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Economic forum in davos the gathering the worlds business and political elite put under way with a plea for free trade from indias near and promoting on the same day that america stopped fifty percent tariff some some imports of g. W. As Helena Humphrey as the latest from the swiss alps india is open for business thats the message from the countrys Prime Minister and no range of modi warning against the rise in trade barriers just days ahead of the appearance of protectionist President Donald Trump at the World Economic forum im headed home for in davos and well have more coming up on the nominees for this Years Academy awards have been announced well take a look at the favorites ahead of the biggest night in hollywood. Will. Im phil gayle welcome. To the program. Turkey has intensified its military offensive against Kurdish Militias in Northern Syria despite criticism from the International Community United Nations says the fighting has already displaced five thousand people and left vulnerable citizens trapped and process it will press all of its operations in africa against groups that it regards as terrorists. Turkish forces firing on come easily and other towns along the syrian Turkish Border Officials Say their aim is to divert attention from the Main Campaign their advance on the kurdish enclave of free its the fourth day of a push by Turkish Forces and their syrian rebel allies to clear the northwestern buda enclave of kurdish y p g fighters bank correct considers the y. P. G. To be allies of kurdish insurgents who for decades have force against the turkey state within its own borders and turkey wants to prevent kurds from gaining their own independent territory but ankara has promised an unrelenting campaign. Terrorist elements will be cleansed from this region. And our brothers came to our country from syria to save their lives but not be able to return there and continue their lives. High out in order. Regardless of the price. We will tear down the terra cotta door that they are trying to establish in the region. Who back its Ground Troops from the region washington back to the Kurdish Militia during the war against so cool the Islamic State but is now refraining from direct criticism while urging turkey to quote exercise restraint in its military actions the u. S. Has also said it takes turkeys legitimate security concerns seriously. Russia as you heard in the report responded by withdrawing its troops from africa so does this mean russia has given its blessing to this operation Pavel Felgenhauer is a Russian Military analyst who joins us from moscow welcome to. Russia given Operation Olive Branch its blessing. De facto yes thats thats a positive there are rushed there where as a small russian can think and quote kind of in a phrase and the kurds believe that while the russians are there theyre more or less secured of the turks will not attack and the third to share for us will not appear because the russians all kind of on agreement with the met with the pentagon were covering that part of syria but the Turkish Military high rebel delegation came to moscow last week they had talks with here in the Russian Defense ministry and general staff and apparently they reached package the deal that the russians allow de facto the. Turks to go enough rain while the turks the russians and the their allies from the prous had forces an Iranian Forces to go for the Syrian Opposition in the. So this is a kind of two thing theres two operations happening similar thing asli russian operation in the socalled former announced the conflicting zone and Turkish Operation against the kurds. The kurds appear to be indispensable in the fight against Islamic States now that that fight appears to have been one big looks to the rest of us and so theyve been abandoned. Well theres an ive been ive been in court just on i know the kurds they kind of always say the kurds have no friends only the mountains are the the friends of the kurds they have been abandoned by outside powers who kind of use them and then abandon them many times in their history they theyre used to that to some extent but because for the bigger powers theres always the Bigger Picture and the kurds are sort of the spencer bow i would believe that right now for russia course its important that the turks so well them to go for parts of the and nuestra front in the opposition and it would promise but theres even a bigger target thats to put the wedges between turkey and the nato and its western allies because for russia the greek the great real prize would be break up if not break out of turkey from its alliance with the west and america and then russia could more west believe that it can secure the black sea straits which has been an objective for moscow for generations i would say and generations of russian rulers i see very clear thank you Pavel Felgenhauer in moscow so what should we make of washingtons lukewarm reaction to correspondent. Is that welcome michel so a call for restraint why has americas response been so muted. Well that is that is a good question i mean the u. S. Is in a way caught here between two allies the kurds and the turks and while the u. S. Perhaps doesnt want to alienate either when push comes to shove in this case the u. S. Is right now apt to to go with with it with the turks who are of course one of americas key allies in nato so it seems that in the end when push comes to shove the u. S. Will will will work with the kurds with the turks instead of the kurdish groups and yet the u. S. Has previously backed the kurdish why p. J. And if this month that washington said that it would create a thirty thousand strong force to protect why p. G. Controlled areas is that stance likely to change well that actually has changed already i mean secretary of state until recently made that remark earlier