The v. W. Perseid is the most successful midsize in the world more than 30000000 of them have been sold since it was introduced in 1973 b. H. Generation of the model has been given a facelift and is ready for launch the only problem says our car to say jambo here is that some would say little or nothing has changed and when it comes to the exterior be right and changes are under the hood and the new push side is the 1st car to carry the latest generation m. Might be 3 Modular Infotainment and the 1st with v. W. Is traveling so in the catchwords are always on updates over the air connected services activated and partially automated driving young once did try it out in the. Beam me up. The range of technical changes may be why but the facade slow case change from. Very slightly. And a pair of redesigned headlights. In back has been moved to the middle of a. Big trim has been reworked as have the tail lights. Beeman cut and run says the percent cant blame em up yet but the interior is packed with digital bells and whistles does not come as sure as will instantly notice the i am a log clock is gone and doesnt fit in the bright new Digital World but yet it is focusing on the i might be 3 every precise now comes equipped with a sim card so the car is always online and that brings a whole range of advantages the cars system can be updated wirelessly like a smartphone and the vehicle can also receive traffic updates in real time speech recognition is intuitive so you dont have to use standardized commands but can just talk to the car. I dont. Want to. He demonstrates telling the person that hes hungry and it replies by providing a list of restaurants in the area and asking him to choose one young decides its time for a quick bite. Although the Modular Infotainment system is new the v. W. Engineers didnt touch the cockpits fundamental structure customers do however now have a wider range of upholstery and trim colors to choose from. Along with the mit 3 has also done a lot to its collection of drivers to systems which are now consolidated under the name i think you drive a new app is the travel assist system which allows level 2 automated driving a fully autonomys car where passengers dont have to do a thing but sit back and relax would be classified as level 5. Like beaming says yeah but thats still quite a way down the road the new push side has level 2 autonomy the system can take over steering but the driver is still responsible for what the car does and is required to monitor. And the system and take control when necessary the travelers just system is activated via a button on the Steering Wheel after pressing it the percent begins following the lane and automatically braking when traffic is approaching a speed limit change or an intersection or action is coming up says he afterwards it accelerates again to an appropriate speed. This system has a speed range of 0 to 210 kilometers an hour and works on highways and country roads of a car uses radar to measure distances and cameras to track lane markings the traveler says also has access to navigational data and road sign david as a counterweight to control strategy. It works fine as long as the capacity of steering sensors the drivers hands on the wheel. And as its been hit my own says that hes someone who easily gets into c. S. T. Go about technical developments and the system functions very well but he also likes driving himself and has to admit that in the course of the day when he turned on the travel assist system he was much more tense than when he was in control thats because you have to keep an eye on the system all the time he says and. Even by monday. You know. Most wagon has also worked over the adaptive Suspension System and shock absorbers along with the standard comfort normal in sports settings you can no fine tune the driving experience by choosing from a range of 15 intermediate senate. Fights john says volkswagen has never been a pioneer when it comes to installing new technology in his come. Cars other manufactures adopted more quickly but when we w. Doesnt stop what he says and the systems will generally function very well in our intuitive to use and thats the case with the new push side as well which has now caught up with the times with the addition of the m i be 3 and travel is this is stops. This is the b. M. W. 430 convertible the bavarian car maker launched the 4 series in 2013 as a successor to the more luxurious 3 series and its been a resounding success more than 400000 of them have been sold worldwide since now alongside the coupe a and grandkid pay models the convertible is meant to draw even more customers to a brand known for its good handling but it also waste 225 kilograms more than its cousins will it live up to the image. Of a car to stimulus couple says that despite its 800 kilograms the convertible is quite sporty you notice the extra waving curves of course but it doesnt particularly bother him. The convertible resembles the rest of the series closely though it has been given at least the twin headlights and fog lights the front skirting has also been all. The models long hood makes the b. M. W. Look both dynamic and elegant and the snapper rocks blue paint job on it was just his car makes it even snazzier though buyers would have to shell out the 100. 00 euros for the extra standards for the lecture line include chrome highlights on the body which give the for 38. 00. I refined luxurious feel b. M. W. s hallmark l. Shaped every detail lights complete the picture in fact. It takes at least 20 seconds to open or close the section to our top roof. Thanks to the reworked improved variable sports steering the b. M. W. Takes corners and curves of the greatest a nice. Size to do a sound check. For the 2 liter 4 cylinder twin turbo engine puts out 185. 00 kilowatts of power and tops out at 350. 00 newton metres of torque it can hit 100 kilometers an hour from a standstill and 6. 3 seconds its top speed is 250 kilometers an hour. Lewis is impressed by the sound design behind the 4 cylinder engine he thinks itll appeal to people who like sports cars one disadvantage of folding hard tops compared to soft tops is the added weight opening and closing one also takes longer and in the 430. 