Stop claims died in early february nineteen eighteen he was the wilds most Famous Artist yet he had also become an enigma. Like Mozart Clinton is unquestioningly embraced by enthusiastic audiences. They span haps reflects a Cultural Society that confuses to stick value with market value. This incredible popularization his world wide acceptance in the Popular Culture has made clinton appear very one dimensional hes the golden artist hes the man with these unbelievable orgies of color but hes much more than that but i used to feel mia. I dont think we can ever really be on the same level as clint because he always thought and worked in hyper individual terms he withdrew himself as an individual to a large extent. Our history has made a major mistake in recent years namely intellectualizing clint and i think weve got to put an end to that clinton was a simple person who lived with his two sisters and mother who never had his own apartment given this and other details of his personal history i think its become important to show clint as he really was. Gustaf claim tast broad appeal is a box office draw and that adorns fridge magnets all over them wont is it a curse or a blessing that the merits of his work are a need at least visible to all who see it that it does not need to be decoded but it can withstand even the crudest of marketing campaigns. To be different for sure they claim to have no problem with his work being on fridge magnets pencils and pans and so forth he always pursued the goal of the total work of art and thats what he lived for after you have the key to. The johns claim to experts mattie on base hans proc and lives in the shadows over claim to mania to a certain extent the former curator of the alba tina in vienna has been studying his pencil and charcoal drawings for decades now. The spread of the lenient and the language of the strokes is a very direct language a very personal language and you can feel his personality best through his drawings and the more of his drawings that you get to know the more differentiated a picture of him you get and you think about it even more and draw your own conclusions the network of criteria you use to judge him becomes more and more nuanced faina. A clip tech submission be it in vienna melbourne or new york is always a mega event it helps that the name clint can be pronounced without difficulty from japan to the United States and there is nothing intimidating about his art on the country down through the ages looking at his work appears to have satisfied a certain deep inner desire beyond all paradigms and trends. Music food if this its at all that the clinic has been around for one hundred fifty years and i have the impression that a new glimpse is invented every decade. Of us law and that is what makes course of clint special that he has the potential to be a starting point for so many different areas people and interests and who remains questionable in the best sense of the word frog. So in other words if there were no more questions about klym he would be forgotten that yes but the reality is quite the opposite he still raises the question is this feel. Good stuff came to us born into the lower class at the time of the austro hungary an empire his father answered clint was an engraver his mother came from the suburbs of vienna. Start up a second of seven children was born on the fourteenth of july. Eight hundred sixty two in a single room apartment in. The district or pound garden on the outskirts of vienna. The clipped family had to move house quite often and the father had work they lived in simple dwellings when he was unemployed and had to stay in the infamous tenements of vienna where immigrants day laborers and the unemployed would end up. Having finished school at fourteen got a small scholarship to attend art school in vienna they received Foundation Training in artwork and artistic design. Collection in what is now the university of applied art contains an interesting detail. Thank you. Hope. It has whats called a main catalogue when you open it you see a detailed list of people who took foundation courses. One of the names is cool stuff clint alongside the subjects of sculpture and ornamental drawing followed by testing and passing as we see he was an excellent student. Becca is the pool face of it or not enough back it was the professor of art who gave classes in painting and drawing. He was an important mentor to clint he certainly expanded improved his abilities of course clinton was able to learn a lot especially about this almost photographically precise form of drawing and painting. Early works by an unknown sixteen year old painted at a time when the urban appearance of the Imperial City was changing dramatically. From the imperial billets of the twentieth of december eight hundred fifty seven by kaiser france us at the first to his excellence the minister of the interior baron fun buck dear baron von bach it is my wish that the center of the city of vienna be expanded as quickly as possible and that regulation and the beautification of my capital of residence and kingdom be paid the greatest of attention. These imperial notes launched the construction of the ring road around the old center of vienna the old city walls were dismantled and a new boulevard of prestige building was built the construction style which aimed to breathe new life into old styles went down in art history as vienna historicism. The grand master of the artistic plans and their implementation was the viennese designer and decorator but the grandiose and theatrical dimensions of his work served as a model for the interior decoration of these gigantic buildings it is saw. The fact is and its well known that clinton was a global star by modern standards when the vienna secession was