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North korea trump is just not a credible threat from it if you think so theres really a sense not its not a matter of is America First or not is america alone or not is america working with others. Also coming up tonight our hidden cameras inside a Turkish Court journalists on trial enemies of the people. In turkey there is no system of law that protects the rights of individuals entire groups in society have been declared enemies and their rights are just taken away. And we begin the day with america and the world and a year of us President Donald Trump polls in the us reveal that after a year of the Trump Presidency the nation remains as politically polarized as ever trumps approval numbers remain at a record low and more than a third of those polled give the president a failing grade for his first year yet Republican Voters say they are happier today with mr trumps performance then they were last spring outside the United States there is no polarization when people discuss president drums first year in office today a gallup poll of one hundred thirty four countries revealed an unprecedentedly dismal picture of confidence in u. S. Leadership for the First Time Ever the global Approval Rating of u. S. Leadership has fallen to thirty percent germany has replaced the u. S. As the top rated global power china at thirty one percent is now in second place you see there the United States comes in at third slightly higher than russia which is the fourth rated global plough powered the ranking itself shows a major rethink in just the past year now what is just as remarkable the change for each of the four countries since Trump Took Office for Germany China and russia there have really been no changes its the u. S. Where global perception has shifted with the rating dropping as you see eighteen points year on year. In a moment ill ask the author of whats the matter with kansas to help explain whats the matter with the world but first the people in promises that converged on election day in twenty sixteen to make donald trump our president our Washington Bureau chief alexandra phenomena takes us to ohio a swing state that swung for trump what do they think now one year into the trump president s. Valley in ohio a longtime democratic stronghold that was once a hop of the American Steel industry but these times are long gone President Trump one high in twenty sixteen by promising to bring jobs back to the region. Twice when bush believes in trump she host at talk show on local radio and after she gets off the air she relaxes and the cigar vonage. He is earn respect because of what he wants to do and how he wants to get it done so hes not republican hes not democrat hes just an american who use the system for his the devil to the presidency and you have to respect that but i mean but we have to admit that he lies he doesnt tell the truth you have to admit he has he has his own thought process is all true. But the question is. Do we all lie also. Tracy takes me along to a Party Fundraiser in youngstown. Three. Three five zero delayed as polls show that the president s trumps Approval Rating is at a record slow whether people here support him despite the fact that he hasnt made much progress on his legislative agenda. Finally for the first time the live your life times theres somebody in washington who is determined to change washington thats why people are excited they want to they want someone to go to washington who can grab that place and shake it because its become so loaded and so out of control its been a slow process theyre frightened every step of the way but i believe in eventually people are going to realize how important this is. Christian mckernan is a businessman in youngstown his grandfather started his heating and cooling company in one nine hundred thirty seven here sure christian says he trusts trump because hes also an entrepreneur. I dont have to agree with certain things that a sitting president may feel i dont have to do but i really should just look back and respect the position thats there. And allow him to try to do his job. Is a show on line and treat good friends. Well good afternoon to welcome to three thousand friends here on the economic grounds for tax cuts for health care thats what counts for Tracey Winbush she says she doesnt like f one thing trump tweets or south but shell support him as long as he is here to break the system. Or my first guest tonight says it trumps rise as part of a forty year race to the bottom towards greater inequality in the u. S. Is two thousand and four book whats the matter with kansas is considered one of the authoritative guides on red and blue america explaining why voters act against their own economic interests at the ballot box hes also the author of other books including the conquest of cool a great read which i highly recommend im happy to welcome to the day thomas frank hes joining us tonight from washington thomas its good to have you on the show id like to start with a small excerpt from your book which gets really to the core of your message in whats the matter with kansas i mean you write in your book not long ago kansas would have responded to the Current Situation by making the bastards pay this would have been a political certainty as predictable as what happens when you touch a match to a puddle of gasoline were not these days out here the gravity of discontent tolls in only one direction to the right to the right further to the right asked them about the remedies that their ancestors propose such as unions antitrust Public Ownership well you might as well be referring to the days when knighthood was in flower a year into Donald Trumps presidency is