Several african countries. And thousands rally in pakistan true protest against the rape and murder of an eight Year Old Girl they demand to know why police were so slow to react to the child abduction. Also coming up scaling new heights we need and incredible rock climber from hong kong who was determined to fulfill his dream to spite losing the use of his legs. Play. Im sorry kelly welcome to the Program Thanks for joining us. German political leaders have been negotiating throughout the night here in berlin trying to see if there isnt enough Common Ground to enter formal Coalition Talks now thursday was the last day of exploratory talks but no one has emerged from them yet and it is now friday morning chancellor Angela Merkel has been heading a caretaker government since the National Election more than one hundred days ago she and her conservatives are in talks with the social democrats led by Martin Shultz to form a new government as the talks began yesterday merkel was cautious about the out. The no more can often there are still big hurdles to overcome. Speaking from my party i can say well be as constructive as possible in our search for compromises. But of course we are also aware that we want to deliver the right kind of deal for the country that means its going to be a tough day. In. A tough day and a tough night for more lets bring in our Political Correspondent review to vault standing by at the social democrats headquarters where those talks are taking place as we mentioned so rupert i mean no word yet this morning on any progress presumably they have been up all night talking about these issues should we take that as a good sign or a sign of trouble. Well the negotiators have been sitting together now for more than twenty hours and we they havent made any progress so far only very little so i cant really see that this is going to be a good sign here one of the main problems in scenes and those thats very little if theres only very little that we hear from whats going on here at the believe it on toast the social democrats had water and what we hear is one of the mages to consult point seems to be money. The the social democrats have some projects they want to push through but the sum of all this projects will be more than one hundred billion euros what we saw have heard both sides already agreed that they only want to spend forty five billion euros during the next four years so they are still discussing on how they want to finance this if theyre going to be higher taxes for the rich to the social democrats once and the conservative block of angloamerican is totally against off or if there is going to be any other solution so no i dont think this is going to be a good something ok its interesting that it all breaks down to money considering that germany has has a Budget Surplus and has you know to do something with that money our understanding is that negotiations you know they left the most contentious issues really for last walk us through some of the major obstacles that still remain and how tough it will be a for them to find a compromise. All the major obstacles i mean all the ones that we have been talking about during the last days that caused the refugees and how to cope with migration then the one other problem is Health Insurance the social democrats want to reform Health Insurance here in germany the conservative blog want to do that doesnt want to touch it then of course pensions. Where the discussion is again how are we going to finance this and in the end its all comes down to to the to the money problem thats what we hear from. From the inside also we must say that the information is very scaurus about that we are getting it here. Politicians come and go all the time but they dont talk to us we have just met the agriculture scuse me. We have just met the agriculture minister who came out and just said its going to take a while and im just off to get some buns so i think things are not at all here and we just have to wait and see given that lack of clarity lets assume the worst for just a moment take us through that scenario because what happens if they walk out of those doors with no deal what does that mean for the country and what does that mean for the chance. Well it would be the worst of all outcomes at least for americas fungal americal this is the last option to have a clear majority within parliament the only other way to stay in government to stay in public power for hope would be to form a minority government something she has ruled out in the past and i cant really see how she could stay in power as state chancellor with a minority government after she has been saying for since all the elections that she doesnt want to be in a minority government that the minority govern in government wouldnt work out that it would be stable enough and then the only other option that will be will be left would be new elections something both parties both sides here couldnt want because they both know that they wouldnt get out of these elections as winners so thats the thats the worst Case Scenario but i also you know we dont want to be so skeptical here lets go to the best Case Scenario which is if they are able to find someone very meant a lot of people concerned chair in the country that that will be more of the same you know at a time when when many have expressed the desire to have some change in the country we talked a little bit about that with the Vice President of the German Parliament thomas upon he is of course from the social Democrat Party and i just want to play that sound bite for you and then there after get your reaction of bread. I dont know yet it depends on you know what. The negotiators will come up with. We have seen that. We have done good work in the grand coalition we have improved the lives of many people for example by implementing a minimum wage in germany for the first time but that did not help us in the election. We got our worst results since one thousand nine hundred forty nine and so it cannot be just a continuity of the last grain coalition definitely not we need new ideas more justice more investments