Right to port to. Infinity and. I if i think of i think of germany. And dutch land the month he does its the mercedes of Production Companies filming with was a sign of prestige for sure it was a melting pot for creative symbol in and for the whole world. In nine hundred seventeen germany was losing the First World War. General ash looting doff identified the culprit the new medium of film. The germans had become a target of mockery in british and french cinemas. Lydon off wanted his own version of a big film company to produce propaganda for germany. The father i regard the implementation as an urgent part of the war. It and i call for quick idealization luke and all of. That was effectively the founding charter of that. At the time there were many small Film Companies in germany each sailing under its own flag. They made cameras run cinemas and produce films but luton doff had bigger ideas the general roped a consortium of big german firms into doing their patch realty judy Deutsche Bank bosh and a. G. Made Funds Available the Small Companies were to be merged into one crowd ship. Film shaft who for a short was to conquer the cinematic seven seas for the german kaiser. Was. Part of the empire i was the studio complex in bottles back palmer a decorated officer a monarchist and a jew became the head of production he was the almost ideal appointment for the who for board with its German Nationalist agenda. The head of state of the young Weimar Republic was free to push a about a social democrat he visited the studios during the filming of and the live. Rounds lubitsch was the director for stars emil yearnings and any portman played the lead roles. As far seans orders a bit wanted to grace the Famous Company on location with his visit reportedly he lost his hat there and emil yearnings picked it up for him saying we majesties have to stick together i dont know whether favored as. President really liked being addressed his majesty and her advice president read my state underscore to read. Below and a film by fritz lang very german material realized by a brilliant director. This thing this first place and this delivered on the promise of producing a german legend with german actors in a German Company we can really sense the National Consciousness and perhaps somewhat excessive National Pride and few light of the bush target and that large towards mecca. It was all innovative large scale and expensive a mix of copper and wagner. The dragon was the technical attraction inside it was six men who were notified by fritz lang by telephone when the dragon was to spew fire. Soon in fla sailed into financial trouble waters producer heiress palmer left and went to hollywood to for a doctor on to competitors paramount and Metro Goldwyn meyer for Financial Support the result was a german american conglomerate to farm it. Hoped that the merger would help more of its films to be shown in america that didnt happen and its financial situation remained difficult. In one hundred twenty seven nazis were fighting in the streets against communists. Unemployment was on the rise once again. Her with all its expenses faced bankruptcy. Judge a bank sort of buyer and found out that hugenberg medias are of the Weimar Republic and an ally of. Dodge a bank placed him at the helm of that one for ship. With hugenberg as the Majority Shareholder over move even further to the right his first major victory which was firmly in control of the rudder. He cancelled the contract with the us companies it being a huge loss. Now the artists no longer had control but the bookkeepers. Clips built for sound Proof Studios in bottles back known as the torn cords he also secured the return of alice palmer who brought musicals with him from america the future belongs to sound film musicians cinema owners and actors protested i. Was. I in and. I know that. But the talkies launched new stars director yells a fun stand bag made trial recordings with a little known actress in bottles back. You know i think its a good. Place been. Blue angel was a special film in many regards not least for a director from the United States joseph and sternberg was flown in it was meant as the vehicle for a meal yawning but in fact it became malina did use film it made her a global star its a bit. Theyre. Still acted with his facial expressions like in a silent movie. Every scene was filmed first in german and then in english mollenhauer hired a language teacher yangs thought he didnt need one. Yet. I think. It was actually. Did life under tank shell or a musical film made in germany. The new genre help for the offer to turn around its fortunes and begin making a profit again. I. Think. That if. You pull up and take this home or discovered that these musicals enabled a new export strategy with different versions used it. You could work on the same sets and tell the same story using Different Actors in french english and sometimes italian use of tell you nish lets hear. What you got there. The film address the economic crisis of the late twentys a heavyweight subject in a lightweight manner that was the office trademark during the golden years of the Weimar Republic. If you. Want your. I dont know. Be over marketed lily and harvey and villi furch as a dream team they were highly paid and highly controlled even in their private lives. And i know this because i just. Instructions for this. It would provide additional overhead an image to sell and to do that he controlled or