your description of kansas and the us does it still hold true has anything changed. Oh man its well everythings gotten worse everythings gotten much worse so i wrote that in two thousand and four that was before the. You know the economic collapse remember the Great Recession you know the housing bubble and all that stuff that all the wall street shenanigans have brought the entire economy of the world down you go to those towns that i was writing about back then you go and visit those small towns and its not just kansas its anywhere in the midwest i dont know missouri iowa a lot of places in illinois you were just in ohio and youll see the exact same thing which is that for a lot of americans the middle class dream is crumbling it is in ruins the sort of the society that they grew up in is gone you know the main streets of these towns are. In a state of ruination you know theres no good jobs anymore no new good jobs being created anymore you know its. And people can see that this is happening in their fear eous you know and theyre the discontent runs very deep and what you see happening again and again and again in this country is the party of the right the the republicans speaking to those grievances speaking to always in a kind of a roundabout way bits but acknowledging that those grievances are legitimate and the democrats not doing that you know and donald trump took this so much farther than any of his predecessors and thats thats how the guy won i mean thats really what happened and now the question is of course is he going to do anything about the sort of collapse of Middle America if you ask me the answer is no you said you know he made some very big promises when he was running for office to be what do you see happening in the november midterms hes not going to be able to deliver on the promises of restoring the rust belt to which he did i mean do you think this is going to be the moment in november are we going to see the democrats will they be able to act to reclaim political territory. Well look the democrats in this country are this is a party the democratic my latest book by the way is called listen liberal and its about the democrats and this is a party that is really uncomfortable with with with the idea of discontent really really really and come from the you look at the Hillary Clinton campaign where this sort of unofficial slogan was america is already great do you remember this i mean these are people she could not she had real trouble acknowledging the pain that there is out there in the country you know and this is a party that is constitutionally if you ask me incapable of acknowledging that i mean they party with their wall street friends on Marthas Vineyard this kind of thing now on the other hand donald trump is spectacularly on the popular right now and so the democrats may very well score a big victory this year in november but the thing is you know victories come in victories go in less the Democratic Party changes in a way so that it is able to speak to the aggrieved Middle Americans which i still cant believe that they cant do that but they cant do it until the day they start doing it this is just going to go on and on and on this is just going to continue the Democratic Party needs to change when they do if they do yes they will be able to completely reconfigure politics in this country but it hasnt happened yet let me ask you about todays gallup poll or Global Confidence in u. S. Leadership i mean never before have so many countries looked at the u. S. With such little confidence i mean this is troubling of course after only one year of a presidency but what will it mean to americans who are increasingly living in these polarized society loads of political opinions. Well i mean to tell you the truth most americans dont vote on it and dont even really Pay Attention to Foreign Policy news unless its war and less war and less were in a war its just the nature of the country and its a big country and what people are most concerned about is whats happening to them and their family and their town thats what drives most conversation now i want to point out to the economy in america is actually doing quite well right now as donald trump boasts about it all the time its not really his doing you know this is Barack Obamas legacy and janet yellen the Federal Reserve chairman says their legacy but trump wants to take credit for it and trump will take credit for it and theres a good chance that things are going to get considerably better in this country and thats what americans will be paying attention to not like Public Opinion polls in europe or Something Like that it was speaking of europe does kansas apply to europe i mean where is your would you say most of your kansas. This listen what i described in kansas fifteen years ago now is happening all over the western world this is happening all over this is happening in france this is happening in australia thats happening in the netherlands its happening in england ok maybe not germany germany is a prosperous country with a very strong welfare state its not happening in scandinavia right same thing theyre prosperous countries with a very well established welfare state but this is happening everywhere you go the you know the neoliberal economics is leaving people behind do you think that the strongest kryptonite against a kansas that you write about is the social welfare state of europe. Oh i would say an american version of that yes i mean you got a member the most prosperous the days that people who are as old as me and older we remember a time when this country was very prosperous in the middle class was a healthy thing in those towns out in kansas and missouri and wherever those towns are