Said then and the reaction he gets now the hollywood director Quentin Tarantino and his thoughts on the rape of a teenage girl caught on tape. You know its there in the word rape around the word racist around and you know it doesnt apply to everything that people use it for a right you know he was guilty of having sex with a minor. Or we begin the day with the politics of taking a last resort and hoping that you can turn it into a first choice today germanys main Political Parties the conservatives and the social democrats announced they have reached a deal on governing together for the next four years a grand coalition as its known here now would signals an end to the political autopilot that has steered the country since the election last september it has never taken germanys Political Parties so long to carry out the will of the voters and todays new grand coalition breakthrough would not have been first on anyones wish list and that explains partly why todays agreement followed a final twenty hour negotiating marathon and why german chancellor Angela Merkel made the news public with an expression more akin to resignation then rejoicing and the whole thing could be torpedoed next month all members of the social democrats will vote yes or no to this new grand coalition tonight we are working on the assumption that they will say yes heres our first report. After a marathon thirty four hours of negotiations its only strained smiles for the would be Coalition Partners with the what can compromise achieved relief from the chancellor. Its been about so i am convinced that the Coalition Agreement we have worked on together can be just that the basis for a phony and stable government thats what our country needs and its what the wound is expecting from us that it often ends up. Expectations were high especially among Martin Schultzs social democrats the s. P. D. Party base will have the last word over the next few weeks the partys roughly four hundred sixty thousand members will decide whether the agreement will stand as the foundation for a new grand coalition shieldss message success hes a target stock we had a big influence on this agreement as were grateful to the union parties for making compromises that were difficult for them but it chiva bowl in the end just. One example in the Coalition Agreement fixed Term Employment would likely be the exception to the rule in future repeated contract extensions a thing of the past a clear concession to the social democrats another key demand from the s. P. D. Made less headway little progress on a Major Overhaul of the German Health care system. The conservatives knew they needed to compromise in order to secure a Coalition Deal even the leader of the cd used by variances to party the c. S. U. Had nothing but praise for the s. P. D. And the agreement we had. Least anyone who reads these one hundred seventy seven pages and i hope they will be widely read it will see what we are proposing is good for our country for all. And thats also what the s. P. D. Is proclaiming the social democrats are getting two of the most important ministries finance and Foreign Affairs Martin Schultz wants to become foreign minister hes giving up the s. P. D. Presidency to andrea nonis its been a tense day in berlin but the next decisive phase is now beginning the s. P. D. Membership to begin voting in a few days the result should be no known march the fourth only then will it be clear whether there really will be a new grand coalition. You know about a month to go so what do we need to know before we get to march fourth to talk about that im joined here at the big table by our chief Political Correspondent melinda crane and in Strasbourg France tonight at the European Parliament our correspondent barbara very useful joins us good evening to you both mother let me start with you you followed these negotiations down to the wire you were there last night in the freezing cold the world is watching it wants a stable germany what message was sent out to the world by todays agreement i think maybe there are three key messages for our International Viewers first one would be germany knows it has some homework to do in terms of shoring up the foundations of its economic strength and success because of course thats a key part of that stability so one of those is digitalisation city you member said later today in the past side the Parliamentary Group you know what we are lagging behind if we look toward asia and we have got to catch up there is more in this Coalition Agreement on digitalisation than many of us had expected Digital Skills for kids digitalisation in Companies Support for that research and broadband and a right to broadband on the part of every citizen no matter where he or she lives so thats point number one foundations for a Strong Economy going into the future secondly. And coupled with that a message that germany stands by what it calls the social market economy meaning that if you want to bring your citizens along they need to feel secure and they need to have a sense of fairness this agreement does bear a social democratic staff it is definitely cast in that direction and we heard the chancellor saying thats because fairness and security must be paired with economic dynamism so thats message number two and number three a message on europe we are ready to get into the driver seat next to Emmanuel Mccall oh yeah and the because then over to Barbara Barbara what do you think the germans gave mr marquand today i mean did he get a bouquet from the german chancellor. At least that friend i would rather say its a big box nicely tied was written really give a real gift package because mccrone really needs germany to do anything in europe he came out with some bold ideas he wants to reform the eurozone he wants to have some sort of European Monetary Fund he wants to invest more in europe and shift sort of the economic spending power of germany somehow through as the south of europe with money and investment is sorely needed so he could have done nothing none of all of these if the grand coalition in berlin wouldnt have come together because it was the liberal Party Coalition as they said in germany it would have been very difficult so he really needed this its important not only for you its important for microns own political survival medium term so yes happiness in paris happiness in paris this grand coalition two point zero is what ive called it it has a smaller majority then the previous grand coalition the a. F. D. The far right force is now in parliament what does this mean then for the business of governing and for getting things done the a. F. D. Is an outlier nonetheless yes its the biggest Opposition Party but i think the key question will be are they going to govern in the spirit in which this agreement was written they clearly have in mind the sense of many germans that the future is not secure that the sense that their children may not have it as good as theyve had it the sense that certain regions of this country have fallen behind people leaving many parts of the east population droppings shops shutting down associations closing all of