage of all dont you news that it will bring in a new spirit of can do all right they can do due to Boris Johnson weve got complete coverage of this transition of power that is about to take place in britain. Barbara vey so she is standing by in london and here at the big table with me is john worth a political blogger of all things breck said any familiar face to our viewers here to both of you welcome barbara let me start with you johnson is for filling a lifelong ambition by becoming Prime Minister do we know what he will give britain in return. Now from what weve just heard brant something seems perfectly clear there will be a lot of that warm and fuzzy feeling there will be a lot of tall talk bushels full of full of patriotism and of course Boundless Energy and endless optimism all these good things Boris Johnson will bring to britain then you off course will have to sort of scrape around and the budget and see whether you can find the money for some further tax cuts because oh you already beguiled his own tory party by offering tax cuts of for the better off the Elderly Population the white population that is represented in that party 7 botch he has to find the money trees that doesnt give something to the people at large he might try to do that but of course it is all about emotion yeah and sheldon as we can tell by the people there behind. John you know i mentioned this is the 1st time that tend to not only to try to get through. Lets talk about what the history being made here this is the 1st time that a Party Membership has directly elected britains Prime Minister what does that mean for his credibility at the start he has very limited credibility thats been exactly the critique should it just be this 160000 members that elect him we knew that he can appeal to those people now hes going to be really tested in terms of how this kind of village injury appeal he supposedly has will actually work in the in the in the general population the difficulty is of course is that he doesnt bring any look like he wants a general election to happen because of course that would be the real way of managing to test fish could he kind of puts puts and his brakes and plans to the people might differ a general election or a 2nd referendum i want you to take a listen to how johnson today tried to inspire his fellow conservatives take a listen. I read in my Financial Times this morning that their new incoming leader their incoming leader has ever faced such a daunting set of circumstances that said well i look at you this morning and i ask myself do you look to wanted do you feel do indeed i dont think i didnt get you to remake me dont dont barbara i dont think you look daunted either i mean what we had there was a pep talk for the party will it work though for the people what do you think. Its also seems that Boris Johnson was trying to sort of pick himself up to sort of give himself courage because in his in our heart he must know whats ahead he must know how difficult a lot of these issues are going to be the 1st thing hes going to be faced with is the iran tank a crisis that is not going to be just talked out of the room it will not happen he will need a lot of diplomacy and other skills that he doesnt seem to possess in abundance to sort of monsters things like that so that is the one side the British Public thats been a snap poll today that said that about 50 percent of the public at large i was very skeptical to put it mildly about Boris Johnson many are you ready to say he might turn out to be quite horrible Prime Minister and about 30 percent say no we dont have very big expectations from him so yes he has a lot of convincing to do the point here is brant that they know him theyve seen him for us they like his act i think hes funny he was a star on on t. V. Here for many years but is he a Prime Minister people might expect Something Else more serious knee seriousness and a completely different person from the guy who is going to be moving into downing street tomorrow yeah its a good point you made to barbara i mean if youre expectations are not too high and youre the chances of you disappointing are not too high john what about bricks how wifely is a new deal brick signal that johnson is going to be the Prime Minister. Faces exactly the same problem entry arithmetic that theresa may face if this is not to pull them and making a decision about brakes at all no brakes it has various different variants of brakes in its moaning and just made couldnt get a break to deal for parliament Boris Johnson is not going to be able to get a new deal breaks in. 3 pollens all you and indeed the parliamentary opposition is already building against his plans so hes going to face exactly the same difficulties that reason many face do you think parliament will have the power there will they be able to find it powered if they need to to take away the authority and pretend to know they have the most ballistic power youre going to need which is going to be to no confidence the government now theyve not gone that far yet but a few conservative backbenchers the kind of regular members of parliament of the conservative party have already said we would be willing to cross the house basically to join the opposition parties if that would be what it would take to stop and no deal breaks it and so that and also hes trying some palm and he tricks to try to run down the clock to get to no deal by default but again the kind of closed off those routes to so therefore the chances he gets to no deal by 31st october remain very very slim because he still has parliament against him in the same ways to rescind that and doesnt have a lot of time either i mean october 31st will be here before we have a parliamentary recess they are going on holidays right of course very sweet says exactly right crisis is probably going to break council only in september and i want you to take a listen what struck us today was the way Boris Johnson described britains love to hate relationship with europe john and barbara both of you take a listen to this today these people to a moment in our history we again have to reconcile 2 sets of instance 2 noble sets of instance between the deep desire for friendship and free trade and mutual support and security and defense between britain and our European Partners and the symbol tanian desire. Equally deep and heartfelt the democratic selfgovernment in this country i mean it sounds like hes describing you know i love you but youre a ball and chain at the same time barber youve covered brussels the European