A sheet in the arctic they were hoarding record highs in a land that usually frozen all year round. Thats good to have you with us members of the European Parliament have made history by electing the 1st woman as Commission President germanys outgoing defense minister it was a line one lawmaker support for the role she has promised to quote united and strong europe saying she would work constructively and pragmatically to achieve it she was voted in by a narrow majority. Uncertainty until the very last minute. The members of the European Parliament knew the vote on the next Commission President was going to be close but not even the candidate herself. On the line would have thought it was going to be that close. Vote the for votes in favor but he sure 383. 109 secured the majority by just 9 votes a week results in the end still enough to celebrate. My message so all of you is let us worth together constructively because the endevor is a united a strong euro. The former German Defense minister spent the last 2 weeks building a majority trying to convince the political groups in the European Parliament to support her bid should this be her final address to parliament which some called the speech of her lifetime seem to have tilt of the scale in her favor but having the backing of her conservative p. P. P. Group she could afford moving towards the left and resonating with other groups on issues such as climate. This is the greatest responsibility and opportunity of our times. I want europe to become the 1st climate neutral continent in the world by 2050. 1 that night has vowed to fight for a greener fairer and more people based here but to rely on a problem and so fragmented building majorities around any of these issues is likely to prove difficult. Are brussels barrow chief max huff month spoke to the new Commission President elect shortly after the vote. Is with us today and i have a very simple questions and start out the interview how are you feeling. Relieved and happy because it was a tough ride over 13 days now i had to. Formulate the guidelines the political guidelines and to convince the parliamentarians this was not a lot of time and i made it and im happy right now does the majority bother you that it was only 9 votes ahead. Majorities majority and 2 weeks ago i didnt have at all a majority of course understand that because the parliamentarian said we want to know more of you we want to know what your program is we want to know the details of the topics were dealing with so it was a tough time a very intense of the most intensive in my political career ive ever had but now im happy and you happy with the speech you delivered the feedback you got yes because it showed my conviction and its worth to fight for this europe and its best to tell the story of our europe a united and strong how i see it for the future and so this was a important moment you made a lot of promises today you do realize itll be very tough to keep all of those right but its right its not promises its politics and policy would want to bring forward if were talking about the climate neutral continent in 2050 its necessary that we act we have to take bold action to achieve those goals and we need it for our planet and for life so these all these topics are extremely important and we have to be ambitious and what would you say of all those topics you talked about which is your absolute top priority i think top priority is. The climate mutuality 2050 with a goal for 2013 and digitalization those are the 2 biggest concerns all opportunities. We have to tackle youre going to work with a divided parliament where its harder than ever to get a majority and also you could say with a divided council because you have a rift between Eastern Europe and the other European Countries for example on migration how will you handle this i think we absolutely have to overcome the division of east and west between east and west i know that people in the Eastern Countries central European Countries often think they are not accepted as they should be and as i have been working as a defense minister very much in those countries i have a lot of friends and they trust me so i know how to Work Together that we can improve the relationship and there is a division between north and south has to do with questions of competitiveness and flexibility and we have to solve that too why that because europe has to be united there are many many Big Questions we have to tackle and europe has to play a role and we only can do that when we are united ok so what are you doing over the summer. Ill spend it in process of getting my cabinet there the commissioners on board and to work on my Work Programme that i have to lay down and lay out in october with. President elect of the European Commission thank you very much for talking to us. All with a laugh and a light has now a step down from her role as germanys defense minister she will be succeeded by and i got our she is also the leader of Anglo American conservative Christian Democrats Party and is widely seen as americas protege but ask our assumes her new post critics say she has a lot of catching up to do. There are different ways to spend your buck. Day as she turned 65 angle america was treated to flowers by her cabinet colleagues and she treated herself to congratulating her now former defense minister always a laugh underly and on what is equally a victory for america her election as new e. U. Commission president. A short while later the german chancellor got to lift a 2nd ally to a higher political level by appointing an aggrieved come cared about her successor c. D. U. Party leader as the new defense minister quite a celebration. As a k. K. As she is known then carried out her fast inspection of the on a guard she gave standard ministers speak