About welcome to conflicts in the talk in front of your Party Members shortly after the beginning of the attack in syria president and other one said quote if the terrorist enough enough dont surrender we will tear them down what does tearing down me how far will turkey go well as you know this process is not a new process its started in two thousand and eleven with the. People being massacred in syria and turkey has been under attack over the last year seven hundred attacks have come to turkish soil to the first arguing to building in syria you actually know this is not a this is not the first time it was during Operation Euphrates Shield in two thousand and sixteen when turkey went first into the syrian through the Syrian Border and turkey was the one who clear to area from terrorists i see two with terrorists were fighting turkey as you might probably hold would know terrorists you will enter into our countries you will cross borders this is not turkey we are talking about no turkey is not imagine syria would have done the same. Wealth and let me take it to be king at start from the beginning turkish citizens are im to attack have been attacked by missiles by bombs coming from Syrian Border seven hundred different attacks took place in addition to that thousands and thousands of syrians have been massacred since two thousand and fifty six point five Million People have lost their homes were hosting three million of them in turkey so we know so were not there in syria to kill citizens innocent citizens not only are there lives where there are the fight terrorists you are responsible for you rights that means you are responsible for International Principles and buildings charity invaded a foreign state without permission you crossed im bored with our old legend to make a living turkey is violating International Law according to the United Nations charter her article fifty one a country has the right to defend itself as nationally whan syria we let me correct this turkey has not invaded syria what else you were where you are with soldiers with pleasure do please get ten downtown when no one here is would have. You by you Later International more know just learn to live from asia so what is your international ledger to measure for crossing borders into another country a sovereign come. I was in great hunger last week no actually it was treated days ago proxima is a seventeen Year Old Girl young girl who was going to high school and she got killed. I am missile attack that came that was started by the white peachey forces on the other side of our border what would you suggest if your country was under attack and if your historical mosque got attacked while people were praying we have lost fifty citizens in the sense of aliens over the last couple of days saw when your country is attacked from the border by terrorist organizations tearing down tearing down i would tell you i tell you what should we do about that interesting i would write it i will give you an ounce of dosh is the same as what i pledge which i was tired of you know and so what your country is doing when the same thing happens that you were just doing when the russian plane invaded us space two years ago how did you react you were very quick to shoot it down because you said this is our country you are invading us you are doing the same thing now in syria assad didnt allow you or invited you to come into syria and assad i mean were talking about leader who has killed almost health and million innocent civilians im just wondering im just curious about how come the International Community was so quiet when. People women and children were being raped and slaughtered in it lip and inhale it to please me i mean i will make years later that we are doing what we needed during operation new freedom is field in two thousand and sixteen just like we cleared the area you clear the area from die. Militants terrorists right now were trying to get rid of the threat the immediate threat that seth acting turkish lives as well as innocent syrian citizens advice are going im tired with this whole argument arjuns im very curious about your answer with this argument from now on every country can attack another country and can argue as you are doing because to a terrorist is a very International Issue today. But lets talk about the contra argument thank you your contra gets attacked and you just sit and wait for them to kill more of your people is that argument we should be fighting for but i think the country is tricky especially is more civilized than terrorist groups. And they are still a member of the un and that we are still in respecting International Red eye how are you there are other. Countries that have. Taken steps to protect their citizens it let me open it very clearly we are not at war this is not something we wanted we didnt want to war we didnt want to be the ones that call others our last us three hundred three thousand syrian million im sorry three million refugees always we are strong we are we are not open that war front come on im sorry hi im sorry with your army one day ill enjoy a soldier in a foreign country what is it if not the wolfram we are fighting terrorists is it if not and war to invade another country. I am sorry im sorry calling it an invasion is nonsense every human being has a right to defend themselves just like every nation every state has a right to defend itself so turkey is there not because were interested in going into syrian territory we do respect territorial integrity of syria but when innocent civilians are being killed in syria and when this spreads over to our border and kills our citizens than we you know what they should expect us to keep quiet about us actions also killing civilians now syria know everybody who is killed kill no terrorists the International Press the u. N. Everybody is telling us that civilians died because the turkish army is in syria i have my guy right i have my facts and i tell ya what i was in turkey Turkish Military is taking utmost care to make sure not a single civilian is sort of the First Airline bird who is capable of doing that but turkey has not even been able to convince any of the eloise. That the way p. G. Are terrorists the e. U. And the us have essentially dismissed your claims that something im im a member of