founded in eight hundred ninety seven. Before that he received relatively little attention by then he was thirty seven and i think its very funny that he began a real career much earlier and not nearly enough people know this give us the. Klim his brother aaron and france much formed a company of painters at an early age and at that time the boys were fifteen sixteen eighteen years old imagine and they got jobs that so clearly at the very young age of twenty three got the enormous commission for the sealing paintings of the borg to yatta in eight hundred eighty six after this book. A series of faithful events led to the awarding of the commission to this particular company of artists hans market had died suddenly and other significant members of the guild were busy with other work on the ring road so a contract was signed for ten ceiling paintings in the stairwell of the berkeley art or the fee was huge for the time ten thousand guilders for the clipped brothers and their partner fronts much. Painted thirteen pictures on the surfaces about the archers and between the pillars in the stairwell of viennas Art History Museum the paintings are about twelve metres away from where the average observer would stand. That distance is too great to allow observers to identify kims personal style of painting. Myra must get closer to compare clints work with that of his brother or fellow student fronts much and it shows how capably came to approach this difficult task his portrayals adventure and egypt greece and rome where forebears of his subsequent revolutionary work. Thanks to their International Popularity clints works are high on museums wish list when one of his paintings embarks on a journey that is part of a complex logistical operation involving significant risk and great cost institutions like the belvedere in vienna which boasts large collections of his work can count themselves lucky. When they loan out their works or risks and costs are assumed by the borrower. Here one of most beautiful portraits is going on a journey. Every trip is risky and proceedings are monitored by many watchful eyes. But. This is only a few tips so that it is on your can upset its one of the most important works my goes to a closed book out this is it was his first square portrait and furthermore it features an entirely new painting technique his brother a died all because his father had died and hed fallen into a deep depression for several years he hardly did anything and then suddenly longside the founding of the vienna session he began working at it basing his work largely on the belgian masters. Based on these belgian paintings he succeeded in finding his own style again so often and this work zone near collapse is one of the most beautiful examples of all friends since the beginning of the good stuff claim to be know and love and then associates. Anxious to restore as a company the painting every step of the way. Using lamps and magnifying glasses they examine the surface of the artwork for the slightest damage to the seemingly perfect depiction of sonia canapes where exactly the picture should hang as a matter for the boss to decide it was ok lets move it to a central position and now i would say lets move the painting a touch to the left but only a touch about five centimeters. It is not an uncommon for a knot work to be moved at the last minute just before an exhibition opens despite several previous attempts to find the right place. But sooner or later it finds its place. A beautiful. Menace is always worth a visit and this occasion is no different a glimpse exhibition in a movie or color concert marks square. Many of the exhibits are from the belvedere in vienna. In this case a particularly famous woman is arriving by boat. From the quay begins a short but impressive journey across the Market Square for the blue box known in the trade as a climate box in which she is traveling. The tourist she passes would almost certainly take a holiday snap if they knew what was inside the blue box. The final meters take it up vertically. Construction scaffolding offers a welcome short comes into the museums interior and then judith is ready for inspection. The model for this early painting from clips golden phase was a della block a wealthy socialite the favorite. Gustaf glimpse was in the company of another famous woman on his first visit to venice. Because of the way as he. Did not enjoy travelling so whether to go he visited venice a few times florence of course was in genoa and he also went to spain but thats about it basically. Its a bit surprising. All the more so when you visit venice and witness the special atmosphere there and clint did indeed enjoy venice you can tell just by looking at his pictures that he did like it here and experienced an important disappointment here he made his first trip here in eight hundred ninety nine with a mission who would later become my model. Of course he was not travelling alone she was accompanied by car models and a large circle of friends but something happened in venice claim to fell in love with a mission that shared kids and exchanged photographs which is one of clint passion. All done films but then they fell out more found out about them. More and got wind of the fact that his stepdaughter was starting an affair with an artist many years her elder and a good and even though claim to fell in love with him he was also having an affair with his sister in law and he was falling in love with emily if logan. Leaving and also around that time two months later to be exact his son moved to where shed ski was born and two months after that another son who stuff too much thats all. So its a very complicated situation surrounding Gustaf Clement and as i say venice is Fertile Ground but his love of omniscient definitely