00 i. E. You cant be moving faster than 18 kilometers an hour and with the top down cargo volume in the convertibles already small. Trunk drops even further from 370 leaders to 220 thats a reason why b. M. W. Will probably opt for a soft top again in the models next generation. Optics luiss the 430. 00 i has convinced him and that it bridges the gap between sportiness in comfort and feel safe in the curves even when you push it he says but its an experience youll have to pay for. The 430 i convertible started selling at 60000 euros in germany and the cheapest version before 20 i is just 10000 less. The 7th generation alexis c. S. Has been out since the spring of 2018 this stylish japanese midsize sedan is a familiar sight in many parts of the world its a bit more rare in europe where it only debuted in 2019 to compete with the audi a 6 b. M. W. Has 5 series and the mercedes e. Class but only the hybrid version is available here. Today what enters card testing is patriot about the newcomers for one the design but also was due about the technology that she starts on the outside of. A grip on the door handle unlocks it without a key the right touch in the right place watch it again. Inas thats consistent with top of the line luxury. Inside the d. S. Is neatly arranged control seems fairly straightforward with a sleek less is more design. The finally worked aluminum trim running around the interior was inspired by traditional japanese swords the engine starts at the press of a but. Very little can be seen of its hybrid character aside from the green ready light that indicates all systems are go in the car. My current n. Is calls up a screen on the 12. 00 inch multifunction display that shows each individual component as well as the energy flow past it. Ok the im still she can select the various menu items on this touch sensitive trackpad the cursor not only jumps to the next item on its own but gives both audible and happy or tangible feedback i want she says thats cool but if you have to enter a long street name you have to drag the cursor all over the place to pick out each letter that. Likes a scheme the 300. 00 agents latest generation hybrid drive it combines a new 2 and a half meter gasoline engine with a more compact yes more powerful electric motor new transmission and a new battery the whole system together puts out 160. 00 kilowatts the new hybrid system controller delivers a more even acceleration much like with a conventional engine short stretches can be covered at low speed some all electric drive. I just miss were the fits out another few changes described as really cool is the push button change of alignment of the central digital bundle move it to the right to make a little more space to the left eye thats very convenient when you want to see displays for the drivers sis they appear to the left of the dial. But its not actually in is had already seen this feature in the r. C. F. But here its another touch of 1st class watch run from. The dynamic radar Cruise Control in tandem with the lane keeping assist make for a nearly automated driver support the car just should speed to the vehicle immediately ahead even figuring in a sudden stop and independent acceleration but ultimately. Intro of the vehicle remains with the driver. Moving back outside the e. A. s the contour seemed to flow back from the groom across the car above and below the l. E. D. Headlights wrap around to the sides and blend in but seamlessly with the body shape. The newly yes as 5 centimeters to the wheel base the roof line tapers off to the rear like on a coup paying the money to sign directly affects the space inside theres plenty of leg room but taller occupants might feel a bit squeezed above. The taillights to wrap gracefully around the rear corners. Its a snap to unlock and open the trunk remote way because the batteries have shrunk and are now placed under the rear seats theres 454 liters of cargo space back here but they cant be expanded as the rear seat backs cant be lowered. Iness tess car has the f 4 trim like its highlights or sporty actions from the body and in the interior it also includes 2 extra driving modes in addition to the normal and eco setting. Out there says the sport and sport plus modes can be selected via this control and that if you activate them the gas pedal grows much more responsive as does the steering. She adds that the Paddle Shifters on the Steering Wheel. Allow you to take control of shifting if you want to thank you alexandra. And all sides. So whats the bottom line. Says the design of the e s. Ince terrific and she has to say that she almost prefers the exteriors to the interior because it has such beautiful lines and the export hybrid that she tested has plenty of juice she said but it isnt really the car for you if you like to put the pedal to the metal because it has a top speed of only 180 kilometers an hour. Or. Our car test a model shifter says hes in spain or the home of say where hell explore how would the other car makers to produce its very own family of s. U. V. S which includes the toronto would be a taker and the smallest the where did those names come from hes on the road to find out and. It helps to know that spaniards are very proud of their home like. This it isnt a monolith says were driving the taco seance largest s. U. V. In the place they gave the vehicle its name not the city of town or going to its going to isnt the same as to rocco isnt yes actually it is over 2000 years ago when the romans conquered the city they called it. Over the course of time the latin word to rocco morphed into todays name or go into. The sitting room a roman track for racing horses and chariots has remained from that era has become a popular tourist site. That we know where they started in 73. Far as we know the construction last. 20 years. Was a very large city because it was the capital city of the province we know that there where 40000 heavy things. 