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Diplomatic route. Interfering britain one of serious consequences for relations plus. Islamist coffeemaker project in indonesia. One at a time we have a special report. Welcome to. Its good to have you with us. It wasnt expected but it happened anywhere protestors in hong kong storming the siege of the territories parliament on monday the Legislative Council chambers for some oz belonged in the hands of hong kongs ordinary people an extraordinary scene on a day that marked the 22nd anniversary of hong kongs handover to china from britain but since then the battle over hong kongs autonomy has developed into a war of words between china and the u. K. Just listen to what chinas ambassador to the u. K. New shell ming said in london on wednesday. Im calling the British Government to reflect the consequences of his words and deeds with regard to hong kong i do hope that his government would realize. The consequences and would refrain from further interference from furthering time eating in a relationship now this in response to a series of tweets and media statements over 3 days from u. K. Foreign secretary jeremy hunt in support of the people of hong kong today he responded to those criticisms and issued clarifications i was not supporting the violence what i was saying is the way to deal with that violence is not by repression it is by understanding the root causes of the concerns of the demonstrators that freedoms that they have had for their whole life could be about to be undermined by this new extradition all but earlier comments had come in for criticism from beijing as well this is what the Foreign Ministry said. I have responded to mr hans irani as remarks in hong kong for 2 straight days. Expressing chinas strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition i turned into a he however he seems to be indulging in the illusions of faded british colonialism and is obsessed with pointing fingers at other countrys affairs in a condescending manner he he calls the one. Strong words there but what do they all mean from all of this be joined by the the reporter Clifford Conan in the studio with me clifford welcome now you worked in beijing for a number of year as an intended very many such press conferences in the Foreign Ministry headquarters is this sort of language that be heard in this entire war of words unusual its not unusual this is the classic rhetoric that one hears from from beijing at the focus is all. Internal matter whether it comes to human rights the side china sea any of these International Issues that china finds itself in the middle they always focus on internal affairs and how this is its chinas business and they urge other people to to say steer clear of that so i think its very much it within the in the tone now beyond the internal affairs question ambassador lew in london that press conference that he held he also said that under british rule people in hong kong could not elect their own representatives or could not elect their own leaders it was britain that appointed governors people could not go out onto the streets to demonstrate and then they accused britain of being potentially hypocritical by talking about democracy in that a tree the chinese have a point there well the hypocrisy argument is always its always a slightly difficult one obviously for the british because they run they ran the territory the crown colony as it was then using governors as they did elsewhere in the British Empire and towards the end of the british rule in 1907 they did try to implement more democracy on reforms to make reference greater representation for the hong kong people and i think the british tend to point to that when when china makes these accusations i think myself that hypocrisy is probably a strong word given that britain i think was trying to move towards more representation but at the same time its something that the chinese contrail this is something that has been that they have began begun playing on for quite some time but this war of words has really picked up steam from monday when the Legislative Council was breached by for testers i just like to talk about the timing of this war of words now does this in some way take away the focus from whats actually happening on the streets of hong kong i think so i think the Chinese Government is in a real quandary here its in a difficult position to know what to do about whats happening in hong kong. The chief executive is very much from the beijing side. At the same time shes also struggling a little bit with the initial protests which were very peaceful she was put into a difficult position now that theres violence in terms of the alleged attack its become easier maybe for beijing to involve itself but at the same time its much more comfortable in these areas dealing with other governments. Be talking about things like internal matters and coming out with this kind of rhetoric that we discussed rather than dealing with the actual uneasy gritty of whats going on in hong kong at the moment you might be easier on the International Stage but then we must all stroke about jeremy hunt himself he is in a sense for reelection if i can call it that we have to head the tory party and by extension become british Prime Minister is there potentially more to a bust of motivation here for jeremy hunt to bring this issue up in the middle of a tory Party Leadership campaign but i think that the timing is no coincidence i think in fairness that the British Foreign minister has been very hes been pretty good on hong kong in terms of standing up for the british side. But at the same time i think hes there is definitely a political dimension to this if you can show leadership and if you can show strength in dealing with china i mean protecting the basic law that after all the tory party was instrumental in drafting with the chinese back in the in the run up to the back and i said before i think that i think it could certainly work for him in political terms david graham we just have to wait