On g. W. Technology has made us transparent. Where weve been where were going what me behind the internet knows almost everything about us our sexual preferences our relationships our political opinions but can also recognize our feelings. Scientists are trying to find a way to make our feelings technically transparent theyre looking at facial expressions language and justice. The santelli says one of the main centers in percent chinta virtual emotions. That we meet up with psychologists that his client Chris Michael so. Thats not cool is a woman or an traumatised by his experience and. Afraid. The approach sounds like Science Fiction instead of using real therapists and the things like avatars explode veteran psyches. But is not ready to back his feelings to a machine. The former marine enlisted at the age of seventeen. His missions led him to iraq and afghanistan. Vets i think its hard to relay the experiences of work to other people if they havent been there so its a its a deeply personal thing thats most people who actually do combat dont talk about it the ones who were time they were in combat talk about all the time but its very hard to bring up something that was. Really emotionally shaking shaping your life and to express it as somebody who wont understand who doesnt understand the situation they werent there they werent getting shot at they dont understand why we would shoot somebody else its not a natural reaction so its very hard for us to to talk about something that you know would. I think were worried about the way people look at us even though were proud of our actions its you know its something were part of but then again its not something we want to boast about im actually its chris is about to have his First Encounter with allie the virtual therapist. Hi im ellie thanks for coming in today i was created to talk to people in a safe and secure environment im not a therapist but im here to learn about people and would love to learn about you ill ask a few questions to get us started and please feel free to tell me anything your answers are totally confidential so how are you doing today ok what was your favorite subject in School History like turning about early explorers and travel and do you consider yourself more shy or outgoing in a strange way a little bit of both i think i think every is inherently shy but i overcompensate for by being outgoing entire meet different people tell me about the hardest decision youve ever had to make those would be. A shoot dont shoot and a combat environment if its not a instant getting shot at returning fire i think that would be the hardest thing the hardest choice to make and we would have to make whats something you regret. I think taken thrown out of life for somebody else something that you sure did i do regret tell me about an event or something that you wish you could erase from your memory. I guess various aspects of the war were present i were hurt or killed i dont want to remember those. I think talking to l. A. Was actually a little easier i mean it was a very abrupt very cold and clinical and yet the parents of the you know everything it seemed like a normal person. But it didnt give you an excuse to not to talk if youre dealing with a human therapist i guess and they kind of see they are hesitating or you know uncomfortable most surface dont want to push push your limits too far so theyll kind of give you an out say well if you dont talk about this we could push decide the next time with it was really ok why did you do this how come you did that why is this and you felt compelled to answer i think and i think i gave way more in that last thirty minutes that i have and all my sessions anywhere else it was definitely work and it worked more. Conversations with the likes of allie on supposed to replace dont is this supposed to provide initial treatment when there is no actual therapist available. The exogenous gestures facial expressions and force are all recorded so that allie can synchronize her own body language with that of the client that has a more empathetic effect. At the same time nonverbal signals sent by christmas analyzed for indications of posttraumatic stress disorder. How often does he look down how often does he smile and for how long. Muscle schneider is twenty four years old than a typical Smartphone User what he revealed his feelings to an avatar of whats already possible for him as for most people sounds like something from the future. But we all give away more about ourselves than we think. We spend an average of forty hours a week surfing the internet. Social media connects us to friends around the world we respond with likes and dislikes. Its practically impossible to say what will happen to own less information. News today is relate in real time on advices and commented on by millions almost instant make. Good attitude automatic text analyses also tool for our data algorithms look for keywords that betray emotions and whats called sentiment mining. We check our mobile phones up to one hundred fifty times a day and those phones are being designed to check on us to. Using facial Recognition Technology phones can differentiate between people. Research is a working on how to connect them with facial expression recognition programs and the flood of data from social media. The aim is to make our emotions and virtual relationships transparent. The microphone picks up the pitch and cadence of the voice facial expressions and frequency patterns contained courage that betray whether we are feeling sad angry or enthusiastic for example. Also schnabel has written an analysis of the power of emotions in our digital world. How can a computer draw conclusions about whats going on deep inside us. How do algorithms affect our moods. Who profits from the exposure of our emotions and what made our feelings such a much sought after commodity. If you will as an ultimately feelings all the instruments for guidance the navigational instruments of our life they tell us what is pleasant or unpleasant where we want to go from where we want to leave and anybody who can control these feelings naturally has great power over us to. Boston massachusetts our next Destination Center of emotion measurement in the media Lab Scientists are developing gadgets that examine our feelings