has walked back that remark actually and he said he was misconstrued that wasnt really what he intended to say he never intended to say that there was a Border Security force in that area so and a sense again the u. S. Has has sided with the with the kurds and after turkish opposition against against his remarks became public so Pavel Felgenhauer was analysis seems really on the money here it does seem as a russia has tried to drive a wedge between. The United States and the United States is having to pick a side. Yes it certainly could be read that way and a lot of people here also i think think that that that is the russian intent here and the u. S. Is. Seeming to at least right now until until per perhaps the turks would start a full extended all out war against the kurds they seem to be siding with the with the turks and and leave the kurdish hanging here if you will michael connect in the washington thank you so much. Lets take a look at some the other stories making news around the world the clashes and fist fights broke out in germanys Hanover Airport overnight during a demonstration against its military operations in syria protesters chanting fascist amount with signs and Iraqi Kurdistan flags the situation is quickly brought under control. A shooting at a high school in the u. S. State of kentucky has left one person dead and others Wounded Police say the shooter was taken into custody shortly afterwards several people had to be airlifted to hospital with orses and dont yet released any further information about a possible motive. Officials in the philippines awarding as a violent eruption of the countrys most active volcano could be imminent mount my own has been spewing lava and ash prompting all forces to expand the danger zone thousands of People Living nearby have been told to leave the area. Human rights activists in germany are criticizing the governments decision to deport afghan refugees from dusseldorf airports tonight at least ten failed Asylum Seekers are due to be returned but activists say saturdays bombing of Kabuls Intercontinental Hotel shows its not safe to send people back that attack left twenty people dead one hundred fifty five afghans have been deported from germany over the last year the returns have been controversial as the security situation in afghanistan has worsened since nato ended combat activities in twenty fifteen several deportation flights have been canceled in the past because of pilots refusal to fly. Francisco vilma is from Amnesty International shes here with me in the studio welcome. The German Government says they are afghans are being asked who are being sent back convicted criminals afghans who arent cooperating with immigration authorities afghans who are considered to be security threats. Do you see anything wrong with that i see that nobody should be returned to afghanistan right now because the principle of free fall meant that nobody can be sent back to a place where they risk a serious threat to their lives its valid for any kind of person so all of these three categories they are protected as well and the findings by Amnesty International and the latest report on afghanistan says that nobody in the Current Situation should be ever returned to afghanistan doesnt matter what theyve done how horrible they are if the place that they are sent back to is not safe the whole reason of only sending back back these three categories its not a mere conviction of political motivation not only focusing on these categories but its a capacity issue after the blast of the embassy the German Embassy in kabul last year was a capacity issue would you say that that means you have to receive a certain amount of. People on the ground when they arrive from capital and for the time being just the organisation of sending back more afghans which will change change by the way but right now the focus is only on these three categories let me maybe be more detailed the third category where it says that the persons who refused to help with establishing their identity thats a very very vague category and its already visible right now that its being maintained that allegedly these people have not helped to establish their identity but thats very hard to prove ok so for what you said it seems that your objection is not only the fact that you regard afghanistan as not being safe but you believe that some of these people are being returned for political reasons rather than having broken the rules of the crimes they are i would say at least to maintain. That these people belong to this category its very very difficult for German Authorities to really proof that they belong to the third category Amnesty International thats way more important things that nobody in the time being should ever be returned afghanistan none of these categories as well because under International Law thats forbidding what then should happen to them what then should happen to people who are criminals in germany well they are being sent to prison and right now theyre taken out of prison and theyre being sent back to a country where they risk to be. To be dead and thats something that should never be the case so if they have committed a crime in germany of course they can be sent to prison of course they will have they will go to to a judge they will have their decision and so on but thats nothing to do to people back to a country where they risk to be killed francis available for international thank you thank you. For the belgian government is awaiting the results of an inquiry into the alleged torture of repatriated sudanese migrants. Scandal in brussels where the opposition alleging collaboration between the government and the sudanese regime has now suspended deportations to sudan the w. s catherine is in brussels has this exclusive report. Mubarak a thirty six year old refugee from sudan meets us at a brussels train