even created the stars personal stories affairs questionable liaisons were out homosexuality although some of his biggest stars were gay was an absolute. Absolute how was your and over movie star would soon have to be hard as crop steel tough as leather a solitary leader like frederick the great in one thousand nine hundred thirty the flute concert of source will see adopted an alarmingly warlike tone the end of the Weimar Republic was approaching us but i think. Here they gave me a legal look at the schools and for my share and find. Which was a strong one or that this is. Likely to push me now machines all the other gets on. Just as a plain old example you keep for hoover always had not. Films in his production plan that could be a period prussian film or a film about the First World War and these films were advertised as National Films what has always been the underlying character of over now came into the open. As National Films helped to dig the grave of democracy and. He was about michelle who for always had nationalistic views most of the men on the board and in management had served in the military meatier good didnt is fuzzy this was not a company that aimed to be subversive on the contrary it. Defied emil georg fun stylus who had been the first head of who for in one nine hundred seventeen introduced hitler into industrialist circles in the early thirtys. Our friend who going back became minister for Economic Affairs in his first cabinet. The footboard sent to congratulate every telegram. The film for the new regime had already being produced three days after hitler came to power hugenberg invited him and vice chancellor fun patton to the berlin premiere of dawn a nationalist submarine drama. Once written how youre going i am back and you know you can. Come its fun googles thought the film is very good in parts you particularly like the lines spoken by real force or maybe we germans about it knowing how to live. It actually. If i think was i think he loved that but he felt the presentation of the home front was as he put it a bit house and garden not aggressive enough and employed. During the nazi period was based in berlin scholars and strasser. Pressured by gerbils the company soon fired its jewish employees. Who first best talents had to leave producer eric palmer. Actor fred scott now. The directors billy wilder. And see old mark. Actress elizabeth back now. Actor peter lorie. Actor could carry on and they werent the only ones. Director fritz lang no longer wanted to stay but propaganda minister gerbils still wasnt happy he wanted the companys total submission. He does not have the fury as approval. By order the press to attack on all fronts has got a shot coming until it is ours. Glitch and they are already softening up and this is just the beginning those idiots from the German National peoples party. Goebbels bought up in for shares for a good price now he was in charge and could restructure the ship as he pleased clinch could only stand by and watch actors materials scripts and dialogues the propaganda minister and film enthusiastic now ruled all of this personally. The board didnt appreciate this micromanagement its already as a threat to its business especially abroad. The view of the vice chamber of film that the production and sales of films can be ordered from above continues to fill us with serious concern for the development of our business. Gerbils was involved in writing the script for. Consonants a clever mix of newsreel and acted scenes during the opening of the one nine hundred thirty six Olympic Games in berlin the smart ills of falls in love with a dashing colorado its. Even. If you. Wanted. To get. Rid of it. They fall in love but lose each other years later they find each other again thanks to the armies of one concept or request concert radio show. That mother. Figure. Here to see only to be. Part of. A tear jerker set against a backdrop of war the message war is inevitable concept was one of the most successful and for films of the nazi period. His career also began with propaganda films guna mulla started acting in film roles in the bubbles bag studio when he was just twelve this was his last interview. I started with advertising films with the and then i made short propaganda films with your proposals and with ludwig schmitz. I think the man im with you think i am or you would know who. He is and it has a tale of us if i look at the image of it it was decorum all the men wore dark suits white shirts and silver ties and ones who were caught. In the young eagles going to played an apprentice came to build cockpits for bombers. I think that. The young hardy crew played an equally enthusiastic role. A propaganda film pure and simple. What a shock like that living inside of a tidy one for bumping it to get a bunch of you know how to do a concert held on rhenish in public before day one has no such thing. We were all about sixteen tough i met whats gong leave a night out and said when were done here i have to go to the hitler Youth Training camp he said ill give you a contract maybe thatll help us in thats how i got a contract not because i was such a good actor for so to keep me from military service stuff all of it didnt work though and mists cannot stand. The board complained that too many for employees had gone to war or being killed in action six hundred forced laborers were assigned to the company they were treated very badly as was usual in german companies. For