A record heat wave even temperatures are forecast to keep on soaring well tell you how to stay safe in the 6th repeat. My heart thank you so much for your Company Everyone German Authorities say a suspected right wing extremist has confessed to the recent killing of politician multan luka the suspect named only as stephanie he was arrested a few weeks after the attack ultimately it was shot dead at close range at his home in the western town of castle earlier this month. And joining me now from our parliamentary stoop in the western town of castle earlier this month. And joining me now from our parliamentary studios is correspondent a maximum young kosik max so we understand the suspect has confessed what more do we know. Yes we have been confirmed by have gotten them found by authorities this morning that this suspect stephanie has confessed to the killing of the politician volatility earlier this month what we have also heard is that he is claiming that this attack was done by himself like they he has no. Any other. Network network that was helping it and what was very extraordinary about this event is that volatile of the suspects information of the confession was coming from the parliamentarians of the german born this talk where they have set a meeting to talk to the authorities leading the investigation and the parliamentarians have 1st leaked this information which was later then confirmed by authorities and these turns are now pushing to further the investigation by the German Authorities so what lessons have been learned now what weve learned and what the politicians are pushing for is that we have to look broader at the extend of far as im here in germany that this is not a single case this is not a lone single lone wolf syndrome here in germany but there is like a bird image and this is also correlation to the rise of hate speech in germany especially online and what weve heard today by the German Parliament by the head of the German Parliament. Is that this is no longer tolerable injury and that there needs to be more done about it lets have a listen. And max said believe we dont have the barge well try and get it up next in our next bulletin but i wanted to ask you as well where does this take the investigation next. Well what were going to see is and what weve heard also today from authorities and the federal minister for internal affairs wholesale hoffa is that they want to broaden the investigation they want to look further if there is a network of fire it extremism behind the attack the suspect stephanie claims that he was acting alone but what weve seen in previous examples of foreign extremism is that that was not enough awareness with the authorities for the networks that can stand behind it and that the authorities now should look further into this a claim stands and that the suspect might be protect your brandy when his wife and child in a bid to seek asylum in the u. S. His wife tanya. Watched as her loved ones succumb to the currents seen here in the raid she was led away but after. Her shows that these people tried to cross the river to the United States gary jumped in the water and they draw and when he tried to rescue her. From the ordinary. Back in their native el salvador their deaths have starred anger and much anguish as their family mourns. This is her favorite doll its one she had every time her mother got her ready. To. Go i was. Sure family with their lives ahead of them. Was not yet 2 years old and the demons that had come in on their last message my son sent me was on saturday he said mama i love you mama they are. He said take care of yourselves because were fine here when i read that message i dont know it made me want to cry because i saw it as a source of goodbye you mustnt think. It is. The tragedy a marriage that is democrats in washington passed a bill calling for extra. Kosh to address the conditions in Migrant Detention Centers because recognize for one minute thank you madam speaker this issue ation is child abuse is not tricity that violates every value we have not only as americans but as moral beings donald trump says he will veto it but deaths like oscar and valerie is on americas borders may make such a hard line stance difficult to hold. Now but some of the other stories making news around the world. A dutch flagged german rescue ship says it has just entered italian waters despite orders from rome to stay away the sea watch 3 has been waiting off the island of lampedusa for 2 weeks with over 40 migrants on board it was going to set the ship should travel to germany or the netherlands instead. A new United Nations report has revealed the scale of global drug use the authors highlight at the level of opiate use with 53000000. 00 people worldwide now taking the substances cocaine production also hit record highs reaching almost 2000 tonnes in 2017. Former u. S. Special counsel Robert Muller has agreed to testify to public hearings in Congress Next month muller of the investigation into Russian Election meddling and detailed numerous occasions when u. S. President donald trump may have obstructed justice previously declined to face public questioning over his report. And president trumps son in law has appealed to palestinians to support a plan he says will revive their economy and improve their lives all the proposals presented at a meeting in behaving involve investing billions of dollars in the palestinian territories but critics say the plans are unworkable as they fail to mention the Israeli Occupation and the stranglehold this has on the Palestinian Economy the proposals also do not set out a political solution to the conflict palestinians for their part have also already rejected the plans. These were the scenes across gaza and the west bank as the bahrain conference got underway thousands of palestinians protested and staged a general strike against a plan they say attempts to buy them off. Thousands of miles away in bahrain jerod cushion or called on the palestinians to accept his vision one he dubbed the opportunity of the century if they want peace he said the 50000000000. 