the turkey United States Parliamentary Friendship Group and thats something we try to convey to our friends in europe as well as the United States. P k k and why peachey are the same and as a matter of fact germany last year in march made a decision that. Makes carrying p y d y p g science illegal and when you have a terrorist organization p k k and p y g y p g has the same leader of the hotel on same ideology exact same uniforms and it is a terrorist organization they are killing kurdish the citizens who live in syria just like p. K. With killing her and turkish citizens in the us he was working it. Was at with why b. G. Of fighting against isis there are elements of the americans are you wisely and the americans are fortunate that thats something we have to say the least a very strong difference in opinion with the United States utilizing one terrorist organization as your boots on the ground just because they fight isis is not acceptable that we experienced this before with al qaeda we experienced the space for with the taliban then returning to monitor it was more clear than you know he said the ongoing us military support to wipe e. G. Poisons of our Longstanding Partnership they want to continue with them so the americans are poisoning the relationship to turkey be continue to work with them in the tar definitely not. Putting anything. And making our relations better its definitely a strain to say the least let me say this why p. G. P. Whitey whom United States use that as their boots on the ground is no different from isis and they were the ones according to b. B. C. Footage who. Why peaches said it but i asked terrorising green in the ryder cup so i dont believe in any of these terrorist organizations the american Lieutenant General countered with currency very important man and so truck is operation into our freedom was not helpful and was instead taken focus away from fighting the Islamic State which is in the interest of the americans thats a strong accusation turkey has. Turkey has taken into custody im trying to remember the numbers ten thousand people deported six thousand people because of their diet ties but worse and for that marilyn prospect for instance for israel answering your own more ethels the brussels that attack attack the Terrorists Attack could have been prevented if they listened which are what are you. The americans presenting his plans for food or one of president of the insert called first rule while you out the terrorist and then make the plays livable for you for three point five million syrians who are our guest do you agree. With that isnt childless ive seen it in september i was unsure albus the people who had fled to turkey afford their lives and were and were living in the camps moved back to childless now to our purpose as a livable city turkey is giving support when they need it they have their own police and its a wonderful place where syrians who are fleeing from why peachy and terrorist attack it can take forever to plans all we had that already if you ask president assad if you agrees with you plans in his country or are you now the leader in syria. Again were talking about the fact that. Almost half a Million People have died we are talking about another attack you look around and said for three point five million syrians were our guests we will place them back to syria in this area only i want to explain to understand with giving you the legitimate nation to decide who is living were in syria this is my question ok to all the syrian guests believe me i go to the camps that are within Turkish Border outside of the Turkish Border i talk to the people they want to go back whole other world search next will will be which is around two thousand soldiers american soldiers when you launch an attack on American Forces they are there thats not something we want to see happening out there we dont look let me also say the earth while also protecting nato borders we are protecting our nato borders so i thought the question we need to ask is that why is it then they tell ally utilizing a terrorist organization they dont call a terrorist because they fight another terrorist organization which and stop killing members nato member countries citizens as well you are in charge of human rights for your party lets talk about them president rather once said two days ago after two days of the operation started those who make the mistake and take the public squares will pay a heavy price we will crush those who oppose us in this National Struggle crush your own population. What he meant what does statement means theres not toleration and for supports for terrorism. You cannot fool a ship or you to your government more than three hundred people have already been detained for criticizing the operation on social media there is no police for dissenting voices in the last morris not thats not thats not the case you know thats not the case but supporting terrorism is not acceptable anywhere else the world i know thats the case in the United States it was the case right after september eleventh attacks which i know because i was there during those days so that is not acceptable anywhere its not acceptable in germany its not acceptable in france these or support were also talking about oh certainly men measures to fight against terrorism and that there are some people are saying do we hold this government is doing is wrong thats not at all and magically support for terrorism or isnt it like that here. With this operation for the first time in a long time. We lived this period during the quarter tank but its very difficult for turkish the leading party a party and Republican Party gehad to agree on that but our main opposition who doesnt agree on most of our. I. D. s they support the stop aeration the Jewish Community in turkey supports the supper ration the Christian Community in turkey supports the operations ample budget for example of those people where this is a financial we have to push medical association with more than eighty three thousand members representing a wrong eighty percent of surgeons in turkey criticized the intervention saying not toward peace no presence of the one answered by calling them terrorists lovers three thousand surgeons all lovers eight to three thousand surgeons who said nothing while people