coal or goebbels wanted to see the world of cholera the companys own House Department had been experimenting with cholera since one thousand nine hundred eighty one. That loves this was his first color film that my i. Am good at my own. Next the animated switch to color. On compared to hollywood was lagging way behind as far as color film was concerned it was googles personal ambition to catch up the first german feature film was only made in the summer of one hundred thirty nine minutes at no one under i saying. The in. The in. The first stuck to its guns even in color the film was a period musical with jaunty military personnel and a sourcing woman. He started seeing and. I. Was told that the it. Was. Was punished. By a fish. And was pretty good. There and deadly abusing filming it became clear that the color quality wasnt uniform tade certain film consignments varied in quality. As to leave home and unfair in feel and another problem was that one of the lead actors Carl Stepanek emigrated to england during filming how stepanek theres a deadly a but he had to be replaced and his scenes had to be shot again because its free and i dismissed enough completely i had. Just purchased it again and i know this job is very good back to the business that. Come to me and have a chance but i must insist on interest and we dont want to risk the stunt. Disconsolately. Never mind the regime you for always focused on heartbreak and romance. To incent up a how to and ensure in pension debt that it had great material but as i knew it he wrote the script and submitted it to what it was stated but the doctor he was asked to come in and was told weve read your script very carefully and with interest please but please tell us where in your script is the. Interest to his or her hoof shaped he was startled to hear such a word in such a place and then turned with such a gesture he didnt know what to say it was as others and i as a man he was told if you dont have to show it but we have to be able to assume that women are there and that lovemaking is happening when just all very correct that was fun to collect dust saudi who fought. To. Fight holland made the last propaganda film for goebbels callback and drama with ten thousand extras germany meanwhile was in ruins. Its five dead or that was the biggest flop in the history of the over during the twelve weeks until the war ended this film was seen by hardly anyone is these a few column knocking seen boden but production costs amounted to several millions inform me other than me yawn and. Goebbels much i was better to die than surrender. August says it in the film. It is and i would love to act. As i must not to go there either. I like to look up and yet it is really a good life. For gerbils and hitler and the scenes were too realistic they demanded numerous edits to million of ice smocks worth of filming lie scattered around the cutting room while bombs were raining down on. The off a building called fire a secret operation was launched to rescue files and film footage before lynn fell the big minute for leaving the sinking ship. Once the war ended the d. Laurie those were definitely over tourist allies decided the company had to be broken up each Occupied Zone of germany would see small film boats floating again. In the soviet zone the day fire was launched the accompanying dinghy was manned by apparatchiks ensuring everything was politically correct defile was a communist version of the. Roof of our hoover was a studio in which films had been made from the initial idea to the premier. D. For adopted the same system they created a huge institution with two and a half thousand employees that were a film can be made from its inception to its final release. Be supreme year between twenty and. The biggest chunk of Office Assets was in babbles back the soviet military government ensured that production soon started up again here both going start herb was the first to film in bottles bag after nine hundred forty five a store someone needs to know my face even though my. Knowledge talk about. Murder is among us is the story of a nazi mass murderer the soviets approved of that and the old rule for lived on in the workmanship. Beleaguered as soon to get kony if indeed she did his films in turn i think of hildegard can a venture in the story as a concentration camp survivor with her bright face in direct lighting if i can see very clearly that day for had taken on a lot of the oversight of lightings we see a few from first year but at the from push could be because. After an insider on the other hand i can also see that with the ruins everywhere in elements of expression is cinema from the Weimar Republic found their way into this day for films and thats no surprise either because the set designers who worked on the first day for film were part of the old guard over in bubbles where good as you wish theyd worked with fritz lang and the directors and during the Weimar Republic and of course the nazi period wouldnt they salvage what they could and put it into deva and inquisitive far you could get it at the end of. The showdown when the traumatised soldier holds his former captain to account is grand old of a cinema. Six hundred as the men are two years into sean and by the skin that. When its on so hot and humid as he says. We should attack each other out on a vacation assumption might have to tune. In for studios in temple hall for where in west berlin and therefore under the control