00 economic support plan would create a Brighter Future for the region. For a moment imagine a new reality in the middle east imagine a bustling commercial and Tourist Center and gaza and the west bank where International Businesses come together and thrive imagine the west bank as a blossoming economy full of entrepreneurs engineers scientists and Business Leaders the Palestinian People but in the audience was no palestinian delegation theyd boycotted the meeting having rejected the plan from the start instead there were arab finance ministers and international Business Leaders the people the United States is soliciting to foot the bill kushner says his proposal could create a 1000000 new jobs and slash unemployment helping to bring peace to the middle east but the palestinians insist there can be no economic solution without a political one. We are here also to send a message that we would not be the cvs by the socalled economy plan that it can be annoying going to mix solution as a substitute god freedom and 2nd how can we have it going to make development when we cannot control our borders our import our export our free market our freedom of movement i washington says the political portion of the plan will follow but until then palestinians say cush news proposal is meaningless here in the west Bank Palestinians burned an empty casket it reads deal of the century born dead. Id like to welcome now Alexander Graff lamb star for the Free Democratic party hes a deputy member of the Foreign Affairs committee at the bundestag and chair of the german Israeli Parliament street Friendship Group a very warm welcome sir theres no palestinian no israeli participation in behaving many in the region have already rejected the plan outright or are indifferent to it what do you make of mr kushner splat. Well i believe its important to recognize that the plan in the of itself cannot work without a political solution and that the palestinians have a point but the americans have said repeatedly that the political portion of their plan for the middle east is to follow so therefore i believe its premature really to just throw the plan out of the window and simply declare that one wouldnt accept it i think one has to wait for the full picture to emerge and that includes a political dimension yeah but shouldnt they have started with that i mean a lot of people are saying that mr kushner is really missing the point here. Well of course it would offend desirable for a political plan to have appeared earlier but as we know there were elections in israel in april and there will be new elections because the Prime Minister has not been able to form a government again in september so therefore the political portion has been postponed and i will not reject the plan out of fent i think it would be unwise to do so before one knows what the political plan contains how it interacts how it interlocks with the economic plan that question of presented again 1 may be critical monday 1 may be skeptical but i think it would be wrong to just simply. Reject the plan out of hand but if you cant get those involved at the table then really what 2 has been the intention of this plan was it ever the intention for it to work well i think is the intention is there for its to work but of course the trumpet ministration has done some unwise things for example in moving the American Embassy to jerusalem ever since that state the palestinians have boycotted every contact with the United States and therefore its was not a surprise to me or to anyone who observes the situation in the region that the palestinians should not attend i mean theyve declared a boycott of contacts with the trumpet ministration thats what theyre doing now again you know but i just want to add as well the israelis are not there yet or theyre not participating in behind either its not just the palestinians yeah i dont know whether israelis dont go perhaps its because of their campaign perhaps its because of the location of the conference i think the crucial thing is not to take a final decision on whether to accept the plan or not today or tomorrow wait for the conference to play out wait for the development of the next few weeks and months look at what the political plan and tails and then looking at the picture of the overall picture at the complete planned by the political and economic dimension and then take a decision that is based on full information alexander graph ahlam start of the Free Democratic party thank you sir. U. S. President donald trump threatened to obliterate iran after the recent flare up of tensions between the 2 countries or the standoff is likely to feature prominently at a nato meeting in brussels today u. S. Diplomats find 2 years the gathering to try and win more european support to persuade iran to change its course but as you have used teri schultz reports it will be no easy task. This strife in the strait of hormuz is creating a gulf between the u. S. And its european allies theres a debate to put it mildly theres a debate about this between europe and america u. S. Acting defense secretary mark esper will spend his 1st days on the job at nato headquarters trying to convince his european counterparts their own interests are at stake in the street too u. S. Ambassador to nato Kay Bailey Hutchison has been laying the groundwork. And nato folks in. Iran attacking ships. Say the theyre going to go back into preparing for a Nuclear Weapons thats pretty strong got to stand up to it but esper is still likely to have a tough time getting european support for military action one of the