Subsaharan africa last so same sex patients to the truck to jail said. Im still gal welcome to the program russias interior minister says drugs charges against investigative journalist at avon not good enough have been dropped and he is to be released from house arrest he was detained last week after police said they found drugs in his backpack. It was from the independent news website medusa and is known for investigating corruption in moscow City Government he said hoarsely cruz police of planting a drugs official said today about the charges have been dropped due to lack of evidence the interior ministry has fired 2 Senior Police officials and opened an internal investigation into the officers who arrested mr grunow. Straight to moscow to rejoin the d. W. Correspondent emily sure would welcome an emily whats behind this surprise move. Well on the one hand phil the evidence as you say was always kind of shaky and a bit contradictory from the beginning for example the Police Published 8 photos which apparently were from a search of going off the apartment where they say they found kind of drugs lab later they then said that actually. Most of those photos apart from one were actually not from govan Office Apartment at all today the interior ministry has said that actually they have got back results of investigations and the d. N. A. Of going off was actually not found on the drugs packages but instead the d. N. A. Of several other people was found so there is that kind of shaky evidence based theres been a lot of reporting about that in the past few days and also this case has been really making huge waves in the media and politically as well today we heard from the speaker of the upper house of parliament might be a very important figure here in russia who said that this could have been a set up this is really been attacked in huge public attention and that has made the case political critics would say it is not for cases to be trumped up and so shaky and contradictory evidence to see people locked up if thats what the what was it about this case prompted such an outcry to so many have been even the National Newspapers got involved against the russian state. Yes as you say there was really a huge media outcry including among state t. V. Even we heard some important figures on state t. V. Talking about this case condemning this case as well i think perhaps it was status as a well respective well respected investigative journalist hes known for his very factual corruption investigations hes gone after kind of people in the highest ranks including the deputy mayor of moscow and he was looking into the funeral business now as you say the idea of the drugs being planted on an inconvenient person that does happen rather often in russia and i think what were seeing here is Civil Society really drawing a red line. The russian government looking at that red line and apparently taking heat which critics sounds extraordinary well experts here have been discussing the idea that perhaps this case could have come from kind of the middle levels of power rather than all the way up in the kremlin as i said before weve seen several senior senior officials kind of condemning this case today and the timing of the case when it came out was rather surprising as well this case was 1st reported on friday when putin was at the International Economic forum in St Petersburg and actually searches for goal north overtook searches for putin according to young statistics thats one of the thats the main Search Engine here in russia so that couldnt have been convenient for putin and for the kremlin so perhaps it was lower level officials who had planned this takedown if that is what it was the only show in moscow thank you. Now for some of the other stories making news around the world former fox together lead to his response rich has been sworn into congress in colombia he became a lawmaker for the fox new Political Party under the terms of a 2726 the Peace Agreement he helped to negotiate is wanted in the United States for alleged drug trafficking. With horses and hungry have raised the wreck of the tourist boat that sank in budapest last month salvage crews recovered the remains of 4 missing victims the worst disaster occurred on the danube for half a century the vessel capsized and sank after colliding with a large cruise ship. Floods sparked by heavy rains have caused thousands of people to flee their homes in indonesia is the east technically montana province the city of some around that was inundated after the nearby or. A river burst its banks with orses have declared a state of emergency. In egypt is to help the old version of a 3000 year old statue of boy pharaoh to become a munden baseballs and house christies says the sale could fetch up more in 5000000. 00 u. S. Dollars egypt disputes the statues ownership citing a law that designates all ancient artifacts found in the country as state property. Botswanas high court has overturned a colonial era law criminalizing great gay sex the ruling makes the country a pioneer in Subsaharan Africa where most countries still enforce laws against homosexuality Botswana Court said the law should not regulate private acts between consenting adults and the people penalize for who they are and suffered disrespect it unanimously rejected sections of the penal code that made same sex relations illegal those that previously carried a sentence of 7 years in prison the ruling comes less than a month after Kenyas High Court upheld similar sections of its people. We spoke with one of the activists who was in the court to hear about ruling she told us what it meant for bt people in botswana you know i think the wonderful thing about this ruling is that its been in the works for a very long time and we see that we had the hearing in march and for the ruling to be handed over at what had it down so fast is a sign that it wasnt a thing as a rush to judgment but in fact it had been deeply considered so to us and how the really into us of possibles ana and chavez on a in the diaspora it really is the mark of a movement which