and see if that does happen thank you so much for coming in and breaking that down for us in or out of the streets of hong kong theres fear things could get worse thats in the words of prodemocracy lawmaker Claudia Moore this after Police Arrested more than a dozen people involved in the protests on monday with another demonstration planned for sunday did some Young Hong Kong who are documenting the protest movement. Stops and long is looking for the last trace. Of the protest as demonstrators retreat their messages are disappearing as well wong considers himself an archivist of the movement. I find it. My 1st special way to look at the. Weeks protesters use this wall adjacent to the Hong Kong Government offices to leave messages for each other shortly before authorities started to clear the area wong and some fellow demonstrators stepped in to retrieve their messages. A large portion of all the messages about solidarity are. Deadly effects. There is a kind of wall and Community Spirit on the protest one of the most peaceful could have remnants of the memorial corner for a number of demonstrators who killed themselves in desperation as a final sign of protest use that shook many hong kong residents. Protests have subsided for now leaving many despondent several suicide threats online have alarmed firefighters and volunteers who have been out all day to prevent further attempts by a lot of people participating in Political Movement like most i i called the psychic encounter and you can read. Some someone has been Walking Around the scene of mondays Clashes Police have sealed off the entrance to the Legislative Council several people have been arrested. I think its ironic to. The creativity of the r. C. M. P. Treated there. After that for prosecuting them. It will be a long time before the legislature can be used again but the next protests have already been called for this week. So what do you think is the way forward for hong kong protesters let us know on our Facebook Page. Were in for now like many countries around the world indonesia is struggling with how to divide it allies its citizens who have joined or supported Extremist Groups the authorities are working with local groups on d. V. D. Players theres an effort that combines Law Enforcement with livelihood opportunities for former combatants did have a correspondent and not santos visited a coffee shop in yogyakarta which employs former g. How others and offers them a path back into society this story was supported by the Pulitzer Center mohammed means brother was a suicide bomber with himself up in iraq 27 he was only 19 i mean has always regretted not being able to save him. Broken my head is broken but after the loss i mean now hopes to sway others in indonesia from the path of violent extremism hes now teaching former militants to make coffee instead of bombs i mean runs gun coffee a coffee shop a job jakarta and indonesias main island of java he employs former militants he says giving them a job is giving them a sense of purpose and that is key to preventing that to be a radical i cant one who has it and when they are released from prison after one or 2 months they are arrested again and then again this was to prevent family we need to understand what their needs are they need work they need friends with. Hundreds of indonesians have joined Extremist Groups that have gone to places such as syria to join this law mixtape the government is struggling with how to deal with former militants who want to return to normal life indonesias taking a softer approach to dramatically his asian combining Law Enforcement with reintegration programs that focus on skills training and support i mean has been working with the local authorities to help former fighters who want to start over so money is one of them he wants to join the Eastern Indonesia mujahideen an Extremist Group affiliated with islamic state. And he a bit i feel we are old brothers we socialize and maintain unity that is a way to peace. I mean has employed about 10 farmer competence in country coffee it may just be a small number get in there he says to radicalization takes time and a one on one so. I dont follow when they join us we know their identities we know their contacts we monitor them we take care of them and stay in touch in my experience running this program no one has ever gone back to their old group. I know english means a lot and his cafe i mean says they serve coffee that is made of love and tolerance. Thats it for today to be sure to check out our other stories on did of the dot com followers 1st pull it off Facebook Page with your next dive about. I am. Its been 15 years since the movement. She was the 1st man to walk. As a small boy she dreamed of the stars. As a journalist she seemed anything no matter how to use. A church or go to the mall. As an astronaut she took part in the greatest adventure in history. Neil armstrong was his destiny starts july 20th on t. W. The next from just 4000000. 00 global trade conflicts and its a rather nasty one between 2 asian process that could have global effects japan carbs high tech exports to south korea the robe of forced labor and wartime is at the center of a growing dispute. For time to send off the malaysia indonesia is now also shipping container loads of on the recyclable rubbish back to western customers. And boeing makes a 100000000. 00 pledge to help a spam list until new. Affected by 8 crash. This is business. As welcome another trade dispute is heating up this time in asia its between japan and south korea is rather nasty and has its roots in history seoul is demanding compensation of forced labor us from world war 2 as a reply from today tokyo is restricting exports of materials needed to make semiconductors and computer displays the move is intended to hurt south koreas high Tech Industry at the heart of this high tech trade dispute between 2 asian power has is are people likely to shake peace among a dwindling number of korean survivors who were forced into

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