problematic parts of trumps agenda from the very beginning is this idea of. Basically every nation fighting for itself in a kind of arena of actors thats the way some of the people around trump put it in the beginning of his term so i mean in my view that doesnt work then theres the u. S. President s casual linkage of article 5 all allies solemn responsibility to defend each other to how much they spend on their militaries now there is article 3 which states that all government should continually and affectively improve their capabilities and to be sure some dont but never before has the commitment to collective defense been. Quantified or questioned europeans are spending more on their militaries now and will spend even more in the future but rather than easing tensions with the u. S. A new front has been opened thats because the European Union is earmarking almost 600000000. 00 for its own defense projects that might exclude the u. S. Washington is threatening to retaliate still senior nato officials believe things will work out because the u. S. And European Defense industries are already intertwined so i think altogether the picture is not so much that of a fortress america of a fortress europe but that of a transatlantic market that is in place and from this perspective is likely to continue and in its quest to convince europeans to ratchet up pressure on iran the u. S. May take heart from recent history it took years but all allies now agree with the u. S. Conclusion that russia is violating the intermediate range Nuclear Treaty the i. N. F. They also support the u. S. Decision to declare the treaty debt on august 2nd unless moscow announces it will destroy its program before then a unanimous nato stance that once and impossible to achieve. All right return now in brussels by our correspondent terry initials who was reporting there from nato h. Q. Very good to see you terry lets pick up where that report left off looming in the backdrop of this meeting is of course that the end of that landmark arms control pact between the u. S. And russia whatever ministers there where you are advocating that needs to be done beefing up defense or trying to get russia back into the fold and convince moscow to comply with the terms. Well until august 2nd the official line is that moscow has a few more weeks to come into compliance to decide its going to destroy this Missile System that violates the i. N. F. Ranges and thats very much what nato wants to put out from this meeting moscow youve got a little bit of time left to dont blow it save the treaty on the other hand nobody really thinks thats going to happen so as the secretary general puts it we need to start looking at what a post i enough world looks like this is the 1st defense minister ariel since this situation is becoming a reality and theyre not really telling us a lot about what theyre going to consider as their options its definitely on the table its in deep discussion today as a matter of fact but theyre not going to tell us a whole lot about what their options are and it will probably be a combination of what you mention they will have to be 5 defenses at the same time hoping that moscow will at some point decide to stop violating the treaty and that of course is not the only major Foreign Policy issue causing concern where you are of course the escalating tensions between us in iran also i imagine front and center where you are whats nato. And have european members of the alliance expressed where they stand. Nato doesnt have a position because this is another one of those issues thats considered a bilateral one between the u. S. And iran at this point however it does affect nato members the tension of course is very worrisome to European Union members which are trying to keep together the nuclear deal with iran at the same time as this military conflict with the u. S. Is looming now what european members of nato will want to hear from the acting secretary of defense mark esper is that the u. S. Is not going to war immediately that the u. S. Is not going to launch those airstrikes that its threatened and that its going to to be a little bit more patient in bringing iran back to the negotiating table its unclear at the moment what secretary esper is going to be saying he hasnt gone in to speak with nato allies yet in fact at this very moment hes speaking with secretary general u. N. Stoltenberg but i know that European Union and european leaders will be asking for patience from the United States they are in no mood to follow the u. S. Into another war in the gulf teri schultz reporting from the nato h. Q. In brussels as always thank you for your coverage. Europe is being hit by an unprecedented heat wave temperatures today are forecast to break records for the month of june and in some cases even surpass the highest levels ever recorded in certain countries take for example paris where the average high for this time of the year is 23. 00 degrees celsius today the forecast is 36. 00 and its the same in the spanish capital madrid it should be around 27. 