Union for a long time how do you think brussels reads that comment. If Boris Johnson comes in to brussels and walks into the door and says i feel this deep friendship for you everybody there knows that its time to sort of dive on the table to take protection i mean it is of course not really credible he everybody news that those motional sort of utterances coming from boris are not were is sort of the microphone stand spoken into theyve known Boris Johnson for years theyve known his plays in his career as a journalist in brussels where he really influenced for years Public Opinion in britain by his full of pieces 7 you know containing all these negative stories and myths about the European Union all of that is not forgotten they knew him as a foreign minister where there was just a trace of devastation left and right in paris and other chemicals throughout the world that is not forgotten so they know what to expect from the man and they will hardly believe a word they hear and do you agree with john i mean its Boris Johnson is he a committed brick city here we dont really know because he was it was rumored that he actually wrote a pro rata main piece for his newspaper column as well as in private some woman to publish i think hes himself quite a cosmopolitan but hes a bit of a political comedian if you like he changes his colors according to the moment and ultimately brussels trades in detail in part in concrete ways of getting bricks done and thats what weve not heard from Boris Johnson i think those longings that he just spoke to just basically trying to play to julian says that because within the conservative party and he doesnt want to choose between so i just see that as a me for kind of an internal audiences consumption and i consider that and then listen to what the Vice President of the European Commission what he said today about you know whats coming from london to listen the worlds politics is. Right of Colorful People these days if you cant deal with them theres not much you could do. My fights would be just to you know to stick to your position and have a reasonable attitude and stick to the position that this is the best deal possible. And i think this is the approach you need as will have you know i mean that thats the European Union saying that were not changing our story its the reason mayor Boris Johnson its the same exactly and and also the European Union has been united it has said we have the Withdrawal Agreement on the table we are sticking to that there is no reason for us to reopen that weve told agreement and also from the u. K. Side there is no concrete plan either so why should the European Union stray from the line that its taken it will require some serious thinking in some serious politics some Boris Johnson to try to get brussels to move and thats been completely lacking and frankly the leadership and the irony too is that that 3 times rejected plan by theresa may for breaks that it is still not did her her time as Prime Minister is over but that plan may come back to this is the 2nd component at the circle political declaration which is not legally binding i. E. They might be a bit of room for maneuver there to basically give Boris Johnson some kind of flowery aims that he can bring back to london but still it came back to the point he still faces palm entry of arithmetic that is against him so he might ultimately have to come to face the think he doesnt want a general election or even a 2nd referendum because ultimately theres no of the way out of the breaks conundrum let me ask you both about the world beyond today the u. S. President dollar trump he congratulated Boris Johnson i think he was one of the 1st leaders if not the 1st leader to do so take a listen. We have a really good man is going to be the Prime Minister of the u. K. Now for so. Smart. This is a britain truck they call top and speak with saying thats a good thing that they like me over there thats what they wanted. Ok barbara go there when do you britain trump. Idea remember that it doesnt make sense to be a man liberations here in london the biggest we have a son. He made us we have a saw. And what about this notion of Boris Johnson being a british version of donald trump. Now that seems rather clear and present danger about the bigger danger is really that he will leave britain to the point where it becomes. Donald trump who will i mean weve been there was tony blair and george w. Bush the british popular populations does remember that is really stuck in collective memory and if he goes that way things can go very wrong very quickly for him look at iraq the crisis with iran if he now turns if he doesnt get from these european allies what he went on quickly enough in the military way he might turn to washington and say ok i guess it was the americans what does that mean that he will adopt is absolutely more biliteral and stance towards iran that he will lose the support and the alliance was paris and berlin and it will be a whole different ball game is in Foreign Policy will he do it nobody you know it is a danger and of course brecks it if he does throw his luck was donald trump and says all we really need is a really quick good trade deal with the United States he can probably have it and he might throw british interests overboard so that is really what is behind this and Boris Johnson seems to be not principled enough to avoid it let me ask both of you before we run out of time we know the line is like sober 31st a lot can happen between now and then will Boris Johnson be Prime Minister on bricks day our job or 31st john you and then all of the. Really think he wont be because i think by the also him hes majority will have disappeared he will have to face a general election the Tea Party Leaders is he made a seat which is sold in any remaining bridge in london and so therefore 31st what type of british political crisis well most of come to an end but Boris Johnson may have to have the last word what do you think. Pretty similar to what john did the british betting shops are now offering odds of 6. 00 to 1. 