if that doesnt happen it probably will not take place we have a party that has to give green light for real negotiations and at the end the members of our party will make the decision the other party that everybody in the world is looking at towards it in germany is the f. T. Alternative of germany they may well become then the Largest Opposition Party and in the German Parliament how would you in your position as Vice President of the parliament how would you give them the democratic right to speak without allowing that the German Parliament become a sounding board for a far right vs that would be a real. Political hard consequence if the if t. Would be the strongest Opposition Party in the border stock the leader of the opposition practically. But if he was elected by the german people and they deserve equal opportunity like any other party in the bundestag no special treatment i believe that we should not give them the opportunity to describe themselves as victims of the political establishment that is what they really prefer to be to appear. And we want to. Give them we dont want to give them that kind of opportunity and that was the Vice President of the german bundestag Thomas Opperman speaking a short while ago with his very own head of cleaver as we saw him but i want to turn back to you as we mentioned that youre standing by at the social democrats headquarters where those talks are taking place those those Coalition Talks still no sign we have to mention of anyone emerging there we see the cameras behind you we see the lights ready and everyone is just hoping that they will exit there what should we make of what we heard opperman said and what a grand coalition but with that need for his party the social democrats because i mean this is not what they wanted coming out of this election. Absolutely and i think he made that very clear too that this is not something the social democrats wanted and that they are longing for and we have to understand that one of the main problems probably that that tape that that makes the whole thing so so complicated is that the social democrats have to bring something home to put it in the picture. If he if he would be a hunter he went out to shoot a deer but right now it seems as youve just come in sees just coming back with some good meat guinea pigs on the out is the main problem hes got nothing to show at least from what we hear here but nobody will be all that can the fun to see on what could he bring home theres no project that would be big enough and Strong Enough to really say oh this is really worth it and so the social democrats have the problem they need to sell this project run Coalition Party to to to their followers but they dont really have anything to sell so in other words even if there is a positive result today there is still work to do but i know youre probably not a betting man but before we leave it there i do want you to weigh in just a little bit because i mean youve experienced many of these negotiations we know that chancellor Angela Merkel for example that she has quite a lot of stamina when when it comes to these types of negotiations when do you think that we will know the outcome of these talks today. This is the most difficult question you could ask and there have been some rumors that the hops in about two hours time something can happen but these are rumors to be honest i can see. Where probably devolves with the very latest at the site of these exploratory Coalition Talks taking place here in berlin we are standing by hoping that somebody will come out tell us what they have discussed and what progress has been made thank you so much for your reporting. When i lets head to the United States where u. S. President donald trump has come under fire after reportedly insulting haiti el salvador and several african nations in a foul mouth outburst trump is said to have asked why are we having all of these people from profanity as you can see profanity country is coming here according to the Washington Post newspaper the president became frustrated during talks on immigration lawmakers are trying to put together a form package that includes protection for the children of undocumented migrants. Now is the president of the United States fit for Office Donald trump is due to undergo an annual medical check later today as allegations over his physical and Mental Health abound the white house says that the results of the have a health check will be made public heres more slurred words at the end of a major speech in december the United Church thank you very much fueled a flurry of speculation about Donald Trumps health. Trumps the oldest person to become president in American History he was seventy when he was sworn into office he doesnt drink or smoke but he makes no secret of his love for fast food or his aversion to the more rigorous forms of spores. He uses a cart for golf and once said that his main source of exercise comes from moving his hands during his speeches so how does the president shape up problem and theres. A letter written by trumps doctor during the president ial campaign showed he was overweight and on medication to control his cholesterol but it proclaimed him to be in excellent physical health. Fast forward sixteen months and hes dealing with the pressures of arguably the most demanding job in the world questions have existed from the beginning of my term psychological and intellectual competence for the role of president just days ago he came under fire for seeming to forget the words of the u. S. National anthem. And a bombshell book released last week claims that most of his staff and advisers think hes mentally unwell trump it back with one of the twitter famous for assuring the world hes a very stable genius and allies leapt to his defense that now are not there seven days a week but im there once a week and im there for a day with white house meetings everything no one questions the stability of the president the wife has says todays medical check will be purely physical but the debate about trumps Mental Health is sure to rage on. Lets get a quick check now of some