with. Those men that influence never forget that men and women that serve and fight abroad for us. This is a great responsibility which im very aware of and will live up to. And i very much look forward to the task ahead. Of me to come. No questions an out but with no defense experience she will have some convincing to do for have to lead the Nato Spearhead until 2023 we dont have the time for her to learn on the job. And k. K. Has been working hard to shake off a provincial image as the former leader of a small german state of stalin and see duty she has often appeared clumsy failing to find an appropriate response to criticism by a you tube star tight as a cabinet member comcast and bob will have to take a marching orders from the chancellor now trading some of her liberties as party leader while getting closer to one day perhaps becoming chancellor herself. And for more on that we have our chief Political Correspondent linda crane with us here in studio hi melinda i think id come come by the next defense minister was it a surprise absolutely it was a surprise because around 2 weeks ago she absolutely ruled out the idea that she might become the successor to ursula found a lot in fact ruled out taking on any ministry post saying that she wanted to concentrate on her job as Party Leaders so when this news broke last night most people thought this this cant be this is astonishing there are a couple of reasons why this would have been of interest to her and the main one is that shes made some real missteps in the last few. Months her star has been on the wane and this gives her an opportunity to show what she can do in terms of hands on government she has never held a federal ministry before and this is a big tough challenge this ministry literally is full of minefields no pun intended given its defense but it if she succeeds in addressing some of the problems there then certainly that will help her profile and therefore also raise her profile and therefore also give her more credibility in her push to become the chancellor when uncle americal does step down you said yourself this is a tough job some say the toughest one of the toughest at least in berlin what are some of the challenges that are now facing her well start with hardware meaning everything from Weapons Systems to planes as many people will have followed on our news bulletins the German Defense operation has really been struggling with problems she needs to ensure that there is proper maintenance carried out many of the planes are grounded and then she also needs to modernize weapon systems and hardware so thats the 1st point theyre also struggling with a real shortage of recruits for the going to sphere theres a lot of competition out there were close to full employment in germany so difficult to get recruits particularly in critical areas like Digital Skills and going to sphere is looking to upgrade those so thats another problem area and then theres the question of the budget as you know theres been a lot of pressure on germany to up its contribution to nato to also take more responsibility in military missions abroad we know that a great crime can buy our supports a stronger financial contribution but shes going to have some tough going to go she added with her colleagues in the finance ministry so those are just 3 very tough challenges that. She will face an opportunity to prove herself but also a lot of pitfalls and one that just briefly what do you think all of this seeing as a left underlined being named a european Commission President now. Defense minister 2 allies of the chancellor Angela Merkel what do you think that says about where she stands right right now how strong she is chancellor well you know its her birthday today shes turning 65 and i would say she can definitely be celebrating she has a key ally now who will be running the European Commission theyre both moderates this doesnt mean that underlying will be doing the bidding of the German Government but certainly thats a real bond between the 2 of them and on a great crime convo is also a key ally of the chancellor shes also to some degree a moderate at least in areas that will count in defense and Security Policy and for that reason i think that the chancellor can be very satisfied indeed she has wanted to put more women into positions of power and she has really done that these last 2 days you know right our chief Political Correspondent melinda crane of thank you for that insight. Now to some other stories making news around the world in sudan protesters and ruling generals have signed a political document part of a power sharing deal paving the way for a civilian government this has been one of the key demands of demonstrators since president Omar Al Bashir was ousted in april a 2nd constitutional document is likely to be signed within days of reconstruction and rescue operations are underway across south asia after heavy monsoon rains caused massive flooding and landslides millions are affected and officials estimate that at least 180 people have died floods hit india they paul in bangladesh refugee camps have experienced extensive damage. In the South African musician and antiapartheid activist johnny clegg has died after a long battle with cancer the Grammy Nominated artist who spoke fluent zulu crafted hits fired by harmonies and defied the south africa system of institutionalized racial segregation by forming bold tired racial ban with 66. Today marks 5 years since the Malaysia Airlines flight m. H. 17 was blasted out of the sky as it flew over Eastern Ukraine killing all on board blame was swiftly placed on a russian made surface to air missile but moscow disputed those claims last month an International Probe charged 4 men with murder over the incident heres a look at how the investigation