00 that barrys johnson is going to be out by christmas i sort of might put some money on that all right if you were a betting woman that is. On the story boards tonight in london in oregon where youre going to say well johns a betting man as well to both of you thank you thank you. In the United States to Police Officers have been fired after reportedly suggesting on facebook that someone should shoot congresswoman alexandria accost you cortez now what youre looking at here is a screenshot of that Facebook Post which has since been deleted a Police Officer from louisiana refers to the congresswoman as a vial idiot who needs a rail and he writes further i dont mean the kind that she used to serve now that is a reference to past job as a bartender where she served up rounds of drinks around did this case reverbs to around of you guessed it ammunition. Well today the chief of police in gretna louisiana fired the 2 officers heres part of what he had to say the investigation was conducted. The officer did fully cooperate with the of this to gauge. And gave a statement. And was terminated earlier today from the Gretna Police department. Along with that in part of the investigation in our internal affairs found that the 2nd officer. Was involved and like the post. And that officer as well has been terminated from the ground the police department. Both of these officers we consider have violated our. Policies regarding social media. We have a 0. Tolerance policy. This incident we feel has been an embarrassment to our department you know and embarrassments that has cost them 2 officers their jobs this cross now into the u. S. Capitol in washington d. C. Where our very own all over salad is on the story for us tonight good evening to you oliver so what more do we know about this disturbing to say the least case. Well thats certainly a new quality of a Police Officer obviously representing Law Enforcement in the United States if he takes to his personal facebook account and there are calls for a congresswoman of the United States to be shot and in addition to that it seems like the Police Officer fell for a fake news story that is he posted an article that was falsely quoting congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez saying that soldiers are getting paid too much so the article itself was branded satire and if you put that article into a fact and a Fact Checking web sites here in the us then you would get a result saying that the source of this article is a website that frequently publishes mis information. And so we dont know whether or not the Police Officer knew that whether you acted deliberately or whether he just fell for that fake news story about eventually he got fired for violating the social media guidelines of his department and together with him a colleague who liked his facebook account so a combination of news in hate speech and maybe incitement to violence is will not a good indian beer we knew all over this isnt the 1st time that cause you has faced abuse while we know if this is. Or right and we have to mention that this whole case comes on the heels of an ongoing story and to those who havent followed it its President Trumps racist tweets against for non 5 congresswoman where he insulted them and said that they have to go back to the countries they came from now 3 of them were actually born in the United States and all of them of course have the american citizenship which is a prerequisite of becoming a congressman or congresswoman here in the United States but these 4 nonwhite. 6 Congress Women the ideal opponents for President Trump hes really trying hard to make them the faces off the Democratic Party for being what he says radical socialists in fact there are simply progressive and having ideas like Free Health Care Free Education but that obviously attacking them goes down very well with donald Trump Supporters you know over we should point out there is a new opinion poll out since. Those tweets. For congresswomen the july poll by n. P. R. P. B. S. And nearest College Shows Approval Rating among registered voters you have reached a new high of 44 percent and again thats an after trumps twitter attacks against those 4 Progressive Democratic congresswoman including alexandria calls you. So busy before we run out of time let me ask you what do these numbers tell us. Well the Approval Rating is still low in comparison but at the same time its the highest that this particular poll has ever recorded and that comes after his series of racist tweets so it does seem like hes successful with what hes doing and hes actually even admitting that he was asked recently by a reporter you not afraid that a these tweets could be considered racist and he said no not at all because there was a lot of people like what im saying here and that is now obviously reflected in these recent polls that the more he is inside doing this kind of hate speech the more at least his voter base or parts of his voter base are voting or supporting him and seeing thinking that is right what hes saying there over what is used to load should be coming 2020. Well that trump is playing with fear here and hes done that before and you just have to look back to the midterm elections for example where he instead of focusing on the booming economy you focused on a caravan track getting closer to the southern border of the United States that he believes is the biggest threat for the United States and we are going to get a similar Election Campaign in 2020 for sure our rights are very own all over sell it on the story for us in washington tonight all over thank you. Well the day is almost gone the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either at g. W. News or you can follow me at werent going to t. V. Dont forget can use the hash tag the day every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then everybody. In the. Economies cant function properly even in times of demand. Without skilled work. With the national council. With food shortages. Scarcity is increasingly making things difficult for companies and entire economy whats causing this and what can be done to combat the problem. Made in germany next on d w. Our consumerism is causing a radical depletion the 1st spoke. For 25. Years in. Forests and money. The tragic reality behind the exploitation of junk. 35. Robots are still in the development phase. But its going to happen when the growth. Will humans and machines be able to peacefully coexist or are we on the verge of a robot collapse. Artificial intelligence is now spreading throughout our society chaotic experts be able to agree on ethical guidelines or will this Technology Create deadly new autonomous weapon systems. Dice for robot collapse starts aug 14th on t. W. Empty shelves long queues for food and everyday items for people in the form a communist eastern germany it was a pos of reality an economy come run out of many things food fuel Raw Materials but also what stassi has many faces all topics

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