that has led. I think to the embrace of the far right not only immigration issues although those of course also are very much part of this Coalition Agreement with an upper limit whether you want to call it by that name or not at least as an aspirational goal all of that is directed at the feelings of insecurity that i think many germans have had will it be implemented that is the big question if it is it may take some of that concern away over the medium to long term one of the accusations that have been aimed at merrill have been that she on her watch all of this insecurity has arisen and barbara we were watching today when she made the announcement about this deal we know that she had to make big concessions to the social democrats what kind of chancellor does she look like tonight in the arms of the european union. Of course everybody in europe knows brant that we are watching and experiencing the sunset of a market i mean this is going to be definitely her last period in office if she even you know does the whole four years nobody knows but there still is a strong attachment to her because she has of itself years been this strongest the most stable the most reliable person in europe just think back to things that you know she sort of pulled the potatoes out of the fire during the ukraine crisis she went there and negotiated as throughout the night as she did last night and she came back was a success and that is something her strengths are innate strengths that europes do value so theyre ready to say is slow goodbye but she still should not be underestimated shell still be on the stage. As both of you this start with you what happens if the social democrats than at the end of this month what happens if they vote to kill this coalition plan. Chaos catastrophe the major disasters should be say the little prayer that this wont happen because europe can deal with it not this year just talk about brics it talk about the problems with Eastern Europe and many of the policy areas where is strong as stable hand in berlin really is needed a moment what about if its killed i dont think germany will go up in flames if that occurs will have a caretaker government will get new elections then we will start another negotiating process there will be a government in place the wheels will continue to turn but what we wont have is a government capable of taking far reaching initiatives on crucial issues like making the country fit for the future in terms of digitalisation such as europe and there i think that for me would be the biggest disadvantage we need movement on europe now before you elections next year we need a government here in berlin in place that can take broad initiatives on europe and therefore we have to hope that enough s. P. D. Members want to govern that they actually look at whats in this agreement or people who responded with the green here at the big table with me and in Strasbourg France tonight have the European Parliament our correspondent barbara very useful to both of you thank you very much. Well tonight in south africa talks at the highest level about an imminent end to the error of president Jacob Zuma Deputy head of state Cyril Ramaphosa says he is in direct discussions with zuma to organize a transfer of power theres a growing pressure within the ruling a. N. C. For zuma to step aside following years of scandal well after a Cabinet Meeting on wednesday promised a speedy resolution to the countrys leadership crisis zuma support has plummeted amid corruption charges and a deep economic slump. Says that he and zuma are aware that the public is running out of patience. Its the no ticking at the eaves and. So this is that is just the way it has to go hes times when it has done nothing absolutely nothing but look at the look at eloquent. Look at the. Let know weve become in love with you also for one stupid. All right im joined tonight by the South African journalist only seventeen shes a familiar face to our viewers its good to have you back here at the big table well is this the true end game for president jacob zuma but it seems like we took me every night and still there i am it is the beginning of the end game but hes digging in his heels this morning we heard hell be game by tonight and hes digging in his heels on two points one is that he would like his exwife. I mean exuma to become Vice President s and that she can keep an eye under suma empire and like zimbabwe in a way doesnt like that and then the issue of sort of a president ial pardon immunity from prosecution he still has seven hundred eighty three charges of corruption against him from before he became president said the man when he leaves he will be a busy man in the court said that this seems to be his Biggest Issue do we do we know what the transfer of power will look like i mean youve mentioned that its important to the see that zuma has departure not look like he is being kicked out. Yes thats sort of on the one hand to sort of. Say that he doesnt lose face but its also food from a pause are important because is zuma and his cronies is the not and political allies its also financial allies who suit is involved in the corruption and they still is a strong factor in the a. N. C. From a pause a has to sort of threat a very sort of thin line or they can be about a backlash that hes trying to take the party with him in getting zuma to gaze so that they can start a new era but its a very difficult an indication at least that there are some who say that zuma is doing the South African democracy a favor by digging in and not going easily because its allowing the parliament to assert its supremacy over the authority of the a. N. C. Do you agree with them. Weve spin seeing that in these last few days and weve been seeing the opposition parties coming out very strongly very united and tonight they were saying well if by sunday this issue is not solved and zuma is not gone then were going to have a mission of no confidence and bring it forward we go and wait for the seventeenth or the twenty second of february we need to resolve this next week because very important the budget speech has to be done in february its the end of the Financial Year in south africa and then break and said a lot of issues and people are losing patience that weve just seen in that piece people are. Ready for change to come what will happen i mean youve mentioned your leader the zoomable lose his president ial immunity once hes out of office correct does that mean then that he can be charged with all of these these alleged crimes that were there even before he became president they would before became he. President he was already fired as Vice President because of all these corruption charges. And he made his way back saying he is not someone who is going to go quietly or sort of fitness a good and he still has a powerful supporters who are sort of involved in financial matters with him and in corruption and more importantly whats going to happen to south africa once zuma is gone i think in the clean up operation starts because this corruption is so widespread is the patronage system under him the people that he put in power in