Im phil gal welcome to the Program Members of the European Parliament have chosen that new president for the next 2 and a half years they elected and italian social democrat david saucily whos been an m. E. P. For 10 years the motion strasberg it completes the lengthy process of filling the e. U. Stop jobs e. U. Leaders have nominated candidates for 4 other posts with German Defense minister on the line for Commission President the European Parliament must ratify that nomination before ms fonda line can be appointed and thats far from a done deal. Straight to the straight to strasburg that might be found d. W. B. Correspondent hoffman welcome where is the opposition to the line coming from. The opposition is coming from all sides for example from the social democrats who are disappointed that they couldnt have their lead candidate who campaigned for them funds in the lead for that position also from the greens but the doors opened at least with the greens who said it depends on what kind of program will fund and will propose but oddly enough maybe not so odd if you think about it there is also opposition in her own party the European Peoples Party so the conservatives the reason for this is that they also had a different beat candidate monthly so thats the man who went on the campaign trail for the Party Beginning in last september and so he was hoping and his party was also hoping that he would be the one probe posed by the leaders for the Commission Presidency as we all know that went downhill and completely changed so the question really is despite this opposition also in your own party will fund the lion have the necessary votes in 2 weeks time when this parliament right here in straws berg will put her nomination to the vote and i asked one of the senior members of her own party the European Peoples Party David Mcallister hes a Vice President of that party whether he thought that was enough on the line would get the necessary majority. Will should if we have that will have my vote but im one out of 751 it really depends now if she can get the support of the european people spotted a social democrats for liberals and the greens i think and she well i think we should really give a fair chance those who knew it was an affront and i know shes a convinced european and shes a convincing utopian she has a huge expertise and obviously she was a compromise candidate where many governments from west to east and europe could rally behind her and say ok shes the woman it would also be the 1st woman in the history of the European Union to be at the top of the European Commission so we should go. Even a chance and we should talk about her plans what does he. Plan to do as a Commission President with a team the next 5 years and on the basis of this debate on content m. E. P. Call it should take a decision if we want to vote for or not i dont know why some colleagues already refusing to vote without even having spoken listen to. So not a line is due to visit the European Parliament based afternoon to make. Do you think she can convince a palm and terence that shes the right person. As shes already here shes been here for quite some time now and we hear she made her introduction to the e. P. P. So that that Political Group here in 3 languages you know shes fluent in french in english and of course also in german that is thats a pretty good pitch in the European Union weve had candidates before who only spoke one language so shes really trying to show that she might be the perfect european that shes a good fit for the job and what weve been hearing at least from the members of the European Peoples Party that didnt go down that badly so she had a pretty good start here will hear her later probably Say Something it will get much harder though with the social democrats i explained why earlier so shes going to be in brussels in the coming days talking to the other Political Groups thats hoffman and strasburg thank you. And ill take a look at some of the other stories making news around the wilds they gem and captain of the migrant rescue ship the sea watch 3 has been moved to a secret location because of concerns for his safety course in order to catch is released from house arrest on tuesday on her detention for bringing the ship the 40 migrants on board into a pool in the italian im of nonproducing. Protest as of tiles and blocked roads across israel an off duty policeman shot dead on unarmed 18 year old Ethiopian Israeli on sunday activists say at least systematically discriminates against israels in hell be a minority. Of the United Nations as described as strike on a Migrant Center in libya that killed at least 44 people as amounting to a war crime more than 130 were wounded in the attack in the capital tripoli is being blamed on the wall. Whos forces are advancing on the city. Putting together the pieces this woman one strength of a better life she couldnt have imagined shed end up here in a shattered Migration Center surrounded by the dead and theys of the lucky ones the survivors of last nights bombing although theyve little to speak of and even now they caught between warring armies far from their homes whether they be in sedan or somalia. Paul what we. Want to win. This is a dangerous and improbable. That it happened literally in the dead of night fight a plane that dropped a bomb on a center field with hundreds of capable. Amidst the chaos people began recovering bodies heavy death toll as grim as it was predictable. Some people. Did die on the road on the hour we were on the. Even before last night the center to joy in a suburb of tripoli had been a disaster in the making