other stories that have been making news around the World French Police are reported to have recovered all of the jewels stolen in wednesdays brazen heist at the ritz hotel in paris some of the loot was seized when three armed beeves were arrested as they tried to flee the remainder was in a bag recovered by police the gems and watches stolen were thought to be worth over four Million Euros. In japan more than four hundred people were stranded on a train overnight after heavy snow the train got stuck some three hundred kilometers northwest of tokyo officials decided against evacuating passengers until daybreak some parts of northern japan have seen ten times the average snowfall this winter. In tunisia an emergency meeting is planned between the main Political Parties and businesses they want to find a solution to the wave of protests gripping the country demonstrators are angry about austerity measures and growing inequality as many as six hundred people have been arrested this week. Saudi arabias first car show guarantee to women drivers has opened at a Shopping Mall in the city of jeddah the exhibition is taking place just months after king salon ordered an end to the countrys ban on women driving saudi women are due to take on to the roads in june. In pakistan there is anger over the rape and murder of an eight Year Old Girl it has sparked violent demonstrations and two protests have died two protesters rather have died in clashes with police it is the twelfth child to be sexually assaulted and killed in the same area over the past year and with the killer still at large demonstrators accuse police of being too slow to act. Boils over at the death of another little girl and investigators failure to find out who killed her. Is through the tone of targeting the local Police Station officers opened fire and chaos ensues. Protesters attempt to carry away the injured. The girls family is outraged over the Police Response to the protests. Seen ups father told d. W. That he wants justice for his daughter. We demand that the government take steps to ensure the safety and protection of all ghettos in this country. Id also like to appeal to the army chief and the chief justice that steps be taken to avoid such tragedies like those taken in many army counterterrorism operations. This is a community in grief and saudi vanished on her way to us last week. This is the last image of her alive and a new one man leading her away holding her hand. Police discovered her body on this trash heap on tuesday seen op is believed to have been raped several times and then strangled to death her family wants a thorough investigation. The murderer be arrested a life police shouldnt look to lift the burden from themselves by killing some innocent person and then seeing no you have justice. The law or high court chief justice has ordered the police to take swift action in this case but with residents furious at what they see as a failure to properly investigate previous abductions there could well be more protests to come. Here now and it looks like facebook wants you to spend less time on its network you have that right now it sounds a bit weird doesnt it runs counter to their Business Model if you will but indeed facebook has announced a Major Overhaul to its news feed that will prioritize posts by friends and family over unpaid posed by companies and media organizations like osha benefits up the side hopes to stop businesses from crowding out personal moments for its users Facebook Says Companies Using pages to promote content will likely see reach video watch time and referral traffic decrease as a result facebook c. E. O. Mark zuckerberg has said the changes should make people spend less time on facebook at that time spent will be more valuable connecting with friends and family rather than consume content the company is responding to a growing tide of criticism about its role in society. Now wild boars are a common sight in many european forests theyre also notorious for tearing up peoples gardens but now governments are telling hunters to shoot them on sight as a new outbreak of african swine fever has spread into the European Union Pharma Companies have been trying to develop a vaccine so far without success the latest outbreak appears to have begun in russia authorities in neighboring belarus banned some imports of russian pork meanwhile the disease is making its way into the heart of europe it already has crossed into the Baltic States and poland where in total thousands of cases have been reported this is why the European Commission is also backing a cull of wild boars is also warning people to be careful with food ways that could contain the highly contagious disease it was first recorded in africa a century ago and the name since then its spread around the world and while it doesnt affect humans its almost always deadly to pigs that could end up costing governments millions while the financial damage to farmers can already be felt as our report shows. The un being on ski has been raising pigs for decades he still cant believe theyre all gone now some dead wild boar were found near his farm it turns out they were infected with african swine fever in response authorities ordered that all farm pigs in a radius of fifty kilometers be called. Rap sheet they came in made a list instead of weighing the pigs they made a rough estimate of their weight and they said all of them had to be killed and disposed of. An insurance policy for animal diseases paid only a fraction of the pigs value to the burnouts case. Six months later theyre still not allowed to buy any new pics. Of the. Young to retire and here now we just take each day as it comes although finally received the money from our insurance but it was almost nothing. The entire region eastern poland of the village of rudinsky has been under quarantine from months due to african swine fever and does not incite many farmers here had large herds but now the animals are all dead. No one here thinks the industry can ever recover from this blow villagers are even afraid to keep a pig for their own needs something that used to