of the western powers they were more hesitant when it came to rebuilding the Film Industry. But not as not one of the film cloaks industry just as in billion that is a challis get off its eleven feet of a count of dodgy good stuff and being on film and before. The a diver volunteers palmer has to give you all dont give up or did saying yes i mean because i feel important part of its year at the off gravity field al back in the west on a video game going to bring. The idea turf in politic policy of the allies was aimed at destroying the industry for political reasons. Thats and they wanted to smash the nazi legacy while at the same time keeping this market open for american production my conscious products or. The allies band called bag and other propaganda films today twenty of the three hundred for films from the nazi period can only be shown with restrictions. On the files from the burning headquarters had ended up in there is a bad land the hills north of hannover. The gender of drug and huts castle was the reef founding of the its a story like a harmless little film but one with bite. At first former office staff came to value hearts acting as if the Company Still existed. They had let a paper printed they advertise for film additives in the films and on the posters they had to swastikas painted over and covered abracadabra. Suddenly all these films were deemed not survived. Things got exciting in the council cellar where the files were stored the allies Commission Trustees to sort out the finances the young man studied the files down here he was supposed to help liquidate the company. Our know how could do the opposite defying the will of the allies and with the help of the art in our government. One of our t. Course in fact on this play out in our government but also the major parties in the bundestag viewed film as a medium for shaping opinion dont these a survive. Die i think influencing Public Opinion was a crucial aspect of the early west german film policy enough in politic there flew in front of the public. At the behest of the allies the German Parliament passed a law in one nine hundred fifty three intended to break up the ufa. But chancellor Konrad Adenauer found a loophole. And this there were exceptions to the order to break it up and those exceptions were implemented. After it wasnt sold to the highest bidder the standard was originally there was a rule that no one was allowed to buy more than one studio all three cinemas i was but exceptions were possible the buyers took advantage of all these exceptions they were explicitly encouraged to do so by the government and by the parliament and off wants to spin this tax. Helman use of apps the head of Deutsche Bank got a call from the Chancellors Office adenauer sold over to dodge a bank for a third of its value it was a good deal for the bank just as it had been when offer was first launched. Thanks to our now and dont have bank our know how can became the captain of the new film should that in one nine hundred fifty six once again bore the big old name a ship meant to serve the German Government and dont share bank just like in the old days. In the old. Opened new cinema and he moved further from bargain holds to doesnt offer where he built up a new headquarters he distributed and produced movies. One thats usually dont ask. At the right time of them pick up the till i think thats really going to play the son of louise a full version of his first post war film they were the new for dream team. He said. That this film. Yes the capable business woman widow and mother of three sons overcomes all the hardships. Of this kind of statement that. You know her life and then she even finds new love oh yeah oh. Yeah. And if ive got a son that he. Could offer he i just wanted also to give. Up you know i saw. The film was going to mother could have been made for the art in our governments family ministry. Theres a famous moment in this film isnt mama fabulous it was a slip up really i was lambasted in the press and because when the great releases its first film and then its such a trivial entertainment movie they shouldnt have done it. At the next month of. The film was a flop but i know how good the Company Captain was unfazed. Is like me it has strong legs nothing will capsize and. How his next project was an expensive international coproduction. The young the last book called snick name was discovered by the new phone and by mario at all. If you would have us move towards me i heard that blowholes didnt like me or want me to we met on a plane he sat down next to me and said im sure youve heard that ive got a problem with you because of the character of lawsky and i want to tell you why when i read the script i imagine someone like Spencer Tracy in that role or movie Spencer Tracy. Sorry i mean when i replied hes a man i very much admire and i can also tell you that when i read the death shit i imagine someone like William Holden in the lead as Philip Holden job it. And he said or one point for you im hotter. If. That is what im for there was the guns available for me if i was a leak i dont know get up even if. You believe only in the extinction of the national in the browser from the god of a libya which is owned by serious abs. To read even a couple of good most to me than. The thought the death ship was my way above average for that time physical radical dirty hard cinema sickness have to skin or. Dirty ugly one. Thing you do for bank on