different important positions are not going to be gone he will be gone but youll still have ministers hell still have c. E. O. s of state into prizes who are all his people so it will be its not going to be a few months it will be used if not the case to get rid of the system of corruption that would have been underway and hes just it didnt happen overnight you know thats for sure on the surface in South African journalist as always its good to have you want to share with and see each other and tomorrow night again well see what our friends think things. The hollywood director Quentin Tarantino is no stranger to public scandal a you may remember the actress emma thurman accused her in tino of forcing her on the set of the film kill bill to perform a dangerous driving stunt a stunt that resulted in a car crash where now its the words of tarantino himself which are coming back to haunt him and many in hollywood a two thousand and three radio interview between Terrence Hino and shock jock howard stern has resurfaced in the conversation tarantino is asked about fellow director Roman Polanski who was arrested in one thousand nine hundred seventy seven for drugging and raping a thirteen Year Old Girl lansky fled the u. S. For france after pleading guilty to a lesser charge unlawful sex with a minor tear in chino on the air goes on a rant defending polanski and accusing the girl of wanting to be a salt. Fish mad man director who raped a thirteen year old even rate of thirteen years it was statutary rape that he would use the word rape talking about violent throwing him down its almost Violent Crimes in the world you can throw around the word rape around is like throw the word racist around you know doesnt apply to everything that people use it for all right you know he was guilty of having sex with a minor he didnt want to ham no that was not the case at all she wanted to have it well and they did. They did they did the guy way to. China with a thirteen Year Old Girl youre a grown man you know thats wrong. Im not. She was down with oh you. Talk about it. Amazing when you listen to that its disturbing to say the least lets go to los angeles now im joined by journalist matthew its good to see you i mean i have to ask you why should anyone care about what tarantino said about the polanski on a radio talk show back in two thousand and three. When you just said listening i got audio even. When it is frightening to hear anybody just by having something sex while sexually assaulting a thirteen year old remember it was in his fortys when this incident supposedly hard to even hear its a lot of all years ago its still distorting but when wonder what it is well the most. Filmmakers of our time here in hollywood hes made some of the most profitable films here on hollywood up with people sort of obviously you know call it shame to go and change can go on in hong kong when you know someone who markets will know you will saying something is its a star being it sells a lot in school and taught me a little bit about how this all the resurfaced and what has happened since that. Well what im told is not entertain it but cite here. From a reader at that stage you know in light of all the things happening out there with tell me you know you want to go back and listen to this audio interview to be part of about what will be in two thousand and three on the radio shock jock howard stern show and certainly since it isnt a box website almost shit and its had he the far reaching in the everybody is slamming them obviously on social media what filmmaker judd apatow saying you know why some people want to make films you want to jessica just again it is philip saying you know there are barrels that they actually want to shoot for him but its been really really tough and unfortunately he has not said anything about the recent decision opens audiences hes not indian and. You are in los angeles which is the epicenter of the hash tag me too that times up movements do these movements and the social awareness about Sexual Harassment sexual abuse do they affect that the impact that terrence disturbing comments about a minor a girl being raped do they have an effect on the impact of those statements in the public sphere today. Yes because yes resurfacing this audio interview could not hop in our worst were in a watershed moment he just stated in hollywood were garish no exceptions whatsoever of Sexual Misconduct Sexual Harassment especially in just the asian rate the teen also this is the worst i was to fall out with it shes been avalanche. Forming its a game where he allegedly hit her in a car when she was into herself and he basically was it was the worst thing that ever happened here and they now do circuits on this this is horrible and its having openly in talks with two wheels no names for sure if they dont want to get dance because remember even though these are horrible things it is a corbel instinct what more common english engine he has not been its all Sexual Harassment or sexual contact with these he is guilty of that thinking that its encouraging let me just ask you too there was also a part of this all to go where talks about american morals not being like european morals i mean that caught our attention here in berlin what are they saying in los angeles about this this american versus european moral story. And you know theyre theyre saying its more like a justification and they arent buying it in fact that fourteen year old what was allegedly great is now fiftys and she wanted to talk show this morning and she said it was one mean its the wrong man up anything wrong incoherence he could respond to what is commenting on this resurfacing what he is saying he thinks wouldnt miss understand his watch and so its not doing well here. Yeah certainly say that again correspondent matthew is on the story for us tonight from los angeles t. J. Thank you very much. Thank you. All the day is nearly done but as ever the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter either at news or you can write directly to me. T. V. Dont forget to use that hash tag the day and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see you then everybody. Can machines really get creative. Robots are cantering the artwork. And one man is playing a key role. French artist and computer scientists. Robot are. Next. Oh. Just so. Unnatural history of laughter. W. Touch a visit any. Good link to news from africa to the world for your link to exceptional stories and discussion on the use of these events and what with safety debbie to come sniffing out join us on facebook g w for. Me to germans new and Surprising New specks of license culture in germany. U. S. American keep losing take a look at germany this increasing use of the two traditions every day lives and language can just come out of my life and im sorry so im going to say im good luck. Trick i am going to g. W. Dot com meet the germans. If. I ever want to walk into another special edition of your romex featuring your our viewers the most popular topics today we are focusing on art in various forms which is your third

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