were being massacred in syria i dont find that i mean that i respect their opinion but i dont mind that israel did my religion the police came only because surgeons said this was the called normal to more peace now thats a reason to call them your own people terrorists love ones. When you are when theyre doing this to support and expressing their support for why p. G. Which is a terrorist organization and express and support of the a. G. U. By all the mentioned nor to war they are perhaps other ways how to solve the conflict alqaeda terrorists long. When you when you make a statement or when we criticize of course everybody should be open to criticism thats what i believe and then you also need to produce and turn it of whats the alternative when you have to three Million People who are your hosting there was late less for a nearly five years people are sick you think these people where in the world is a support for terrorism. Acceptable so you still say that somebody who is questioning that no no no i am rather than what happened i mean i think all of them all over the world we have examples over the years i as they are the europeans a terrorist or potential terrorist this is this is where you are telling us now eighty three thousand surgeons are now terrorist lovers only because they dont accept the strategy of the government no thats not what im saying. And saying i dont agree with them in december the world gave a statement in honor of human rights there in where he praised turkey for being one of the first country that signed the universal declaration of human rights and it was that our program maybe yes so lets talk about reality at least one hundred forty six academics face trial for signing a petition generally sixteen demanding again an end to violence against corruption charity and article nineteen of the declaration of civil rights states that everyone have the right to the freedom of expression that what was their crime why are they in jail. People who argue that theres. Mistreatment of kurdish citizens in turkey systematic mistreatment of kurdish citizens in turkey are out of touch with reality and thats a reason to put the prison the petition says as the vice chair of our party in human rights in charge of your lights ill tell you this im a living example of how human rights has excelled during the time of x. Party living example and woman like me would not be able to get elected and serve in the parliament when i say like me im saying a woman will call chooses to wear one sorry its going to say i turn for the kurds it was absolutely address and i put it to. The other side we demand the government to prepare the conditions for the good situations to create rudimental that would lead to a loss to peace is demanding peace terrorists are in turkey when this at this peace titian incident let me talk about that time in two thousand and fifteen when president our plant took a very very important step and started the Peace Process in turkey p k k im old enough to remember how it emerged and i remember as a child im ok i dont want to intimate it but im forty six now but as a child i remember hearing on the news. A terrorist organization was killing people we all saw in two thousand and fifteen we took a great step important step to start a Peace Process p k k dropped its lead months we know down started and tagged as another young would be alchemy but we are talking about Something Else for example the common the committee to protect journalists currently list or was seventy imprisoned one of them the news whose ill the journal even arrested in february seventeenth one year ago why. Are journalists about a lot a person maybe an academic maybe a doctor maybe a lawyer maybe a chance at or are they about the law the. People the numbers that you have mentioned they have there is a real one player may have been to prison sharing with prosecutors with our whole case we are all caught nothing this is representing Human Rights International standards one year turkey is a country where the rule of law applies one hear us than you know show us or two to that nurses jews asians or us like normal terrorists have there have their cases thats something for the ports to design and presenting human rights there is one person and a lot more one year in a turkish prison please explain me how is it possible on one side like you are pleading for human rights and somebody is in prison one year and nobody knows why not. There is not enough actual accusation. There is evidence against there that is lying or than a prison i understand arguing with and trying to present the reality in a different way but. There emerges in that realisation if there had been very serious or no nobody would be held in any prison without these a very sharp facial actions zation like the principles and the standards of International Human rights and not yes or no the guy is now one year in prison yes or no i mean you have im saying nobodys about the law saw the courts will decide the idea of his means there is internationally one year in prison without accuser that is not the case that is the case you know if using sion. Has the file and the courts will decide what is more is not the accusation a court cant decide. To run away yeah human rights one person know what mr putin who did this is your president and he declared openly that he is a terrorist this is also interesting your caught no accusation but a politician who decided that he is guilty human once this is the way today the law is living in turkey not the courts but the president politics of this deciding was responsible of course of course not the courts who decide who is right who is the criminal and who needs to serve time in jail thats not something that politicians decide but naturally in every country the prime ministers the president s and ministers tend to have more intelligence than ordinary citizens. Thank you very much circumvention thank you for. Saying so yes i think. Get. The best. To. Cut. Cut cut cut cut cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut cut. Necklace in some colorful and shiny object example of some doing culture in kenya to keep the jury has also come to symbolize charles marriage and sexual abuse. Josefina some during the self. 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