another bomb landed nearby in my Rights Group Amnesty International said khalifa hof his forces carried out the attack as they moved on tripoli the migrants into jura are among 3 and a half 1000 the un has warned or a Detention Center is located near libyas battlefront. Weeks ago migrants at a different center protested an increasingly dangerous situation. C and 2 out of no where else to seek elation last year and the fronts of the same so we need evacuation now. Again today we need enough issues since then the fighting in libya has only escalated its a country on europe store step 2. Which those who want to go have long passed and for half a decade it is pain is broken as a jury Detention Center is to die. Now to china where Border Guards are secretly installing surveillance apps on visitors phones this is happening as people enter the country is that region where china has detained hundreds of thousands of muslims in terminal comes because of their religion the use of the spyware has been revealed by a group of western investigative Media Outlets including germanys. Newspaper of the broadcaster n. P. R. And the u. K. s Guardian Newspaper these pictures are of chinas remote jang region its home to the mostly muslim we go people beijing closely monitors everything that goes on in this troubled region and now even tourists are being forced to install a state developed spy app on their phone if they want to go there thats according to visitors who have recently been appointed and installed on your phone and you can see on the screen that everything is being scanned Text Messages contacts browsing history and so on. You get really worried they could be something they have they dont like and you dont know exactly what theyre looking for i think. Experts that germanys who are university in both home have been analyzing the app that found that the Chinese Government is not only copying content from phones its also comparing it with the database the software not only searches for militants or islamist content it also searches for religious symbols the Chinese Government appears to be testing mass surveillance techniques and showing jang something that deeply concerned experts. Is potentially be accused of being terrorists without any concrete evidence and under this pretext of fighting terrorism their private data is systematically collected its a massive attack on Citizens Rights privacy laws and peoples pearsall dignity. The Chinese Government has refused to comment on the app what happens to the doctor it collects with it and the story was broken by journalist Doyle Brunson germanys daily newspaper the doj the site told she was working in collaboration with journalists from a number of international Media Outlets and she joins us now from the Chinese Capital beijing welcome to d. W. How did you find out this was going on. We had a source contacting us here recently crossed the border into since young and he had to install the app on his phone and he was able to provide us with the software and is it being used in any other parts of china well were not aware of this at the moment it seems to be only busy only in since. We wont be able to say if maybe of the plane in the long run is to also playing into other areas in china. What is its purpose what happens to the data also from software we can say that theyre looking for private data on your phone on theyre looking for lock ins to certain social media theyre looking for short messages all the contacts on your phones certain items you might have on your phone and there is also a. Nature a major data. Data bank and the data bank its being scanned and compared with they have on your phone and if they find certain items on the phone the Police Officer being informed about that and have you been told that the people have been acted against because of things that were found on their phones if they have Police Officers turn up in the night. No we cannot say what actually happens when they find certain items on on the phone house the Chinese Government reacted to these revelations well we have crown funded them but we have met we have not heard back from them. And do you expect any suffer any reprisals for having expose this well we havent so far so i wont be able to comment on it ok so is there any way that people can actually avoid these apps being installed well if you want to cross into since young and using those certain borders you have to install it or probably you are actually trying to wound and go back good talking to thank you for joining us live. From germs to dodge outside of inflation. Last month was the hottest ever recorded. 2 Degrees Higher than. Average was just in. Order. To contribute is likely to continue and to the Climate Crisis. June saw the french temperature record smashed in paris people cooled off wherever they could but in the country so where the resort to an all time high of 45. 9 degrees celsius streets were empty and attractions deserted. In the u. K. The glastonbury Music Festival big under the hottest day of the year. Parched pop funds to water. And sheltered from the heat as best they could. In spain the consequences were more serious wildfires rage than tarragon or scorching over 6000 hectares. In india delhi sweltered under a record 48. 