be commonplace here. Even keeping only one pig poses a risk it can infect a large groups of pigs like three hundred. The african swine fever is being spread primarily by wild boar which have been infected with the virus the disease is always deadly for the animals theres no medicine to fight the illness the river vistula forms a natural barrier to the spread of the disease but in december of twenty seventeen infected boar were found on the west side of the river now theres a danger that the virus could spread to germany. And i saw warning signs but i dont know if theyre true i havent seen any dead animals. The dead boers or just the pretense someone is trying to ruin the polish farmers have been used. Before the. Younger nazi doesnt believe in such conspiracy theories hes hoping that by the spring his lucrative business will be back on track. Meanwhile in venezuela capital is being slaughtered by angry mobs in the fields according to reports and supermarkets have to be protected by the military against looters the country is starving but as well as inflation rate has reached a staggering two thousand six hundred percent according to calculations by the countrys parliament which has been disempowered by president Nicolas Maduro author of tarion socialist regime price controls have been put in place to curb inflation will have little effect when shelves are empty. Her sad sight shelves have never been so empty in venezuela and its getting worse whats the point in the government reducing the price of staple foods when none are available anyway. Not. Painful to see the shelves because there isnt anything to eat and ive got three things on i could get and obviously my heart hurt because lowering prices is not the way the government should be acting. This seems critical to me because honestly were going through a very serious crisis right now. I dont know what to do because i cant get any pay six. The ive never seen the shelves like this theres little or you can see your juices cookies canned goods but otherwise nothing. Like getting out of here man. But even if shelves were stopped decently wages barely cover the cost of necessities every day offers fresh evidence of venezuelas bankruptcy with no foreign currency available to import food or any other basic products. And thats one reason why businesses in venezuela are fighting for their very survival facing shortages and a socialist bureaucracy that blocks their every move some entrepreneur still refused to give in venezuelas famous high quality cocoa beans could be a good source of revenue. Chocolate connoisseurs around the world value would highly but export as forced to find highly unusual ways to sell their products abroad. In her caracas apartment nutrition professor nancy silva spreads cocoa on a stone counter to make chocolate bars theyll be sold in local shops for around fifty cents thats a weeks wages here but there are still a few people able to spend that on candy outside venezuela chocolate of this quality might earn many times that so silver is focusing on france where a kilogram of chocolate could fetch around one hundred dollars. I carried my chocolate around in two suitcases. Ive been to paris three times that way. I dont even speak french but i know my product and i know whos willing to buy it i was able to sell my chocolate over the course of around a month. She could probably sell many times that if any as well as soviet style bureaucracy didnt make exploiting almost impossible for Small Companies to countries hyperinflation means serve in constant shortages of food and even gradients but this is offset by steady access to high quality aromatic cocoa from her familys farm in eastern venezuela. The need because i think in terms of the quality of the grains there variety and their yield i would say we are in the presence of the best cocoa in the world but as you know. For now the chronic shortages are probably the most have a venezuelas economy. But as the chocolate maker show there are also entrepreneurs doing their part to boost their country. And thats all for me and the Business Team sours go more world news thank you so much care how were actually going to talk a little bit more about the Iran Nuclear Deal because u. S. President donald trump is expected to extend sanctions relief granted to iran under that twenty fifteen nuclear deal the move it keeps the agreement reached with tehran and other world powers intact for now but of course trump is said to have been reluctant to uphold the u. S. Side of that deal which has fiercely criticized but many of his top advisers urged him not to pull out of the accord while the u. S. Will continue a sanctions waiver on Key Industries and iran new targeted sanctions will be imposed. Youre watching d. W. News still to come on the program germanys political leaders have been burning the midnight oil trying to agree on a basis for a new Coalition Government it is said that there may be an announcement within the next hour or so we are standing by with the very latest on that. Plus the biggest refugee crisis in africa we will take you to the democratic republic of congo all that mark im sorry kelly in berlin a few within a few minutes. If you call. Take football or something. Are you reading. The columns of true love up black and yellow at least according to sounds of procedure when we visited them to join the club and ask what makes a teams spine such devotion. Sixty. Hijacking the name. More i come from the news is being hijacked journalism itself has become a scripted reality show its not just good versus evil us versus them thats why and why. In countries like russia china turkey people are told that its that simple and if youre a journalist there and you try to get beyond that you are facing scare tactics intimidation. And i wonder is that where were headed is well. My responsibility as a journalist is to get beyond his smoke and mirrors its not just about being clear and balanced or being neutral its about being truthful. When he was born into office and i work with. Has no children which makes her feel worthless and complete. In a society that