station. He postponed our rendezvous three times for fear hed be arrested. Hes been holding out here its much warmer than staying out on the street. He says he hasnt eaten for two days but that what matters most is that hes not sitting in an airplane bound for sudan. Hes already had one close call. They tried to make me leave. They bought me a plane ticket and said they were sending me back to sudan. I was staying in a Reception Center and. Mubarak is from the capital of south darfor stayed in southwest sudan he fled to europe through libya and nearly died on the way deportation would be a nightmare for him. So i was shocked that they wanted to send me back to. Mubarak as one of a group of refugees belgian would like to send home immediately the opposition says the government in brussels has been secretive about contacts with sudanese officials who helped compile a list of forty one sudanese nationals to deport. The first mistake is you dont collaborate with a dictator especially on something that stays in the shadows and isnt put in writing as soon as we heard about this we deny instead. It was the research of a middle east analyst kurta birth that brought the belgian government activities to light he shows his Message Exchange with refugees whove already been deported to sudan. Bush says its unacceptable for belgium to send people to war zones where torture is a daily occurrence. I had to contact with these people in sudan who told me personally and indeed they have been beaten and have been told that the belgian government has some back at least three people who are coming from mainly South Kordofan and darfur and these people always deserve protection and anyway so this International Law. The people continue to take to the streets over belgiums controversial deportations. This is because its a repressive policy that doesnt respect International Human rights. This is sad for us and our country you cant judge someones worth by their passport or a piece of paper. The belgian government is under growing pressure declining requests to discuss its deportation practices Prime Minister Sharon Michel did call for an Investigation Committee but for many its come too late. In the meantime a court ruled that mubarak would not be deported so he no longer has to fear being tortured for the time being. The controversial action of the government might hurt belgiums reputation on International Level bad timing according to observers. Is complaining for a permanent seat on the United Nations security council. Right to have your arcadius is here and sort of the opening day of davos playground of the rich and famous and political thats why youve got a good social thats right thats why ive put it on especially for this occasion phil and were off the course want to know what those big names are saying one of the first leaders to speak at the annual meeting of the World Economic forum in davos was indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi and he too defended more cooperation between the Worlds Largest economies against what seems to be a protectionist approach by the Current Us Administration but his message was also a clear promotion for his own country which is showing steady growth but wants the world to know its ready for more. This is the first time up to twenty years that indias Prime Minister is attending the World Economic forum in the swiss alps and he has brought a large delegation it includes six ministers and one hundred business representatives they are all here to show that india is open for business if you want wellness along with wealth then you must come to india if youre seeking wholeness in life along with help then you must come to india if you are seeking peace along with place then the answer is you must come to india. Lot of them are going to. Prosperity guess obvious shouting. Last year indias economy grew six point seven percent failing to meet Market Expectations but im melissa expect modis Economic Reforms to drive growth. First it is necessary that the big powers of the world have cooperative relations among them it is necessary that the sense of competitiveness among the major nations of the world does not become a wall between them we will have to set aside differences to face these challenges and Work Together for a larger vision. An open Global Economy that is what indian Prime Minister morty is calling for for many here this is an alternative to the America First strategy of u. S. President trump is expected later this week. To Helena Humphrey is in davos covering the meeting for us hi helen good evening nice to see you again freezing a little bit there in the swiss alps know what to make of this speech of not under modi again the first leader of and your Prime Minister to come to the conference in a very long time. Well have you had the speech went down well here with the devil scum but he made the right noises in terms of decrying a lack of International Cooperation pointing out the fact that globalisation was losing its shine that said this was not an address on the same scale as the one seen last year by the chinese president xi jinping there was the sense that perhaps india was trying to concentrate on its own economy in states and try to appeal to drum up Foreign Direct Investments and orange modi said that we cutting the right tape were rolling out the red carpet and we do know that he held talks with around Sixty Company heads in the space of just an often noon today including the c. E. O. Of boss and hitachi as well and it makes sense when you think that india has to concentrate on its growth at home the middle class remains and loose if twenty percent of people that are still living in poverty now how there was no direct criticism of u. S. President donald trump but between the lines it was pretty clear what he was talking about wasnt. Some said that this was a passive aggressive