doing really well and that was a time when. A very left wing version of the Democratic Party was in charge Franklin Roosevelt harry truman Lyndon Johnson people remember that theres a reason that they look at a guy like Bernie Sanders and hes extremely popular now i think that yeah that kind of politics i think its time has come back i think it is time to start dusting off some of the solutions thomas frank all thirty of whats the matter with kansas helping us tonight apply that kansas knowledge to europe told us we appreciate you taking the time to be on the day we appreciate your insights. Well after weeks of hype about a possible fake news award event u. S. President almost trump has pointed to ten top examples of news stories in twenty seventeen that he says were intentionally wrong trump unveiled the award with as you might imagine a tweet it provided a link to a Republican Party website which listed ten cases in which major American News sources reported stories that were later retracted or which the list says were incorrect now despite trumps initial statements via twitter it was not immediately clear who had drawn up the list. Social media reaction to these fake news awards highlighting the deep polarization in the u. S. The truck base applauding the awards heres mike the low im just so proud to have a president that not only stands up for the American People but stands up to the liberal media trump is changing the scope of politics and his refusal to be politically correct is a dream come true Donald Trumps opponents however they see it as another attack on press freedom of the right or why you hide ali says we laugh about the fake news awards but it is in fact quite terrifying in chilling this is what happens in dictatorships and fascists regimes facts language truth and ultimately the press become hijacked to serve power not question it or hold it accountable of the words generated enough attention to bring down part by james james hes president of the American Institute for contemporary german studies in washington jack were not going to talk about fake news with you jack knows politics in germany and the United States as well as anyone and he also knows the players and he knows how they get a warrant its good to have you back on the show when i ask you about this gallup poll that came out today showing germany is now the top rated global power the u. S. Plummeting to third place now behind china what do you make of that its effectively a response to style if not substance even a life style they basically then make that equal to the United States. A mistake i mean america is not trump and trump is not america but i think hes also challenging peoples expectations and to some extent their sense of what america should be in their eyes and in a way its like a whiplash because they had eight years of obama who they really fell in love with and now theyve got this guy and they dont like him very much at all you mentioned obama since he left Office Germany in translunar miracle they have been called leaders of the liberal western democratic world i mean the standing of germany has just gone up and open up. Is it justified i dont think it means as much as simply a way of stating peoples tastes in style again germany is not going to replace the states its not going to work in terms of being any kind of power that would replace what americas role is today but i think its a replication of the fact that people are paying as much attention to the what way people say things as opposed to what they say and you know i think that thats the case in germany itself and to some extent its the case in other countries as well so we have a problem of understanding why this style conflicts so much with peoples expectations but were going have to come to grips with it because the president of the United States and going anywhere soon. Let me bring you to german politics for a moment it has never taken this long to hammer out a new government here in germany i mean you and i we spoke in september during the election here it is now in january we still dont have a new government is that a bad omen of things to come visit mean anything but i think its basically a limbo type situation and i mean europe is in the middle of a lot of problems braggs it is absolutely the poster child but theres a lot of others and difficult forces pulling at the fabric of europe and you know germany was always seen as the kind of picture of stability and given the fact that this is not just in germany where this instability is is being seen its under. Its settling for many people who want to know whats the next step for europe hows it going to be able to deal with some of the challenges of a coming this way and this this rock of stability seems to be a little bit unstable to move the rock of stability is called uncle americal right for many people right are we in the final time of the merkel era in germany i think theres a phase now becoming visible that this last term four years or maybe less maybe less will be an record of her accomplishments as well as maybe her shortcomings so i think that to some extent twelve years is a long time to be in office and who can replicate that and i think thats the reason that her record will be better than maybe what some people think it is now but at the same time theres a change in the air and you cant deny that you want to venture a guess on what a post miracle germany will look like that much different from what it is now i mean i think that the internal fabric of German Society is pretty well you know strengthened economically the are riding high great economic machine thats working in their favor people afraid of whether that theyre going to continue i dont see