expects them to be children this is a burden many married yet childless women in niger suffer from. A wife is only fully accepted upon motherhood. The very personal film about the suffering of childless women in the richer the fruitless tree starting january fourteenth on t w. Welcome back youre with g. W. News im sarah telling it berlin our top stories german chancellor Angela Merkel and her conservative party have been negotiating throughout the night with the leaders of the social democrats theyre trying to see if there is enough Common Ground to enter formal Coalition Talks. Lets get more now on those talks and what they mean for the german Political Landscape we have the great pleasure of being joined here in the studio by sonia krauss she is a political scientists at the Humboldt University here in berlin welcome to you good morning. What do you think the fact that we havent heard anything yet from from from the use these two parties i mean they have apparently been discussing throughout the night is that a good sign would you say yeah i think its a good sign because if there were no Common Ground between these two parties i dont think they would have discussed these on least topics on light what do you see as the main sticking points so far i think its actually the top income rate so the sea is you really doesnt doesnt want to raise the the top income tax but thats video views they wanted so i think on all the other points they might be able to agree i want to talk about you know what potentially entering a grand coalition again by made for these two parties because we know for example you know we saw very poor Election Results from both of these parties they really lost ground if we compare it to four years earlier for the s. P. D. Specifically the result was a historical disaster. What does it mean for this party if they do go into a grand coalition again because they want to be in the opposition yeah they wanted to but i think right now with the majorities in the bond and especially also in the glue scott they dont really have any other choice than joining the grand coalition because even if there was a minority government by the conservatives they would have to support this minority government policy wise but they would not be able to enjoy the benefits of having Ministerial Office do you see a grand coalition as being a stable solution for germany i think its right now the only stable solution because germany does not have any experiences with minority governments so i mean they they work in other countries but theres no theres no poly mentary culture for a minority governments here in germany so i think the grand coalition will be the only option just generally speaking though Angela Merkel her time as chancellor whether we have a favorable outcome today you know whether we do see a grand coalition or the road to it slowly being paved. Or not. Is her are her days in office numbered. I think she will be able to survive this survive this legislative term but even if she wanted to go for a fifth term as a chancellor i dont think she would have the chance to do so because i do think that her term or her time is certainly up right now so given that i mean how do you see the political sphere shaping up i mean are we entering a time now of uncertainty for germany how do you see it playing out yeah i mean we now have these six parties in the pali amende so this is very unusual for germany and it will take some time for for the parties to to get accustomed to that and. If they they gain experience with this is the situation in parliament i think it does not necessarily lead to more on unstable times but it will to certainly take some time i want you to take us through the scenario in the case that we see at these exploratory talks fail in the case that we see them you know exit the headquarters there today and say no we cannot Work Together what happens for the country. I mean her new elections they they they dont they wouldnt lead to totally different results right i mean we have the polls right now they are essentially the same as they were in the elections. So i dont think there is any new options on the table really i mean we dont get a central left or center right majority ofter new elections so i think really that these two parties will be able to to form a coalition right now so youre really favored area but there is no other way for no other scenario that you really see playing out if it does indeed as you say play out we have another grand coalition who is the winner in that grand coalition if we have to now fast forward four years from now germans are heading back to the polls who is going to win after a grand coalition are is the fringes again for example the far right party definitely yes but i think in general it will be the smaller parties being able to gain in the following elections but it might also depend how the grand coalition plays all right so it does not necessarily have to be a bad thing for either of these parties but it will definitely have to be different than the last grand coalition when you cross political scientists at the humble to university here and berlin an expert on Coalition Governments we thank you so much for taking us through the possible scenarios we can tell there is one scenario that you think is definitely going to happen today well see if theres indeed the case as we mentioned to our viewers were standing by to see the results of those exploratory talks thank you so much against and from. But eman time we want to bring you some other news now because in india the high court is set to decide on a highly sensitive issue is marital rape legal this past october the Supreme Court ruled that if a husband has sex with his wife and she is under eighteen he is committing an act of rape well that decision was a milestone in indias fight for equal rights for women now womens activists as well as victims are hoping that sexual abuse in a marriage will be judged the same way but the issue is not as easy as it seems theres a report. This woman cant go to the courts and her family doesnt understand her problem thats why shes