speech in that at no point Narendra Modi directly mentioned the us president by name that said he did caution against wolves literal and metaphorical twice and he also said that trade barriers pose a greater threat as extremism terrorism and Climate Change are clearly warning against it in that way. Helen are there was another special address from canadian Prime Minister just into door another leader were listening to what was his message for davos just introduced message was very clear if you want to see Economic Growth invest in women he said it was a simple strategy that the canadian government was employing hire women then promotes women and retain women he said that in the case of canada this would add over one hundred billion to the economy by twenty twenty five alone security extolling very clear that shes to harming more women. Humphrey and of us will get more from the conference with you later on the show thank you very much. Until then its back to phil and the passing of a great name in music and tate have a funky yeah Legendary South African jazz musician and political activist Hugh Masekela has died he was Seventy Eight and played the trumpet saddle and composed music over a career that spanned decades often working with International Musicians many of you might say the songs were about the struggle for democratic rights in his country last year he released a statement as he was fighting Prostate Cancer and the message that hes. Telling me music producer ralph gold has worked with Hugh Masekela he joins us from johannesburg welcome to day w. What sort of man was he. He was a very humble man actually thank you for having me on the show firstly. A very humble chantel polite and a very active man he always had energy and orvis was up to something. And you worked with him on a music video a couple of years ago how did that collaboration come about. Myself i relocated from germany originally from. To a certain trip to south africa and it has been a long time to visit my new isp music since many years i wanted to say dick to kate it is to kate. And ultimately location when i started working on my latest album which was called in my city approached him through his management in the beginning and shut us defeat would be willing to do a collaboration with me chris entity him two songs and he actually liked both playback so saying on both of them and play trumpets on both of them people often say you should never meet your your heroes and i take your from the baby affection in your voice and it was a pleasure to meet yours absolutely absolutely a man who deeply impressed me who always shared rest and even i didnt meet him truly often he really left. A lasting impression on me. That he was often referred to as the father of South African jazz but he also played with lots of other International Stars like guy paul simon and janis joplin how great was his influence across the music business. I think he is one of the greatest musicians sos africa over here. In the country today its definitely the biggest news that he passed on. In traditional media social media everybody speaks about him dead already shows his influence and hes. Really your status in this country probably ross the South African chess musician actually not probably definitely. And south africas president jacob zuma today price you master came out for using his music to fight apartheid how successful was he infusing politics and music i think yourself he was very successful actually read a story that he was fighting against dictators and. One of his last aims was that zimbabwe it would be democratic again and it seems he still saw that change and his influence and his words. Really are felt in the country i think he had a great contribution in the ending of our tape and furthermore into political. Thank you for your time and sharing your memories with us raf come in johannesburg faqir. Much appreciated thank you. This is d. W. News a lot from paul that is still to come a fresh threat to russia hundreds of Islamic State Islamic State fights as i had hoped from conflicts in syria and iraq bring you an exclusive report from chechnya. The nominations for the ninetieth Academy Awards in arms won the film scored especially big data because david levitz will be here with all the details. The german painter girl got passed lets turns eighty today as a new retrospective of his work in the switzerland individual to have a look at that as well. Although audible all the way. All the way. Back it was a. Prerogative and a grandstand daring and often dark. These are the works of consulates one of the great on tuesday of on time. Based unconventional and on tensions painter isnt afraid to turn the on twelve ten. Master painter guy on bronson its times eighteen. In forty five minutes. Fake hair and real starry. Where i come from a lot of women like me have fake hair sometimes the hair style takes up to two days thats a lot of time that needs to be filled so people at the salon talk about whats happening in their lives. I became a journalist to be a story until and i always want to find those real authentic stories from everyday people who have something to share. With all the time i spend at the salon i know im good quality hair when i see it and then a good story when i hear it. My name is elizabeth and i work at steve. W. s Program Guide to the highlights we go home. Dot com click like. Learn german with w anytime anyplace. Else whether with joe joe and or finds me its the stuff to do. With friends all over the world. Online and interactive. German to go and. Learn german for free with d w. This is to dublin years live from berlin until carlys rock top stories at this hour turkey has stepped up its ground assault against the kurdish enclave of a free nation in Northern Syria so show me on the allied syrian rebel fighters are trying to clear the area because militias