came to an end here in venice in the. Face doomed love affair fent subsequent generations interesting gustaf glimpse the womanizer his visit to the basilica san marco was central in providing material for his artistic career. But that it was the biggest or so he walked into basilicas on marco and what did he see if glittering gold. It was only later on closer examination that he really took notice of the gorgeous mosaics of this place and this experience had such an effect on in that he basically decided to always include and use gold in his pictorial world but. Here at the museum in vienna preparations are underway for another show like the others this exhibition meets prestigious loans to complemented some collection but the main focus of the exhibition is in private an area where speculation and fantasy is abound but about which very little is actually known. One of the main sources of information are photographs. We are very fortunate to have a wealth of photographic evidence on the life for this exceptional artist and it proclaims own legacy of private collections and public museums that. No other exhibition has been able to tap so many resources we have private photos of clint celebrating christmas with his family and we also have the public clipped wearing a three piece suit. Cost of claimed as a thinker and of course the famous photo of clinton his painters smock with his candid. Course these are wonderful images of gustav. As we encounter him and his painting smock. Was simple we know it was blue. And he kept it with it pretty embroidery on the shoulders. Of photograph to. The artists expression is that of a sensitive extraordinarily unprecedentedly alert person. And then this charming image of a man with his katniss are. And then theres the private clinic too seeks to get away from the glare of attention and the best place for that is his. His and the it was a protected place and it soon became the stuff of legend. As an artist gustav claimed was a prominent person many people would have liked to take a peek through the studios keyhole we know very little about what actually happened behind its closed doors we know that a working day lasted eight or nine hours and a clip like to hum. While painting. Friends said clint could be extremely around simple and hot tempered when he got surprise visits. And once the scandals began he has said to have attached a sign to the door of his a telly a reading knocking pointless will not be opened. Theyre telling the artist and the model for some reason to fantasize for others a source of hints as to go staff clints relationship towards women. I think i gave up a good good i think he sorted it out to suit himself with his mother and his sisters looked after him and amelia took an interest in his own arthritic once again and she was certainly a smart and interesting woman who helped him game access to high society on the graph and then of course there were the models and the mothers of his children and so on and so in other words he took whatever suited him from every moment he met yes i think it is fair to say that he was quite egotistical in that regard the sort of those at least relative always dish on topics. To want extent clints attitude towards women was formed by his lifelong attachment to his mother and sisters and how it affected his bitterness behavior is an ideal material for psychologists the most essential and visual indication of tims complex psyche is to be found in his painting. No other artist of his time was able to strike such a balance between confidence iraq has theres a beauty and danger. We know of for addresses in vienna where came time studios none of these famous places still exists hes lost working address fed eleven is located in the wealthy vienna district of heat sink after lengthy renovations that now houses a permanent exhibition of kims a a telly. A friend remembered near the sunk fighter terminus of the subway is the almost rural alleyway where clipped during his last years i went to see him and had difficulty finding the entrance which was hidden away behind bushes and shrubs but clinton came toward me and led me into the room where he worked from morning till evening he spoke a little like someone who had given up talking to other people and led his visitor to his most recent work he moved the easels toward the window and then stood silently behind the onlooker. And emits nothing in his studio and hed seen for example we know from photographs that the light came from the north as we can see the platform from which he painted it and the large bed for his models to pose on we see the easel with the paintings so he painted and drew in this room this is where he receded into his own world. That is if he got it. I am not familiar with the spoken word especially when i am supposed to Say Something about myself or my work. Read words by the president on tests when he spoke at all he said to have done so in a broad vienna accent. Which makes the special feature of the exhibition a Leopold Museum in vienna all the more surprising. And often. The exhibition as a showcase containing about four hundred postcards letters and other pieces of course on instead ghost of klemp sent to Amelia Fergus in the course of his life often if he was in the media for sure and if you look at these postcards of which each one is a little adventure. Where are they from from when what are they depicted by what do they tell us about the journey which when did he choose us we have wonderful postcards of his studio in vienna and pictures of his travels he didnt particularly like traveling but when he did go on a journey he wrote a lot there are days in which he wrote as many as eight postcards to a million for go alone. Eleventh of july one thousand eight become fact im