come to this Women Support Center priya is an early twenties the mother of two was forced into an arranged marriage six years ago since then shes been tormented and abused by her own husband. But. Its over this thing we did wake me up in the middle of the night and pressure me for sex even when i was ill when i tried to stop him he hit me sometimes i would not be able to sit down for days or move without pain then that that. Unlike previous sixty year old suresh is willing to have a face shown on camera her suffering started twenty years ago now she wants to go public with her story even if her relatives condemn or and say shes tarnishing the familys honor suresh is now divorced her exhusband she did on her with his own daughter in law. Nevertheless he still wanted to have sex with me even though i refused him. He got drunk he hit me and raped me repeatedly i ran away it was a new number talking. Tali is a womens rights activist from delhi who supports victims of abuse. She can find women new jobs or a new place to live but she cant give them justice husbands who forced their wives to have sex with them are technically not breaking the law in india it is easy and the basis for this is the patriarchal tradition here a woman is viewed as the property of her father after she is married she becomes the property of her husband she has no autonomy she has to simply comply or shell be beaten. The film lipstick under my burka addresses these issues its about womens aspirations and their fears including being abused by their husbands. The film was initially banned in india after being censored by authorities the director says the film hit a little too close to home. I do feel that there is. A high level of. Abuse if weve been we didnt matter we didnt addition she had thought he would be magic and it becomes very difficult because you always toward the will get out. There could soon be another option the legal one india Supreme Court is due to hold a hearing on the issue the court recently ruled that sex with a wife who is under the age of eighteen is a crime but will this lead to marital rape being outlawed even at this respected and progressive Womens University in delhi opinion is divided. Many here say they would welcome a new law but others argue it could be misused. Have seen many. Men have utilized their rights of doubt even noise in a negative way and misuse them physical intimidation is something which is very new to a couple again it said if we can articulate. Our. Is highly important on the day of the hearing tali and a number of other womens rights activists have come to the delhi high court. Then the news that the session has been postponed to a later date but tali says thats not necessarily a bad sign. We have to be Patient Society is not going to change so quickly above all what has to stop is the belief that women are essentially mens property that wont happen overnight even with the new law. But it would be a step in the right direction. Even if the Supreme Court takes its time with the ruling victims and activists campaigning for change are confident that it will ultimately make the right decision in womens favor. At home or lets bring in our correspondents on a fall in the car who is covering the story with us from from delhi welcome to you how big a problem is this in india. Hi sarah well i think a number of studies over the years have showed that Sexual Violence in marriage is prevalent in india and now statistics by the United Nations say that women in india are forty percent more likely to be raped by their husband than by a stranger now indias own National Family Health Survey has also shown that the vast majority of Sexual Violence reported by women in the past has been within within the marriage when i reported on medical rape for the event i spoke to campaigners a daily who had worked in the field for decades and they said that in their experience the majority of women who enter arranged marriages often raped on the first night but their husbands were total strangers to them so i think theres a lot of evidence points to the fact that Sexual Violence and matter is fairly widespread given that why has the Indian Government never made marital rape a crime when leaders of the ruling Hindu Nationalist Party the b. G. P. Have been recent years really rejected outright growing calls to automatically rape and theyve argued that this is against the culture of the country theyve argued this could destabilize the institution of marriage one indian law because said that magnitude rape cannot be applied in the indian context because of factors like illiteracy poverty religious beliefs might sets of the society that tend to treat marriage as a sacrament and the critics here have really slammed that position they say that by failing to criminalize medical rape the Indian Government is really ignoring an enormous problem in section by failing to protect its women from bodily abuse but of course of the same time i have to say that you know india is far from bring the only country to grapple with this issue i mean lets not forget that not so long ago there were countries in the west that criminalize medical rape in england for instance marital rape was criminalized in one thousand nine hundred one in germany it was only outlawed in one thousand nine hundred seventy. How are the police and the courts dealing with this problem so i mean what recourse do women have if any to face marital rape in terms of you know the president s status quo well actually the seriously see the survivors about it he replied simply not taken seriously by the authorities i interviewed one lawyer who represented a woman who had suffered medical rape for four years and when he told me that when she went to the Police Station to complain the officers there said all these are normal things that happened between a husband and wife and that she should just walk out the matter with him now the problem is that indias laws do not explicitly recognize within marriage so theres little relief offered to victims at the moment adult lives who face marital rape can file a complaint against the