president obama regards as terrorists. In just five minutes at the ranch of modis delivered the keynote speech at the World Economic forum in davos addressing the worlds political and business elites mr modi talked about his countrys fast growing economy and highlight. Technologys potential to simple tenuously drive prosperity and deepen economic divides. In recent months the Islamic States terror group has lost control of most of the territory it held in syria and iraq as defeat looms returning foreign fighters pose a growing threat to their home countries in the First Episode of a new series called circle of fear the w. s Moscow Bureau chief yuri russia so reports from the russian republic of chechnya as it prepares for the return of hundreds of former i asked fighters. To believe that the capital of georgia one of russias neighbors to the self late last year an operative of the socalled Islamic State was killed here Russian Media celebrate a victory in the war on terror. The man who was sparked mark shuteye of attention carrying a russian passport who had been hiding in georgia previously had allegedly been home and chechnya to recruit fighters. There are roughly eight hundred texans fighting for isis if their return to their homeland is a major problem for russia and russian president Vladimir Putin has already declared victory over the islamist extremists. You can celebrate this victory for a while but you better pray five times that while youre celebrating another terrorist attack doesnt take place. That. Grozny is not only the Geographical Center but also the heart of church. After edibility in the ninetys it was rebuilt with money from moscow. Now a days that the city seems peaceful but appearances can be deceiving. Chechnya has become a hotspot of religious fanaticism since isis began searching for new recruits here. This would be. Its a weird high unemployment social discontent and soured hopes to drive many in the region towards one of the most perverse forms of islam and into the hands of the jihadists but the. Jihad ists are sowing on Fertile Ground in chechnya despite a near total state surveillance and the despite the titular leader. Demonstrations of allegiance towards putin and the kremlin rule in the last few years whole families left for iraq and syria they will be coming back now with a victory over isis has been declared. Here in grozny see those who are trying to return from syria and iraq back to chechnya as a threat to state security there is support for this socalled Islamic State has become a matter of profound concern for chechen leader. Of course a key step in containing militants returning home would be to prevent young people from joining the terrorist organisation in the first place despite a series of military defeats this is still recruiting fight us primarily among the young people with the government is focusing on prevention in this Vocational School in girls the mothers of as militants are born young people of the dangers of jihad to recruitment their children who were around to the same age as the students when they left for syria. I love my fellow chechens in the name of allah i am a patriot but i want to warn you about what happened to me my daughter and her husband left to join isis her husband is dead and there is no trace of my daughter. Her story hits home. Its the first time were talking about it so openly here at school. Why i dont know probably because were all afraid to talk about it. What are you afraid of. That will go to sleep one night and when we wake up our brothers will have left to join isis no one can see it coming. Is not to know anyone who is with them now. I was with them. Everyone says youll find a paradise if you go but thats not true paradise can only be where your mother lives. Thousands of chechens had a different opinion of this old paradise in acts of terror. But as their path is leading them hope for their families the our husbands and sons. Put the government though they are terrorists and to murderers. For heavier than usual snow falls in the alps of cut off towns in Higher Elevations and increase the threat of our large thousands of Winter Holiday makers are trapped in some of the mountain ranges most popular ski resorts are report starts in near the swiss border with italy. No escaping the power of nature in these swiss alps avalanches have been falling down these mountains all around the ski resort of so that its the second time in a month heavy snow has cut off the town leaving thousands stranded but. Its not the only swiss resort where locals and tourists alike are trapped getting in and out of Santa Antonia near death for us is almost impossible. More than thirty five years lives and threaten but i never saw so much snow like today to last the past week the police tell us that its forbidden to leave the house you have to stay inside and no route and you have your new secure lation and you are we have no past we have no possibilities to go was the train all the traffic is closed. In the italian alps the road to chevy nia has been closed for the third time. Im in a month its estimated that five thousand people are stuck in this ski resort. The risk of avalanche has also affected roads around sulzberger in western austria. And snow is also a big issue at the World Economic forum in davos for many its all hands on deck to ensure the meeting runs as smoothly as possible. It is a business that was annoyed that he had been sent to davos better glad now maybe its not that better i think im due to stay here till the great and the good maybe gathering in davos though to discuss global ills but criticism persists that it is a meeting of the elite who doesnt always pass on wealth to all sectors of society to talk more about that we can cross over to the w. s Helena Humphrey in davos helen the ngo has a pretty strong stance on the. They certainly do have year