action and young talents good cinema actually but germans were getting comfortable in their television on chance. Because. When kunzelmann you could say it failed because of the expectations they wanted to continue on the model of the prewar years the golden age of the function they wanted to be just as good in a successful but that didnt work for greece only do so if only from the union. Who for celebrated despite millions in losses until it became insolvent and was sold by dontcha bank to bettles man in one nine hundred sixty four. The federal government paid bettles man a lot of money to keep the rights to the old for films in germany thats how the monel foundation was established it maintains for cinematic heritage to this day. Battles man sold the roof or cinemas in one nine hundred seventy one. Although they were still called afterwards there was no left inside these days the old logo can only be seen on three remaining theaters. Then man if you deal consciously with your history and i think we do if you know the dark sides but also the great sides of over then its a Proud Company legacy its a real legend in the Film Industry i cant think of any other in germany that had such a long Film Production history mixed like ours from perhaps on. British. Scripts of anybody because there are very few who can claim such a long creative output. Thanks to nico half monday off a ship has once again become a well oiled machine all for now and its money with shows and soaps but high gloss Event Television restored its reputation. But out. Forgetting the need in seeing the dust off the opportunity to go but up by me live here. And thats the rule for tradition period dramas from the german empire to the fall of the berlin wall the new offer has told the story of almost every major event. As if you had an unfinished if not. As it was a purely private nico hoffman move that the big high end dramas were always big historical stories im very interested in these topics and i feel that ive now finished telling those stories because ive done so much in this area there was very much shaped by us but also by my private interest in german history and water system. The mini series generation war moved the ship out of its comfort zone. Because it doesnt help us to get off the. It tells the story of five young germans who experienced the war not by choice. Tom shelling is one of the young soldiers i sent. In to touch start off in fear and wonder if im really proud of the film its unassailable in my view what could be better than when films cause controversy. Ive always made films with over that were so captivating and compelling that you really had to think about them and talk about work on that lets you know you want i hadnt had. The series also portrays polish anti semitism during the war thanks. It doesnt make. Me. Think so you think theres a thing as a fun tax. Situation if youre not feeling. The blurring of the lines between victims and perpetrators anger at the polls not to mention the public in america and israel. Has a scones and donts of one thing i wouldnt repeat with generation war is that i now wouldnt go to another country and as a german filmmaker trying to tell parts of polish history from the german perspective ill start implementing that sale and as that belongs to the poles ive learned my lesson in that area or maybe ill bring in polish historians to act as consultants but i wouldnt do it like that again for its ornish my mom. Generation war was nonetheless an International Critical and ratings hit. I think international any for t. V. Movie miniseries goes to. The International Emmy awards are the oscars of television generation. Who fought is a piece of german history empire third life federal republic he always knew germanys dreams fias hopes and longings thats been its business for one hundred years. Old. Right. Right. Up there. Is a six year. Old and i dont want to undermine it. But what is the. Snowy mountains dance where im heading im getting closer to the al going to see your fun in the bay area our check in special there yes on my way to the pacific that a little sarcasm still strong certainly of highest value of course and and of course when im here ill do a hike in the bavarian forest. Thirty minutes on. I dont want it. Yes you know i mean in human noticing going yes. Most. Of them are going to syndicate media. Us all with only about a. Vision of getting him what they dont want in. This you know i mean you may not and it seemed. Like a sort of a moment tonight is. What im focused on the music but im with what an organist you know im not going to sit there and. This you know i mean youre going to raise and groan you are going to get when you go to the i dont want to. Me nominate and unanimous. The show could go because i see videos have said. I should i. Can only say it but i caught going on with her to a fundie. Point zero Point Mackenzie it gets as if to say i said im. Going. To. Be serious for attracted more just got more chaotic as alliances shift Kurdish Militia in syria say they are teaming up with president assads forces to push turkey out of the border enclave it invaded last month meanwhile critics fear german tanks like these used to attack kurdish rebels in syria were part of a deal to secure the freedom of an imprisoned journalist some believe it might have been turkeys price tag for the reporters freedom. Also chosen by the american

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