under the domestic policy act in a civil court they can be legally separated from their husband on grounds of cruelty but there are no Legal Provisions to actually punish the crime itself so i think survivors of matter. Very lonely battle sonia who is to blame for this i mean is it a matter of just law here or is that also a matter of for example patriarchal attitudes because you know youve reported before i know weve discussed this many men theyre still consider their wives to be their property right. Thats right i mean i think its difficult to generalize but but yes i do think you know deeply entrenched patriarchal attitudes in a society where men are simply valued much more than women definitely play a role i mean activists here will tell you that you know traditionally mattered has been viewed in india as a kind of social construction where abuse is often tolerated way consent is presume where men often enjoy sexual entitlement where women are expected to be submissive and give in to the demands of their husbands often with no autonomy or agency of their old bodies on a fall a car with the latest from delhi thank you so much. Voting is underway in the Czech Republic and germany is hoping that the results will lead to better relations with its neighbor despite the e. U. s promise of a united Europe East West fault lines deepened in the last election the Czech Republic recently voted on a euro skeptical government critical of german migration policies but in the bavarian and or he may enforce the largest contingents force area in Central Europe german and czech conservationists have found an issue that both countries can agree on. Powerful bad kind of came here with the intention of doing research on black grounds hazel grounds and would cross the shine bugs live in the National Parks on both sides of the check but the border. But its not hard overnight so powerful wont be able to find any of the tracks. These species are disappearing from commercial woodland but here in this forest theyre doing fine we want to find out how many of these birds there are and where theyre located we work with them. On the war. The two National Parks are working on a joint project that will do exactly that in fact both parks cooperate closely on these kinds of efforts and no one represents that spirit of cooperation better than biologist pavol better he works for both parks. Together the parks make up the largest primeval forest area in Central Europe human shape the landscape for a long time now its nature again and that attracts numerous visitors. To. The park agencies also cooperate on book publications most are available with texts him both german and check. And. The man responsible for this is powerful who been a the director of the National Park party faced a lot of opposition. To the work. When you. Both National Parks and both directors are working toward the same goal. We want these parks to develop together with the same conservation policies. And we both have similar ideas on how to do that. In appreciation of this cooperation the European Union has provided subsidies totaling more than six Million Euros over the last two years. That money is also welcomed by the bavarian National Park administration. Director fans like bill says this kind of cooperation shows that european nations can work well together. He explains why the program works. We talk to each other a lot and we trust each other. We try to find things that we have in common with and then we put projects together kynan and sometimes we just sit around in the evening and discuss things over a beer with a name for all been submitted by and on the suits and look at a room. You move much most do with their honest people and they tell it like it is. They dont pull any punches. But our discussions are always very pleasant. Communication is good. Trying to communicate to. A real check german winter fairytale. Bumps powerful benches says both sides will have to work hard to make sure things stay that way in the years to come. Well all athletes have burdens to overcome sometimes lychee why has battled for more than most as a competitive rock climber he was named Asian Champion four times before an accident left him confined to a wheelchair but rather than giving up life became came through what he calls one of the lowest points in his life now he is becoming the first person from hong kong to be nominated for a laureus world sports award honoring the best sports men and women of the here and here is why. Limbering up to lift not only his body but also his wheelchair like he why i was a Champion Rock climber until a car accident in twenty eleven left him paralyzed from the hip down but he wasnt going to let that stop him. The hong kong native has kept up his passion despite the extra challenges that come with being paraplegic by physical and logistical. I love rock climbing before there was a lot more freedom i could go to various indoor climbing spaces or if i wanted to i could go rock climbing outdoors i could do it whenever i wanted but now that im in a wheelchair i need to consider a lot of things is it appropriate for me to climb is it safe are people there to help me out or he is all there his greatest achievement came on the fifth anniversary of the crash when like climb to hong kongs lion rock scaling the summit of a mountain that reaches to almost five hundred meters become placements or lie nominated for the laureus sports awards and sums up his answer to towards life. I understood from a young age that you only get one chance at life so i didnt want to regret anything. Like he why i hopes his story inspires other athletes with disabilities his triumph over adversity will surely see him reach even greater heights. While the second half of the bundesliga season kicks off on friday night and the opening match sees leaver couzin face runaway leaders fire munich leverkusen are in fourth place and locked in a fierce battle for Champions League spot for a Champions League spot rather their fans will be hoping that the home side can trip up the mighty variance and a certain youngster from jamaica could be just