in oxfams inequality report reward work cannot wealth they point out that eighty two percent of all the wealth generated last year is now in the hands of just one percent of the population to discuss how to close that gap im joined now by the executive director of Oxfam International will be any my thank you very much for joining us on d. W. What single way what measure would you recommend to close that gap as soon as possible what you want people here to do when they leave this Luxury Resort you see that inequality that we show in our report of some report is a result of choices that politicians and Business People make if they make different choices the gap could close such as so we would like governments political leaders to take the driving seat and manage the economies for the benefit of the majority are not for the few at the top so for example they should institute a living wage a minimum wage which is a living wage people at the bottom can have a decent life they should make sure that men and women are treated equally in the economy they can use the law to establish the equity for men and women they should make sure the rich and the Big Companies pay their taxes and stop dodging and then put the money they collect into health and education of all the people because thats a greatest leveller against inequality i want to pick you up on that point regarding gender inequality and income inequality because the two often closely linked and what are your thoughts on the times our movement and yet how necessary do you think it is that governments now follow through with this indeed economic inequality and gender inequality are locked together the countries that have the white disk up between men and women also have the way disc up in incomes between rich and poor to tackle that you need to talk or both to give or you need. To understand that the majority of women that the the poorest people of the much the greatest majority of the poorest people are women and that they are discriminated against through law and also through informal laws lesser traditions the culture the beliefs of people so you have to tackle both and its not the job of just governments its also the job of the private sector to tackle social norms that discriminate against women who are still social norms actually that are used to justify economy kicks way titian of women saw to Companies Companies especially they can use their supply chain how the source they are products they can use their factories to ensure that social norms that discriminate women are dealt with they can use their advertising to address gender inequalities and discrimination and violence against women so all of us from politicians to business to religious leaders to womens movements we can all do something lets see if that message is heard here at the World Economic forum will be our new Media Executive director of Oxfam International thank you very much its back over she have you in berlin thank you very much ana humphrey reporting for us from davos and the World Economic forum as we just saw tries to find solutions to many of the challenges facing societies and equality and womens rights we just heard is one of them now still studies continue to show that women are far behind especially in the world of business so this year the organizers decided the message needs to get louder for the first time the meeting is chaired exclusively by women and its not the only way theyre getting the message across. This video also installation and seeks to be punk myths myths about why women dont have the same professional success as men why theyre less likely to london Managerial Position one of the common narratives that is there today is that women lack confidence women lack ambition and so the workplace is fine but the women need fixing and thats fundamentally false we believe thats a myth we believe that women dont need fixing the system needs fixing but if things continue on the same trajectory it will be a long time before we achieve equality between men and women two hundred and seventeen years according to calculations by the World Economic forum thats why this year seven influential women will chair the meeting in davos in zero men they each come with their own agenda but to shed dream for the future my hope is that we can collectively demonstrate as already begun actually that even without testosterone we can actually produce positive Constructive Energy to deliver solutions thats my goal. Mens dominance has been the repeated source of tension in davos this year only twenty one percent of the participants are women it is a record but the organization promises this is only the start of things to come. And listen and i think no one would argue that these are not the seven most influential people amongst those stakeholder groups at the same time we recognize that its a very powerful message and were very conscious off that its an Important Message that the new face of leadership is increasingly female. Women and our false hope this is the dawn of a new era. We have the evidence based case so World Leaders from the World Economic forum to the world bank have the evidence to show that womens participation drives economies we have more women in positions of leadership than ever in history and we have technology thats. Connecting us in ways like never before womens voices are being heard and we have the chance to reinvent the future and include women in the World Economic forum has pledged to become more female whether or not that pledge bezout only time will tell. Some Corporate News now and austrias niki airline which was a subsidiary of the now bankrupt german carrier air berlin has been sold to the man that founded it hed loud out bought back the airline that carries his name a risky move according to experts the deal came after a long and tough fitting process niki lauder has his airline