00 degree heat. People queued anxiously for Drinking Water it scarcity in northern india contributed to 78 heat related deaths there in june. Danish climatologist stephan olsons picture of huskies apparently walking on water at the angle field fjord in greenland went viral showing normally intact ice fields melting in the unusual june heat. According to experts this extreme heat is the new normal and Climate Change is driving it the World Meteorological Organization Says the european heat wave was absolutely consistent with extremes linked to Greenhouse Gas emissions. That could see not just increased temperatures but more extreme phenomena like the recent unseasonal storms in mexico that left cars and trucks buried under mountains of hail. So you can close look at this with the feet of an author who is the acting director of the Environmental Change Institute in oxford in the u. K. Welcome to d w do you see these extremes as being part of a trend rather than isolated anomalies well the heat waves in europe definitely so even live without doing a specific study on this particular heat wave we have so much evidence from different studies from all of presence understanding we know that everything that happens now in europe in the summer is maybe more intense and more likely because of that or manmade Climate Changes ok and weve also been hearing today about to wrench rains and massive floods in india and japan presumably this is the other side of the same coin. But it was not all extreme when events are made more likely and more intense by Climate Change that is very important to stress for anyplace in europe yes for for many for other events. You really have to look into the human self because there are 2 ways of how Climate Change went up there one is you have more Greenhouse Gas and that was fair atmosphere overall gets warmer then leads to more more heat waves fewer cope waves you also have the warmer atmosphere. More water laborous of that needs to come out as rain so on it every expect to see more extreme rainfall but theres also a 2nd aspect to it and thats all we scientists will call the dynamic thing through by changing the composition of the atmosphere we also change the atmosphere in simulations so nervous how weather systems develop where they move and that can mean that while you have on average more extreme rainfall when you dont get the weather system that brings rain all then you will actually see less rainfall and in particular area so the global average is they dont tell you what exactly is happening right in local areas what thats what you need to do dedicated stones i see so just looking at looking at the streams that heat waves whats the long term prognosis so weve been talking about the Climate Crisis now for 4 decades if we dont take this seriously do we expect temperatures to just keep rising or is there some sort of natural cutoff point. I dont so far there is no we dont we dont see a natural counterpoint and actually when you see when you look at this the distribution of temperatures in most parts of europe summer temperatures you have a distribution that is courage so there is a ceiling so you dont get. You dont get temperatures above a certain point but live Climate Change this evening is rising. And so he plagues and more intense and wearing green heat waves is really one of the one of the strongest impacts that we see today from and from manmade Climate Change. Is anywhere benefiting from climate so dry places are getting rain maybe well. Weather events are changing and of course that also means that in some areas where well but you couldnt grow grow crops you might not be able to grow crops because its a small number but of course in the areas you have you have huge repercussions and so theyre out there out there up small areas that have benefits because our social systems and our ecosystems are. Used to the and cut and apt to the temperature range and rainfall range they live in so even if we in theory can benefit from it Climate Change is happening so fast that our ecosystems and also our so source its cant change that now change just means that. The planet will dissolve. The way we live in the way the ecosystems and the biodiversity we care about is living they ate they will suffer because its just changing so its fascinating thank you so much for enlightening us through. The violence of change institute in oxford. At the womens football world cup where the netherlands and sweden face off in tonights 2nd semifinal neither team has ever won the title but the dutch will be backed by a big following and sweden looking extremely relaxed. Dont worry sweden havent forgotten how to play football after all theyve just knocked out heavyweights canada and germany but true to the underdog tag their coach was humble when it came to assessing his teams chances against the reigning european champions from able to. See it a phenomenon the other in the euro 2017 finals but if you start watching the neverlands play against denmark finland was absolutely fantastic because that game was very close to being perfect football and ideal football so this semifinal will be very beautiful and it will be interesting to see if we will be able to beat what is one of my Favorite Team was. Despite their recent success the netherlands dont boast much world cup pedigree this is only the 2nd time theyve reached the tournament and the 1st time theyve made it to a semifinal but they are favorites at least according to the press. If a fan of a far from where the favorites in this semifinal im not so sure about that i think the 2 teams are equal if you look at the fee for ranking were separated by only 1. 