unfold. Flight m. H. 17 was shot out of the sky on july 17th 2014. All 298 people on board were killed most of them were dutch nationals the plane had departed from amsterdam and was headed to kuala lumpur but the boeing 777 disappeared off radar screens about 3 hours after takeoff while flying over part of Eastern Ukraine held by pro russian rebels. International condemnation was swift and fingers were pointed at moscow. Sanctions against russia for its annexation of crimea what we already in place and western nations toughened those measures in response. In the investigation that followed an International Team led by the netherlands found fragments at the scene of the crash which they said probably came from a russian misdialed they said the missile exploded outside the plane causing it to break apart investigators later said they had irrefutable evidence that the missile came from the territory of the Russian Federation last month they named 4 men 3 russians and one ukrainian as murder suspects in the inquiry. Theyre expected to face trial next year moscow has always denied involvement and says investigators have not provided any proof it was responsible for shooting down the plane. Lets get more on the story with journalist stefan both he joins us from the dutch m. H. 17 National Monument near amsterdam hi stefan the downing of this plane is being remembered what is happening where you are. Well at the moment so the ceremony has just begun econd tell you that the dutch Prime Minister mark carreau to ease here to express also his frustration if you will about the tragedy its my understanding that he will also at least in directly out to russia course the International Investigation is suggesting that russia was behind the attack now i can tell you that many relatives have a arrived here some of them actually are saying that they still remember its as if it happened yesterday they are very emotional there are 298 trees here behind me not far from where i am now with the names of those who passed away in the trying to g. And actually the names will be old so or at out here today 7 a trial against 4 people who allegedly were involved that will start in the netherlands next year so what evidence that do dutch authorities claim to have against them. Well they are saying that whole so a lot of evidence shows that a Russian Missile was used against the plane to have no doubts that it came from units of the russian army and also they have linked 3 key russians and a ukrainian even some of them quite high to hike into commands which would suggest even according to soma investigators at least that perhaps the kremlin was somehow indirectly or directly involved south course were denying that it is clearly something done to the netherlands so wants to have and search the 2 its already 5 years now after the strategy and they really hope that those involved will let it get their day in court sooner or later. Journalists effervesce reporting there in the netherlands where commemorations are taking place today thank you stefan. All right lets get the russian perspective on all of this our correspondent emily sure when standing by for us in moscow. As we hear the netherlands is pointing the finger directly at russia here what is moscows latest position on all of this. While moscows position remains largely unchanged even 5 years after this tragedy they strongly deny any involvement in the downing of the image 17 we heard in a Statement Today from the Foreign Ministry that russia was saying that they are and have always been open to cooperating with the International Investigation they also said that they would want to find those who were really responsible rather than as they see it people who were kind of blamed in advance now russia sees this whole incident as an opportunity as it were to blame russia once again for something that happened on the International Stage almost as an as an International Plot against russia and they also accuse the joint Investigative Team committee that has been investigating the mh 17 downing of being kind of biased and weve seen that today on state t. V. As well kind of repeating the line and also blaming ukraine once again for not closing its airspace to civilian air traffic during times of crisis and we mentioned there is a trial thats supposed to start in the netherlands next year and 3 of the 4 suspects are russian who are these men. Well all of them are linked to the russian army and one of them is a colonel who used to work in the f s d the Russian Security service 2 of them were formally employed also by the g r g r u v russias military Intelligence Agency and all of them are linked to russian backed separatists in ukraine one of them even lead separatist forces in ukraine in 2014 but its unlikely that those 3 nationals will kind of come to trial that they will attend the trial of russian law actually. Doesnt allow the extradition of its nationals and also the position of russia as ive said remains unchanged when those accusations came out against those 3 russian nationals the Foreign Ministry called the accusations against the 3 men unfounded. When reporting for us in moscow thank you emily. Youre watching news still to come scientists sound the alarm in the arctic they say temperatures are rising significantly in a land that is usually frozen all year round. But 1st the german army has been hosting chinese troops at a military base in the south of the country together the 2 sides have been carrying out drills for one of the worst Case Scenarios they might encounter a pandemic outbreak they exchange to prepare both countries to respond to high casualty emergencies as they embark on un aid missions. Casualties injured by land mines are brought to a un military facility it could be anywhere in the world its only a