30000 feet in the course of. This Historic Site is where the money well is beginning his trip through the history of sea ice as you piece. Those spanish carmakers 1st design came in the year 2000 with the songs. Some features from the scar that we still have in the d. N. A. From all around for example the connection in the bonnet the 2nd attempt of the class was the tribal which appeared in 2007. It has a very aspect especially because of the wheel arches this square this with arches is something we have almost the same in this right now and finally the last in the group was the action 2011. We were already trying to find personality. In the eyes of our cars and this is definitely right now in all our as serious. As this money was says its interesting to trace how designs changed and developed over the years and notice that the last one is quite close to what we see today and saying thats as you the series weve also learned quite a bit about the history of. Our going as its called today and the history of so you. Know its time to head to our next destination he says. Name lets not take up. The 2nd brother and saying thats the thing. His name for a spanish town too like almost all the car makers models thats not surprising since as weve already mentioned the spaniards are quite patriotic. Funk. The model says its around 330 kilometers from cairo going up to a take that means that given spanish speed limits were in for about a 3 and a half hour drive meanwhile a look back at our last thought rocco test drive what they call one of them lets go to this. Album a ton rocco is the largest s. U. V. In the same stable its also the youngest on the market since 20 teens the model shares a platform with the v. W. To go on all space and the skoda kodiak that toronto sells for just under 30000. 00 europes. But lets get back to the here and now this question of manuel says weve reached a take a picturesque mall town of 2000 souls and no one knew about until see one of his s. U. V. S after it now its become relatively well known its going to have a look and move on from the tarago to the take then will be off toward next destination i think. The state up. There they are says the man who was right in it take a Central Square that you can already see out of its relatively small but i am pretty sure. The narrow streets are inviting but correct stroll rather than a drive nevertheless residents are still proud of the fact that say id choose to name one of its cars after their town. Take a mayor from all inclusive of all says you know see people taking pictures in a rambling in the streets he doesnt have precise numbers but theres no doubt more people are now coming to get to know it take him in it for when you come into. Then its time to get into the take and head for the next stop on our trip. To help with a take of behind the model says were on the road to madrid why madrid because our next stop is our own and thats on the island of 10 or if. We need to take a boat or plane to get there and the closest airport is in madrid about 220 kilometers away that will give us time to look back at the take as development sized. Coats look i think its my Means Nothing to. Do not think ill. Be a ticket is the midsized version of the 3 models and also the oldest its been around since 2016 and was such a huge success that c. N. N. Had to put a hold on orders because it had presold all the units that could be produced to me the i take that sells for about 21000. 00 euro us. Time to board the plane for a hop over to turner reef the next morning well travel on to our room not in a row not. Mistaken even a 100 kilometer route takes says up over the mountain says you know well so we can see a bit of the island i will give us some time to look after your own often i want to its about. The little room has been on the market since 2017 and like the 2 others as u. V. Models its also available with the natural gas powered engine to run a shares of platform with us go to comic and the media cross the room to start selling it 16000. 00 euro. Off when the amount of us is that on the way its certainly a great idea to stop in the mountains and its not too cloudy to enjoy the view of the tate a mountain is peak is over 3700 meters deep. Doesnt look like it from here because youre already at 2000 meters yes thats all lets get back in the car and head for round and starting on my feet i won found by them she fished bought at a one off once. 80000 residents a rona is much larger than a take its a city whose wealth flows in from the tourist bastions my adolescent memory cuts and lows cristiana us. You know what i know well sums up the tour for us im saying because hes been able to gather many impressions some learned a lot as well like that and hes curious about c. X. Next as you know the call and what place and i will be named after. Him. And next time im driving mercedes presents an as class s. U. V. The new g. L. s. And we take the audi t. T. s kookery out for a spin see you then im driving. With the. 2 2 their music gives them strength and a glimmer of hope. The only Symphony Orchestra in central africa. Hardly any of the musicians have professional training in. Their one big symphonic family in which the musicians from kinshasa have found a home. Global 3 times and in 30 minutes the t. W. Dangerous dealings with medical supplies. Pacemakers that have hardly been tested. Prosthetics that poison their will. And it makes you feel like a guinea pig. And more and more people are suffering harm or even dying from unsafe medical products. Cases from the implant finalists. In 75 minutes on. How to cover more than just one reality. Where i come from we have a transatlantic way of looking at things thats because my father is from germany my mother is from the United States of america and so i realized fairly early that it made sense to explain different realities. And now here at the heart of the European Union in brussels we have 28 different realities and so i think people are really looking. For a new journalist they can trust for them to make sense of it. But in the tax office i work at the w. Its been 15 years since the moon landing. He was the 1st man to walk on the moon. As a small boy he dreamed of the stars. As a pilot he flew anything no matter how dangerous. Church or go to. As an astronaut he took part in the greatest adventure in history. A hero a legend born simply a human being. Was Neil Armstrong starts july 20th on t. W. Flash flooding and landslides in nepal have killed at least 55. 00 people with dozens of others missing incessant monsoon rains have pounded many areas of the mostly mountainous country since those die the flooding has submerged lodge stretches of land in indicted homes and destroyed roads and bridge