returning from munich im camped and im shaven. Twenty fourth of february nine thousand and nine how do these Foreign Languages work my mood is quite down im feeling very withdrawn. Tenth of july nine thousand and nine im afraid i cannot console you you know how the im ending photos shyness of our contemporaries pains me im supposed to paint today but it will go badly yours truly stuff. Is simple to use. In paris he described it whether he liked or disliked the city new told fergus somewhat unusually that he had yet to see any pretty women not in his eyes anyway these are extraordinary messages but immunity if there was certainly the most important source of support in gustav attempts life. This relationship between the two of them still preoccupies many art historians. We do know is that the two went through life together and obviously the photographs are very helpful in that regard these two were strong characters who provided each other with the best support they could offer the. Distance. When claims painted the famous picture of flow going to nine hundred two the relationship was already ten years old in one thousand nine hundred one and media sister helen and i married kemps bramah amherst for both brothers this marriage meant access to Viennese Society and a sophisticated and atmospheric everyday life. The paintings as not to paint to have received the approach. Well of the subject herself and in one thousand no wait sold it to the Vienna Museum where it is on show to this day. And they didnt have of course i mean the if you go was no average woman of her time she was Something Special along with her two sisters she ran a fashion someone in vienna when she was a business woman she was independent she earned money she wasnt like other socialites of the time dependent on a man or needing to marry somebody fun and a man apt hanging on from being eaten and the at so that i think somebody like that was in a position to hold their own with an artist like a stuffed clint and that this truly made it a different relationship to the one he had with other women i am going to have that. Favorite summer retreat was armed like a tie in the austrian region of. The weeks he spent here among the wider global family gave him a chance to get away from the constant attention to his persona and his work in vienna. On the morning of the eleventh of january nine hundred eighteen Gustaf Clement suffered a stroke while getting dressed that left him paralyzed on one side. He was brought to the private sanatorium lived in marianne and gas or vienna this was the same place where Gustav Mahler had died seven years earlier were. Immediately goes wish to look after clinton herself was denied after an initial improvement in his Health Clinton was moved to vienna as General Hospital just a stones throw away on the third of february he was put on a water mattress too to bed sores. Clints file disappeared from the hospital archives so there is no official explanation as to why the dying mans characteristic bid was shaven off in his final hours. Nowadays doctors say the measure was a hygiene ache and a medical precaution justifiable at the time. Send for a media. These are the first words said to have been spoken by kim to after his stroke. The two never married nor did they live under one roof experts suspect that the couple in clints painting the kiss was an expression of kims desire media remained his companion until his death but we will never know if they were lovers. On the thirtieth of december one thousand nine hundred seventeen six weeks before his death clinch wrote the last surviving post caught. Circumstance dictates that i congratulate you and writing this greeting is from the heart and i wish you the happiest of new years just as we both so urgently need it to be i think of you often and im really looking forward to seeing you again yours truly stuff. On the sixth of february nine hundred eighteen at six am gustav came died of pneumonia believed to have been caused by the first wave of spanish influenza in europe. The drawing of the dead plant was made by no less than egon schiele. The end up until the one nine hundred sixty s. Cames grave in the cemetery of hate singer was surrounded by trees and wild ivy eventually it was cleared and made to fit in with the rest of the surroundings. This quotation is from a fully bearded and intractably unconventional gustav clipped to the collective of artists headquartered in vienna. As we know a group of visual artists has been trying for years to make their view of art known and appreciated this view culminates in the need to adapt artistic life in vienna to the advanced development of International Art in our experience these efforts have not met with the right kind of response in recent years. Given this fact to the artists who have signed this declaration of decided to abandon their efforts within the collective and pursue their goals independently of it. The result was the movement known as the vienna secession. He said this you want to hear this assertion really was conceived as a temple of arts. We enter via this staircase and are lifted up by it. Not level with the ground but like a temple. On a hill and then we enter this black box a white cube where Something Different happens every day as on a stage effect with perfect daylight from the ceiling. Not from windows that might disturb how the your works are hung but a room almost like in a church us. All. Cool stuff planned its entirely think what the good stuff claim to the central figure of the president of this artists collective how did he portray himself certainly as an artist without a shirt and tie. Hes wearing a smart design a media pfluger and holding a paintbrush its important to him that hes an artist hes standing by an easel and thats how