back the formula one legend with a passion for every nation founded austrian holiday carrier nikki back in two thousand and three seven years later he sold it to air berlin but when the airline went bankrupt well the tried several times to get nicky back. Nicky currently has twenty one leased aircraft allowed it has apparently already moved to retain fifteen of those the airline also employs a thousand stuff including two hundred twenty pilots making flights operate from germany austria switzerland and the mediterranean allowed his move is welcome news to the airlines employees. If. It was surprising for us when its compared to his offer last december which left things and clear. Most of the flock. Any good at his latest offer is better for the staff. So signaling that jobs will be retained under the same working conditions you can only see your job its pretty moving to be seen its still not certain how much louder is paying for nicki he plans to have the airline airborne again by march in collaboration with two operator Thomas Cook Lauder is the third bit of air berlin went broke the First Successful bid came from look tons of but that deal fell through in december over e. U. On tight trust concerns and negotiations reopened a legal stumbling block scuppered a sale to the Parent Company of air lingus British Airways iberia and fuelling third times the charm it seems. Its all business its time for some sports action now phil and were going down under yes we have a fact here yes tennis its been a day of a surprise at the Australian Open in melbourne rafa nadal is out he fought hard for more than three hours against modern challenge but retired with a leg injury in the fifth and final set church will next to play unseated kyle edmund the brits stunned third seed to Grigor Dimitrov and four sets to reach his first ever grand slam semifinal belgiums ellies matter upset it lasts three to lena ukraine and also secured a final four berth but it didnt debut for the twenty two year old in melbourne. But he on the british media are reporting the dortmund star striker appear america is on the verge of a move to arsenal and hes considered one of the best strikers in the world it was the bones leagues top scorer last season with thirty one goals and has been a key figure at dortmund since joining in tied to arsenal manager arsene vanna confirmed that arsenal are in talks to sign him but wouldnt comment on any possible deal. Contradict or not contradict i dont know. If the moment you have done. Not close to do any deal easy to bomb a young man in your body it. Struggling under slick aside the hamburg have hired the band hollaback as their new coach after sacking marcos gives the all of the weekend its the former players first job as head coach in the top flight saving humbert from relegation will be a tough ask they have lost a number of games in a row and the second bottom in the table. Welcome from hopeful hundred supporters. Didnt waste any time in getting straight to work with his players or their objective winning games or feel i need to speak to each player individually in order to get to know the team better and understand whats going on in the dressing room. Hes very important six whole cloth so all going in the same direction its for me. To go out this weekend and pick up three points and i know. Im going. To try. Is no stranger to hamburg the former midfielder spent eight years at the club between one nine hundred ninety six and two thousand and four he then moved into management but this is his first stint as head coach of a club in the bundesliga staring hamburg to success after years of poor performances will be a challenge for him but hes feeling optimistic. Or. Whats happened up till now is in the past. We need to look forward and i always focus on the positives and. Hamburg fans are banking on hold up us optimism breathing new life into a downbeat squad and avoid being relegated the first time in the clubs history. Avi academy of Motion Picture arts and sciences has announced the nominations will face he has also stated that its. All. In the running that well the shape of water is a way in the lead with thirteen nominations in case you havent heard of it does is the gripping fantasy romance about a mute cleaning woman who works on a top secret lab. Tori where she falls in love with a scaly amphibious humanoid creature thats being held there for study the film is nominated for best picture Sally Hawkins is up for best actress are t. V. s spencer up for best supporting actress and mexican director pierre modelled toro is up for best director so thirteen nominations there World War Two movies are also doing pretty well done kirk and the darkest hour raking in the nominations but were also seeing sort of a continued shift away from the big war movies towards stories that you wouldnt have seen on the big screen or you wouldnt have seen as big hits a few years ago and a perfect example there is call me by your name this is a gay romance between two young Jewish American intellectuals sensuously shot in italy in summer another film. That i should mention is get out also nominated for best picture this is a Horror Comedy about a black guy who goes to visit his white girlfriends family and all the strange and horrible things that ensue this movie it was a breakthrough for jordan peele hes both the screenwriter and the director and hes nominated in both categories and i think rightly so. Of course has been a big huge big shake up in hollywood this year with me to lose to the times up campaign against special house went. To the nominations well first and foremost the nomination the didnt happen james franco is not nominated for best actor after he won the Golden Globes the golden globe for his role in the disaster artist there have been some allegations of Sexual Misconduct that have come out against him in a report by the