scenario but german and Chinese Armed forces medical staff a working together to treat the wounded the fictional operation in real bavaria is bringing unlikely partners together troops from the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army to taking part in an exercise on german soil for the 1st time the chinese soldiers have been training for the last 2 weeks with their counterparts from the german army the bundeswehr a german Chinese Military exercise seems odd at 1st but china is investing heavily in its military forces and its bonding not only for unilateral purposes chinas getting increasingly involved in the un missions abroad and serves germany which gathered a lot of experience in this field in the last couple of years for example in mali where German Armed Forces trained soldiers both china and germany contribute in mali to the Un Peacekeeping mission during the able entrepreneur in 2014 the country was severely threatened by the epidemic. Back in the varia german and chinese troops are training for a serious of possible disastrous such as an outbreak of an Infectious Disease at the un refugee camp. A joint team runs tests in a mobile field. To. Weve learnt a lot about things that arent available in our country the technology in germany is very practical and we can learn from that from the. Corporation is so far limited to emergency medical scenarios the new plans at the moment for joint military missions but even these tentative 1st steps help the Un Peacekeeping partners to gain a better understanding of each other. At 1st the idea of working together with chinese soldiers is strange its a very different culture but every day we work and practice together barrios break down and real friendships develop. But if germany and china are deploying more military resources around the world this joint training should help both countries to run challenging ready operations more effectively in the future but not to a heatwave in the arctic scientists in canada say they have observed record temperatures earlier this week at a weather station in the worlds northernmost permanently inhabited spot its on a military base less than 600 miles from the north pole. T. Shirt weather in this treeless tundra here in the alert the northernmost permanent human settlement on the planet where snow and frost last all year temperatures hit a record high of 70 degrees fahrenheit or 21 degrees celsius. This summer has wreaked havoc on the arctic chill bringing balmy weather to a land not adapted to deal with it. A recent report showed greenland glaciers are receding faster than previously thought. This video from a greenland climate researcher went viral sled dogs sloshing across melting ice on the inglefield fjord. An uncommon number of wildfires like this one in Anchorage Alaska have also lit up the arctic and subarctic regions this season of fires are not unheard of in the arctic but Scientists Say this summer was an omen of Global Warming there have been unprecedented wildfires in the arctic since the beginning of june according to the World Meteorological organization over 100 intense and long lived wildfires were recorded in the Arctic Circle the northern part of the world is warming faster than the planet as a whole that heat is drying out forests and making them more susceptible to burn the wildfires in turn spew more carbon into the atmosphere increasing the effects of Climate Change scientists warn its a vicious cycle that puts the future of the ice caps in doubt. Now police at spains barcelona airport are no strangers to drug smugglers who often come up with ingenious ways of bringing illegal substances into the country well this past week a man seen here wearing a hat and a rather large wig sparked the suspicions of officers and the man who arrived on a flight from colombia was asked to remove his wig revealing half a kilo of cocaine glued to his head he was then swiftly arrested what police are calling operation to pay. Or minor now of our top story here on germanys or the left on the line has won a close vote to become the 1st woman the e. U. Commission president she had previously been serving as a defense minister in chancer im going back on skype. Coming up on the date of your news asia china goes on the diplomatic offensive to justify its detention of muslims well look at how beijing is controlling the message coming out of. Taking up the pieces were injured refugees in bangladesh begin to rebuild after monsoon rains washed away thousands of shanty hopes. And approaching a buffer wait well see how one malaysian teenager is turning the world of professional wrestling on its head. Right be our strategy have so stories coming right up on if you dont use asia dont go away. Quiet melody resounds michael light of the mood. And did some repeat resonate with and its all. The mind and the music. Aint open 1st wand 2019 from september 6th to september 29th. Earth home to millions of species a home worth saving. Yes much of those are big changes and most start with small steps global ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world like teams have a project the climate most Green Energy Solutions and reforestation. They create interactive content teaching the next generation about Environmental Protection and more determined to build something here for the next generation of my deals the multimedia environment series on d. W. Crassly. Chapel which i dont know the suit me these 2 digit have. Discovered the. Documentary on. This. For their faith more than a 1000000 muslim minorities. On the diplomatic offensive to justify its actions how long can it continue with what the u. S. Has called concentration camps. It was expected to happen. After. The settlements. Begin to pick up the

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