he wants to be perceived. In eight hundred ninety eight the taciturn claim to painted the picture that is said to express the looming revolution in the viennese art well better than a thousand words. As the part of a piano in the palace athena she is the visual expression of the successions and palace athena was the goddess of wisdom and then later times warcraft takes on her career ass is this medusas head which is sticking out its tone so that could easily be interpreted as sticking out ones tongue to all the critics of the session and that is how it was taken out of the other story is that there is a battle going on in the background in the struggle between harry cleese and try to calm the camp so he had a kiss open clinked on a plate on back to try to on was a monster from the sea erik lees the young hero who naturally overcomes this dark fearsome old ogre which is nothing other than a symbol for the struggle of the session the young up and coming artist battling that crusty old conservative artists collective in vienna five that will cons of a thieving can stuff and it really. Becomes a book beautiful i hope art needs freedom and time needs art not the art of the past but the art of the present now right now and clearly it is the one who internalized this like no other. Here we see the full range of passions that these works by klym to roust the kind of chorus of approval or disapproval that met them often with a verbal violence that is alien to us now. For their says session exhibition in one thousand nine hundred two in honor of the german artist marc skinner. Painted the beethoven freeze. The well known journalist looked fake hevesi wrote the following about the artwork before the exhibition was opened. Tipped added the final touches to his strange paintings of freeze around the entire room there will be a huge outcry in our world where people assume prudish. Their redemption of the weak human being from the torment of hostile violence through the kiss of the entire world was a message lost on a public which could not distinguish between hideous and heavenly. It. Was. When it came to provoked and im president its scandal with his explicit depiction of the redemption of the human being tormented though he seeks happiness another troublesome character on the austrian art scene began writing his most famous and scandalous work Arthur Schnitzler completed his player id been there on just a year later both men were revived old for addressing to booze schnitzler considered it his duty to touch the nerve of a society that suppresses its faults and for many years clint remained unaffected by the sensibilities of a hysterical public when it came to shaping a truth with his eye and the gifts at his disposal. It was the well heeled jewish members of viennese high society industrial magnate such as the later is block powers and fit constraints who now served as patrons commissioning portraits of their wives for unimaginable sums. The name clint then and today was closely associated with money and go out. Even when he was alive he commanded great sums for his art he was one of the most expensive artists in the world good Landscape Painting a portrait could almost fetch the price of a mansion at lake ontario for example. Claim tanks that are also gold diggers in a way sometimes in the truest sense of the word as when traces of gold were found in a newly acquired clint painting at the belvedere in vienna. Yes look at this site everywhere everywhere up there to everywhere. Fabulous. This could be and that would be sensational that this picture originally had a gold background that would fit in better with his notion of placing the woman in the foreground because its to even leave spread. Beyond here in the center with an infrared camera we can find out it was obvious because as this would be a seal zombie to the more we can see very clearly here the golden areas the whole picture is covered in tiny areas of gold. The gold and the golden areas as we now see were not painted on or added later there beneath that painted surface beneath this green brushstroke covering the whole canvas so we can assume that he treated the Painting Surface possibly the entire surface with a layer of gold or flee he made in a void seized. Gustav clinton and his goat he costed at his canvases in excess of the web perhaps that code exerts and hypnotic attraction. It is easy to be tempted seduced or misled by all this shimmering gold perhaps skimped intended his widespread use of gold to distract an all too curious public cost and present. One a bitch or a sad even his friends were rarely able to look behind the walls that clint built around himself. Babs that warm was made of go. For sarah willis. Is a passion. For perfection joining her on her journey is critical discovery footage this time shes meeting japanese darcus dish and yes we said toyota hes responsible for acoustics and cumbers absalom money and also from berlins new p. L. S. Concert hall. Its the. Endless forest. Three rivers. One city ive always wanted to visit us all because of the stories inside. Its all about George Chance to discover the world from different perspectives. Join us in being sponsored by distinctive instagram or years at g. W. Stories the topic of each week on instagram. Germanys Biggest Political Party say they need more time to conclude a decisive round of Coalition Talks chancellor Angela Merkels conservatives on the social democrats that hope to conclude their negotiations this weekend but sticking points remain in health and financial policy. Over one hundred thousand greeks have rallied and nothings to protest their governments efforts to resolve a long running dispute with neighboring macedonia. Macedonia broke away

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