l. A. Times and that is very likely the reason that he is not nominated now in general were also seeing a lot of films whether or not this is directly related to me too were seeing a lot of films with very Strong Female roles that. That have pulled in the nominations weve got meryl streep of course in the post which is also nominated for best picture and now shes up for best actress this is her twenty first nomination meryl streep Frances Mcdormand as also nominated for three billboards now this movie is kind of a modern western with her fashion herself a little bit about after john wayne shes even said she fashion her character after john wayne shes a single mother trying to solve her daughters murder if i were a betting man i would put my money on her to win best actress and then youve got the coming of age story ladybird with a ronin also nominated for best actress and for best picture this is gretta girl wigs directorial debut is the only woman nominated for best director but shes the first female director nominated since two thousand and ten so thats a pretty big deal there. Theres also the first ever oscar nomination for a female cinematographer so i think that we are seeing some gradual change in the structures in hollywood perhaps even more next year and so the also is happening in ma and this will be talking about the winners that its sort of the big story in the culture world. Tell us about that yes so german painter gear basel it is known as one of the worlds greatest Living Artists hes also known as an eccentric and somewhat of a loud mouth he turns eighty years old today theres a big retrospective of his work and switzerland and theyll be you got to say hi. Dont worry the world isnt upside down for the world of. Is the german artist who grew up in east germany started painting his motifs upside down in one thousand nine hundred sixty nine his retrospective on that show features many of these images basel it says continued working with this method till the present day. I love the idea and i can hardly believe i invented it. I had this idea when i was totally unknown with my peers my competitors to the gimmick. But i think its a great way to pay pictures and mike anything done in the past. Or unlike what others do. Its was born hanscom york can in one thousand nine hundred thirty eight in the village of deutsche bartletts and this inspired his abs. Showing some of his early works like pick knight down the drain from nine hundred sixty three which sparked a scandal when it was first exhibited in west berlin the artist was taken to court and accused of showing pornography. Martins founder curated the show together with lets he dismisses rumors that bartlett secretly paints his works right side up then simply turns them upside down. Painted his motifs upside down from the very beginning and prove that if you flip a reproduction of his paintings around youll notice that its composition falls apart the picture only works upside down the built. In. The artists latest works painted upside down of course also on display he now focused. Physical decline and the theme of finality but. Its not slowing down even at eighty years of age. Now you called. It disrespectful if youre going to get theyre going to get their case been making music in germany because of his loud mouth address whats going on hes in the news for his eightieth birthday but hes using these interviews hes getting to say some pretty controversial things hes saying basically everything a big deal german artist is not supposed to say has come out with praise for donald trump its called german democracy sort of a sham shes even so the a. F. D. Of the far right party and jermaine is a bigger voice now this is the guy who also said that women arent good painters she says controversial statements i think thats why hes still vital at age eighty eight zero right now leave it and say what he wants David Leavitts thank you so much that said you know up to date that bad golf will feel at the top of the hour have a good. Provocative and aggressive daring and often a dock. On the works of gail fosler. One of the great artists of our time. This unconventional and or dentures painter isnt afraid to turn the art world on a ten. Master painter gaon bansal its turns eighteen. Fifteen. Keeps the bubble moments that. Its all about the stories in so. Its all about George Chance to discover the world from different perspectives. Join us to be inspired by distinctive instagram hours. D. W. Story to top it each week on instagram. Circle of fear. Correspondent youre in russia joe is in chechnya. Islamic state has recruited more young people here than anywhere else. And more and more chechen fighters are now returning home theyre both respected and feared. How will this affect chechen society. The circle of fear to date on g. W. News. That is the positive feelings me. He was infected at birth. She probably wont live to the age of five. The Program Dream names to prevent the mother to child transmission of the virus. Hiv positive women give birth to hiv negative babys. Mother the project is a hugely effective strategy in the battle against. More than one thousand eight percent of these children up on health it the German Aids Foundation is supporting dream in mozambique you can do something to give a baby a future without aids. Make a donation safe a life. This is. From berlin a new frontline in a new war in the middle east turkey defines International Criticism and pushes ahead with its offensive in syria turkish troops and Syrian Forces are advancing on the kurdish enclave of offering the goal to destroy Kurdish Militia which turkey labels as terrorists the u. N. Says the fighting has already displaced find thousand people and left many others trapped also coming up the World Economic forum gets underway in davos with a free

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