much difference here i think this is some extent it might be. A question of whether or not germanys role in europe or germanys sense of who it is will become perhaps more front and center in the machall was able to do a lot of good during the last twelve years but theres a lot of pending questions out there need to be answered and i think the next shall we say Replacement Council will have to face those we got about half middle me ask you about this grand coalition and theyre trying to have a repeat of that do you think thats going to happen i personally do but it will be a hair of a majority because theres what i just said i think holds true for the yesterday as well as throughout the country but my feeling that now you asked me tonight a monday vote yeah i think sunday would actually sunday i think theyre going to pull it out ok well well see what happens jesse james president the American Institute for contemporary german studies as always its good to have you on the show thanks for coming in here. Turkey has reportedly extended its state of emergency for another three months the crackdown that followed an attempted coup in the summer of two thousand and sixteen continues and that crackdown has made turkey number one in the world in the number of journal was imprisoned many are being held without charges many are simply charged with aiding terrorists whatever that supposed to me are reporters used hidden cameras to take us inside a Turkish Court where press freedom is on trial. For at breakfast shannon shakun isnt ready checking to see if they have been any more arrests for years the thirty year old has worked as a Court Reporter covering the trials of her colleagues and. I check if other journalists were imprisoned since the police werent at my place at five am they could have struck somewhere else. She has lost her sense of humor without it she says she wouldnt be able to last in her job. She reports from the heavily guarded palace of justice in istanbul the place where freedom of press in turkey came to an end. I would just there to be just like every day when i walk over to this clase i see this building as some kind of a normas monster awaiting me with an ugly grimace to go to the cio i. Cameras are not allowed in the courthouse so from this point we were cord with a hidden cell phone today she attends another case against colleagues of the daily paper hoary at the accusation betraying state secrets few other reporters are present trials against journalists have become part of a sound routine in turkey the coverage of the trial itself is obstructed by the courts since Ronald Holmes so they say theres no place for the press the building is huge but the courtrooms are very small the smallest rooms are always selected for these important trials. No more than twenty to twenty five visitors can fit into them about. This time sean combs colleagues walk free at least for the time being after two hours attorneys and defendants come out of the courtroom after the trial is postponed for two months over the country josh green sends a copy of the courts decision to have paper. Outside in front of the courthouse the lawyer for the journalists describes the repeated postponements of the trial as a tactic to keep the defendants on depression. And her colleagues are watched and filmed by the police the entire time. In returns to the Editorial Department of her newspaper him her it three of her colleagues are currently in prison and dozens of accusations are pending. The editors fight to survive and shako knows that she could be indicted at any time for her Court Reporting much about yachts in turkey there is no system of law that protects the rights of individuals entire groups in society have been declared enemies and their rights are just taken away. And the world would not be aware of this safe shana and didnt get up every morning to report from the inside of his stumbles palace of justice. Finally australian researchers in the antarctic had some surprise still weighs on their book recently take a look at this the scientists were out at sea in newcomb break when and a daily penguin jumped out of the icy water and right into the researchers doing this little guy was just one of eight curious penguins to check out their equipment so over the course of the day i mean they can really job position they dont play basketball. Theyve nearly done but as ever the conversation continues online youll find us on twitter. Or you can write to me forgive us that hash tag today and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day well see that everybody. Come. Out. Ok. Happens every winter. Games sold out opera houses and concert halls. Everyone knows they can eat. But no one knows how to stop it cloud the concert because the chronic distraction. Youre. Going to. Take for personally with the wonderful people in stories that makes it so special. To our. Sixty minutes. Are you up to speed on the latest technology. Know when it may be time for an upgrade this become part of the future to become a cyborg i must say words and design my perception of reality implants that make every day life easier. I use my implants on a daily basis that optimize the human body and connect people more effectively. I hope that this will make us more ethical persons what would life be like as a cyborg and what effect will it have on society does the human race really need to upgrade i think its only the beginning of this cyborgs human machines starting february first on t w. I have a bomb and a euro back lets have a look at whats coming up in today so. They have their lead then he says to also if iraq doesnt surge of ever more extreme skiing challenges. 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