00 degrees but were expecting get this 38 degrees celsius and here at our studios in berlin its the same story the average tonight is a comfortable 22 the forecast said 36 but the mercury has actually reached 37 in the past hour in the extreme weather is expected to continue until the weekend governments have issued Health Warnings and are urging people to do everything they can to stay cool. Keeping cool in most every way possible people and animals across Continental Europe the feeling the heat of unusually High Temperature is. Just drinking try to go make 2 of us to slowly. Drink drink drink a lot. Become more clear and thats what this hot sun we try and keep to the cooler places above not that well what were going to follow the course at all but ive got to tell you more we have been out looking at rome from 8 oclock this morning but from midday on were eating ice cream of the locals its very good we border. Meteorologists say the soaring temperatures ag. To hausherr blowing in from north africa but many also call this heat wave unprecedented. In front so thirtys are taking extra precautions to catch the most vulnerable. The country is still scarred by the end. Tense heat wave of 2003 in which almost 15000 people died. In the midst of the this isnt stammering these heatwaves are going to keep happening as we know and perhaps theyll get worse in the years and decades to come because of climate change. Asking everyone to take responsibility for themselves their family and their neighbors and to avoid a backlog in Emergency Rooms due to people taking unnecessary risks. To his care. To haze was visible if a paris on tuesday and pollution levels could rise further as the mercury crimes. In germany authorities in the states have brandon back at battling wildfires the area is a tinder box off to prolong totten try weather. Amid warnings across europe that midweek temperatures could break records staying cool remains top of the agenda. For the round of 16 at the womens world cup finished up the last night we had to have the weights in womens football european champs and the netherlands against japan and sadly for japan the game winner was scored against them in the final minutes of the game against the run of play. The netherlands launched themselves into the lead early in the 1st half thanks to the cmon since who picked out the bottom corner with a crafty back heel after that though it was japans game. On the stroke of half time you has a guy was crowned this far in passing move with the finish it deserved to draw things level. A 2nd for japan seemed inevitable in the 2nd off i mean dr g. Mark tested the keeper from distance. And later on he said goot i went close to netherlands were on the rocks safe here only by the woodwork. Then though a stroke of luck for the dutch a penalty right at the day after vivian made him up lost to the shot at sac ecomog ice arm there was no mistake from martins in the 90th minute and orange elation ensued brutal misfortune for japan thats when the meant is are over. Now a do it yourself home repair has led to the discovery of a multi 1000000 euro masterpiece and the french city of toulouse all the work by the italian master kind of agile is believed to have been left in an attic for at least 100 years caravaggios judith and hall a furnace a prison biblical scene in which jewish widow judith beheads the assyrian general whos come to destroy her city and her people. Until a few years ago this apparent loss moss a piece from the italian artist was hidden away in an attic in toulouse france. Sure we have a lot i wanted to sell and to lose because the story started here so i wanted it to end here with the agreement of the seller of course we dont know how the painting made its way back here the most plausible explanation is that a relative of the sellers came back from the napoleonic wars with the painting. 2 it was discovered while a couple who want to remain anonymous investigated a leaky roof at their home on history fans fascinated and almost on the nose. Now in art history we often think that everything has been seen everything has been discovered and in fact we realize that there are still Hidden Treasures for. This painting however it is controversial some of historians disagree that it is indeed a carrot piece but despite the doubts its been privately sold to a mystery for an estimated 150000000 euros. To mexico now when the retirement of a National Hero not a person but a rescue dog freedom is a Labrador Retriever who shot to fame following the earthquake that destroyed parts of mexico city 2 years ago clad in protective boots and goggles she helped search out survivors in the rubble and a ceremony to mark a retirement after a decade of service mexicos deputy naval minister said her bark always gave hope our handlers removed her famous rescue outfit and presented her with a chew toy to thank her for her remarkable career. Very fitting all right youre watching to go with news coming up next in news asia friends with differences u. S. Secretary of state mike ok it is in india for talks our daily correspondent tells us about the issues putting a strain on bilateral relations. That story in a whole lot more coming up with my colleague sumi some ascott and dont forget you can get all the latest news by heading into detail. Dot com i will rock n roll and see if. The female. Sex makes. Raring to read. If there is any your moronic right but remember you have to find it between the wifes. Literature mr jermyn street. Much of it. Linked to screw africa and the world story link to exceptional stories and discussions from the news of easy i want with safety deputed comes much coffee cup join us on facebook j w for god. Its been 50 years since the monday. She was the 1st man to walk on the moon. As a small boy she dreamed of the stars. As a pilot she flew anything no matter how to dress. A church or go to the polls. As an astronaut she took part in the greatest adventure in history. And. The hero a legend was simply a human being who was neil armstrong. The moon was his destiny starts july 20th on t w. This is d w news day just coming up on our show today a relationship under strain india and the u. S. Secretary of state my pump ale goes to new delhi to talk business and security but will tensions over trade get in the way of deepening time also coming up well take you to the Golden Triangle in Southeast Asia a region the choice for the production of synthetic drugs business is booming but why and what are authorities doing to stop it. Plus using at all ages we meet south koreas new runway ma

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