the player to cause an upset have a look. Hes only twenty but his career is taking off fast the bailey has joined the young guns of laver cousin after a slow start with the club his speed and his goals have made the jamaican one of their most standout players some things its of on nights when its in his short appearances it wasnt like everyone was shouting at her ray but he didnt give up which is a really important quality he kept believing in his chance and worked on it he was always a total team player who puts himself at the service of the team in spite of all the public attention he gets. In the stands i thought since he needs them tough stand. Still the winger from kingston hasnt had an easy path to the worlds top leagues. As a teenager bailey played in four different European Countries that was after leaving his homeland with two friends at the tender age of thirteen. We didnt have so much money we had a budget sometimes would have to. Be just. Because we had a dream from we were very young he said his ultimate aim is to play in the premier league but before then daley wants to make it into the Champions League with laver coups and more immediately to extend his teams twelve game unbeaten streak in the bundles league by defeating by in munich on friday night. And for more on the leverkusen byron match and the second half of the bundesliga season im joined now here in studio by tongue john i from g. W. Sports s welcome to you tom. You know we just heard a bit about leon bailey but of course this team isnt only about him right you know i mean this is been heiko heloc first full season in charge of theyve accused him. And hes really been able to bring about a sea change in that in the ambitions and the atmosphere around the club last season they were very bellicose and very loudly talking about you know knocking dortmund off the second spot in the brain is legal which is very ambitious for a club like theyve accused and they put themselves under a lot of pressure in doing that and when things started to go wrong they went wrong very quickly now has. Had a much more humble approach theyve just been doing quite hard work and theyre really reaping the rewards. Byron munich apparently without their top striker rob eleven of course who has a minor injury so who needs to step up or desire to have a kid and you signing. Who came from hope and harm just over the winter break for thirty Million Euros. Now buying has actually long been without a real replacement eleven and when hes been out with injury or something theyve suffered because they havent had a lot for a lot replacement for and thats going to be wagners role and as if to really over emphasize the point anybody who hadnt realized that hes now going to wear the number two on the back of his shirt which for Center Forward is slightly strange but either way wagner is come home to his Hometown Club this is where he came through the ranks of nose club but its been ten years since he left hes now thirty years old and hes had a lot of different stations in between so for people i mean there are some who really doubt whether or not this is the right move for him and he needs to hit the ground running to prove them wrong here if were just looking generally big pitch picture speaking i mean you know top of the table with an eleven point lead any chance of catching them i think realistically and unfortunately for a need to find probably no theres so far ahead eleven points is a massive gap and in terms of quality scored that they really are streets ahead of the competition so i think its quite unlikely that well see them falter so just quickly the real story is bottom of the table for me slightly further down the table but not too far in second place who had a brilliant first start start of the season they played lots of this week and thats to variance i think teams apart from by and thats my real holic for the week and thats the one to watch and i thank you so much we will see if those predictions are correct in the end of this thank you so much for weighing in. A quick reminder now of the top stories that were following for you guarantee w. German chancellor Angela Merkel and her conservative party have been negotiating throughout the night with the leaders of the social democrats they are trying to see if there is enough Common Ground to enter a formal coalition talk. Up to date now on g. W. News im sorry kelly in berlin we have more coming up at the top of the hour i hope to see you then. Move. On to the be. Moving. On to. The boston area and take football for some of the for the record. The colors of true love black and yellow at least according to the sounds of a person you dont want to revisit to meet on the club and on the morning city spire such devotion to the body. Good the iceman is a few doing good but it doesnt wash guys one of the last train some of his time it was good every week he cuts blocks of glacial ice from auction but also. And sells them for the Village Market its not holding his muzzle any less it seems a fridge or a ship has made to stanch a train the phone books obsolete the i snatch of chimborazo report on the job. Oh and if were. Stuff a required. For. An airing the fact that in our in the back it was very young. But there was that i have a hang out on the first but as i am open to go on a bus. I guess im. Just coming. Out on our own other where i need a salad and warner. And i am on the program. I will follow. That metaphor. There my i was. Aware men are gagging almost that guy will know what i did with them or. What i meant or i like this. Effect. This is g. W. News live from bergland the deadline for a deal after waiting more than a one hundred days in germany any closer to getting a new government political leaders have been burning the midnight oil trying to agree on a base of support a new coalition but they are still not done we will have the very latest we are standing by also coming up. Lets recap on immigration and a profanity laced comment he is reported to have insulted haiti el salvador and several african country

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