we have been expecting to happen albeit with as some apprehension as to what could possibly happen we are also in an Election Year this year so that also adds to that the Political Climate what we were hoping wouldnt stand out and change peoples minds in the judiciary has proven again that they will stand for human rights in books on the regardless of what is potentially a political issue at hand to hong kong where protests against a controversial bill that seeks to allow extraditions to china are returning to the city streets demonstrators are gathering and the government of course ahead of a mass protest tonight opponents of the proposed changes are fear they could undermine the items or ptolemy from Mainland China calling on territories leadership to scrap them for the protests and strikes from space on wednesday that is due to be approved by this his majesty comes. To go to hong kong im joined d. W. Correspondent time to welcome metis tomorrows protest likely to be as big a sunday. No i dont think they will but they will be many people will show up but sundays demonstrations were planned a long time ago people had time to prepare thats not the case tomorrow however many businesses have said they were shut down to allow their workers to join the protests and the whole range of groups have told. Us. To join the protests behind me is the governments offices it is now late at night we see more mainly christian groups chanting hallelujah here but a lot of others have also said announced that they would come at night and spend the night here camp in front of the legislative building which will highlight hold the hearing tomorrow a problem to hong kong Business Leaders have warned legislators to be cautious about this bill what are their concerns and are they likely to be hated. While. The Business Leaders are you traditionally forced that supports the government and the probe aging forces so this was of course a very big deal that they spoke out spoke out against this law they said that they were concerned they would be deported to Mainland China for example on tax evasion trumped up or not whatever in china happens often businesses are targeted the government has eased some of their concerns and some of the Business Associations have withdrawn their opposition. But. Many of them remain concerned as well as the Legal Professions who are usually also not known to be Anti Government so this protest is much broader than for example the protests in 2014 as far as. The whole range of societies concerned that regardless of your position they tell a church their chief executive kerry lamb is adamant that this bill will go through why is she so determined. Thats hard to say because she doesnt really explain a lot she says its necessary to shut down who pose for International Criminals fugitives who come to hong criminal fugitives who seek shelter in hong kong but she has not really addressed the consoles that the people have here. She seems determined we dont know whether beijing is behind this or whether she really thinks that this is something hong kong needs to do for its own sake she says the latter but people dont trust her. Lets hear from of a chief executive of hong kong carry law. And the bill will resume its reading 2nd reading to date on the trial of june and we have killed so members about Estate Council and various organizations and groups in society to continue or to in participate in the discussion in a calm rational and peaceful manner. Bull injured will carry lambs appeal make much difference. I dont think people will listen to what she is saying now people have been protesting people have been raising their concerns today the Legislative Council has shortened the period for discussion on this bill that would be left after tomorrows 2nd hearing that is not a sign of concern reeks of conciliation this is of course a sign that the government wants to push this through so thats why people the opposition does not trust her in this case. Im at is probably in hong kong thank you. Sport now and in the womens world cup in france the netherlands have kicked off their campaign with a one bill victory over new zealand in the half a game largely lacking chances new zealands a best chance case and missed most white efforts in the 1st half of enough of a stroke and later when through children to take all 3 points in group a 22 no midfielder giving her side after a dream stopped. Germany meanwhile put in a below par performance in their world cup opener against china it was a bruising encounter and germany were lucky to win one nil they now face spain in their 2nd group game knowing that a win would guarantee them a place in the knockout stages. Germany limber up for their much with spain knowing theyre lucky to chart their Group Despite a one nil when they struggled badly in their world cup opener against the chinese side that left them black and blue. Does kind i think she doesnt care and i dont think theres a Single Player without a bruise. On his meds now but i dont think we have to talk too much about that b. M. Spears it was a world cup game. You dont expect to come out of it unscathed. An injury to jennifer moderation was the biggest body blow inflicted by the chinese really on playmaker was said take the spain game with the french engineer. Johns absence means expectation falls on the young shoulders of julia given the 19 year old became a household name in germany with the strike that broke the chinese resistance a similar performance against spain would see her star rise even higher and leave much tech lindberghs team with one fits all coach phase. This is day w news still to come is in the open as the test grains about to become the next trend for foodies on the fans of Healthy Eating eating i will need to fall i cant i said. Going global. Mother jones about story im more of Business News africa next talk about at the top of the hour im going day. If you ever have to cover up a murder the best way is to make an accident raring to. Never read a book like this. Mr jermyn

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