00 spot so i think were on a par so i think the match will be like that to equal teams and we hope to come out on top of hope a dozen variants and also to. A match that hangs in the balance but at least in terms of support the dutch are expected to have the upper hand with floods of orange clad fans ready to take over. On to other movie is outside the stadium in leo ahead of tonights game welcome we had in a report that is going. Turned orange tonight so what can the swedes do to counter that. The netherlands do have a really incredible following thats become famous since they hosted the European Championship 2 years ago i was there for the tournament and i can tell you it really was something to behold watching these netherlands fans supporting that same theyve brought back to france now as well so what does sweden do to counter the contract well the most obvious thing is that theyve just got to play well theyve got to try and get the 1st goal up on the board and if they do that then they might just be able to shove the dutch fans up for a while at least of course weve seen quite a few sweden fans here in leon as well so the players im sure will be hoping that theyll be in good voice to to try and get a bit of a battle going in the crowd. All the teams do seem evenly matched so who do you think has the edge. Its a difficult one this i dont think either of these teams necessarily would have expected to make it to a semifinal at the start of the tournament tournament though both considered outsiders sweden though will be looking probably mostly towards seen a black stain eous the striker who had a very slow start to this world cup didnt do well in the group stages but then sprung to life in the knockout rounds and has actually scored the winning goal in both of swedens knockout game so far for the netherlands well they have a really talented attacking line up theyve got the likes of lee can martins who is a former player of the year well player of the year they have finished on the sunday as well a lightning quick winger and they have viviana meet a man who really is a sensation for the dutch team at the age of just 22 she is the countrys all time record goalscorer shes been on target here as well at the world cup she scored 3 times so far so those are some of the players to look out for of course theyll be up against the United States after the u. S. Beat england in yesterdays semifinal that was a game that really brought everything that you want to see in a Football Game to the. Well cup semifinals so lets take a look at the highlights from that match. The United States have been quick out of the blocks at this world cup against england it was no different. They believe Christian Press posting in the back post to shock replacements and making repeat justifying her place in the side. England could have been overruled but they hit back so you know i want to. Go number 6 of the tournament. But anything she could do so you could birthdate go alex morgan she had finished up an upbeat mood moving cheekily celebrating her 30th in a very english way its that having been choking on mixie they were positively crying into it by the end the video referee having earlier choked off a goal for offside help steam vis a penalty step captain steph fortune she. Us brief the sigh of relief the day when they deserved to win this. So although you out that much last night what sort of a vote for the womens game was it i dont think the womens game could have had a better to be honest with you phil that game had everything in the 4 bowl of being kicked we had a shock with Megan Rapinoe being left out of the lineup of course we like to discover that she had an injury but it really had everything it had tension and friction between the teams that had controversy with the v. O. R. Decisions in the penalty it had an incredible penalty save of course it had some great goals on top of that as well a couple of really good saves to. Put really everything that you expect to see at the world cup and bottled it in some kind of 90 minutes and i think if we if we can have another game like that at this world cup either in the 2nd semifinal or in sundays final then well also need be a lucky man to be viewing it all the murder and theyll thank you. Tens of thousands of people in chile and argentina have watched the sun vanish behind the moon in a total eclipse 2 countries from there the inhabited places on the planets rather the grass i could see its path started in the South Pacific and stretched to the south American Culture and 11000 kilometers away. As a reminder our top story out this hour of the European Parliament has elected italian socialist to harm them but de france saw something as its next to president bush up for the next as its president thanks to an offer he has missed chosen after 2 rounds of votes by me against all the mazy work in elections. First budget will have id doubly not new in south asia that style back up itself off the island coast in the meantime theres always the web site asking w dot com im going to. Hold. The good. Guys. Are they genuinely down house lamps or cheap companies from an online catalog. Who owns the rights to ideas and images. The rights are indispensable for many enterprises. But are they in keeping with the times. Made in germany next on. Closely. Carefully. Dont know how old is soon going to need to do a good. Old fashion. Discover the world to. Subscribe to the documentary on you tube. Eco india. How can a countrys economy grow can harmony get its people violent. When there are do worse look at the bigger picture. India a country that faces many challenges the folks and people are striving to create a sustainable future. Clever projects from europe and in. Pico india on t. W. A costly Copyright Infringement lawsuit you dont want to find one of them in the mail im talking about all those images you share on social media breaking the law or

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