with the aim of promoting our personal happiness. Rosalynn because it is a groundbreaking of the new technologies shes adopted a new approach to researching emotion. Most of the science that was done on a motion until recently was done in laboratories or by taking pencil and paper to people and sitting them down at a table and asking the questions like what does this facial expression mean or showing them images of snakes you know and how arousing is this picture. We find that when we measure emotion in real life when we put the lab on the person instead of the person in the lab that we are discovering the. About emotion that we never even knew to look for when we were setting it up in the lab. Smart glasses can tell us about our emotional state in real time the decision between sensors on the wrist measure skin temperature and analyze perspiration levels to tell us how a round we are. Yes spectacles themselves are also equipped with emotion senses that relay information about our stress levels. But what exactly do the smart glasses measure. That a shock and have a hand under us try out the new techniques on themselves in the hope of better understanding their own emotions the key to the smart classes as a generous scope a kind of compass for movement this period is called bio glass and im going to show you how motion sensors inside google glass can capture a very subtle motions of your body with a beating of the heart or a spiritual. So what youre going to see now is how we arent defying this other motions as if they were the beating of the heart and here on the top we can see the life yet a scope data gyroscope is a sensor that helps you capture that addition of the head and here on the bottom graph we are computing your heart rate and we have that basic amplify in better subtle body motions to estimate the frequency of these getting of your head and if they make your heart rate. These psychological de sac contain information about our stress levels the glasses gauge emotions differently than we humans mathematically rather than empathetically. In addition to the smart classes students also used a portable camera to track their feelings. The long term monitoring reveals which events call stress levels to rise often were not even aware of the causes. One of the future directions that im very excited about is that the technology is giving us the ability to make measurements over time that while a person looks like theyre mentally healthy like maybe theyre just a little sad like i dont know if theyre still doing ok. We need to be able to predict when somebody is going from doing well to not doing well even before they become very vulnerable and perhaps become seriously depressed. The idea of technically measuring emotion is more than one hundred years old in one thousand twenty four the first emotional graph was patented. Do you intend to answer truthfully each question regarding stormwatch do you sometimes watchtower. Yes a lie detector measures Blood Pressure pulse respiration and skin contact. Did you steal that risk or no. Sam. Francisca home to the pioneer of modern emotion recognition. Since nine eleven dr paul ekman teachings have been of crucial importance to us security methods. He is said to be able to decode every emotion and every night just by examining facial expressions. Believe it or not in one nine hundred seventy two they seem a long time ago but there was no talk there is a tool for measuring other aspects of behavior but nothing for the face and it was in some sense a dead end that many scientists had tried and failed it took us eight years. To develop the facial action coding system it was published in one nine hundred Seventy Eight its the Gold Standard its no one has ever charged that you care to various a dictionary outness it allows you to dissect life move it into its component parts. Ekman practiced independently moving each of the forty three facial muscles used to express emotion so that he could create practically any expression he wanted. His atlas of emotions details more than ten thousand facial expressions each observable component of facial movement is called an action unit today almost all scientists working on a motion decoding refer to egmont atlas of emotions. Run alcohol you be is the new star of the motion recognition. A sign test six year old son adam finds it perfectly normal that a computer should understand his facial expressions. Children and teenagers are constantly exchanging Text Messages on the most weekends through their smartphones. Julie ive read every. Community is convinced that there is no stopping this kind of technical communication. So that our feelings dont just disappear into cyberspace she developed a program that can decode facial expressions in real time that. One of the most powerful ways that humans communicate emotion is through the face so its everything from enjoyment surprise curiosity empathy and. Basically our face has all these different Building Blocks these action units that map into different facial expressions so for example lip corner poll is action unit twelve and its essentially one of the main components of a smile the brow pharo its action it for its the scurry gator muscle and its you know it creates all these wrinkles here that communicates things like confusion or dislike. And so what weve done is weve used Computer Vision and Machine Learning to build algorithms that can read all these different Building Blocks of our of our face and then map them to a number of emotional states. Can you be and a colleague test whether this automatic emotion recognition can also differentiate between nuances of facial expression. And indeed it can tell the difference between a happy smile and a gloating smirk and tells us what aspects of expressions betray these emotions asymmetric in. A flash of contempt this is to me even catches fleeting signals that last for just split seconds. And over to. The program has succeeded in cataloguing a huge range of facial expressions for recognition. So far we have collected the Worlds Largest emotion Data Repository over three million face says that are collected from over seventy five countries around the world and its really special because this allows us to train the machine in a more effective way we can give examples of different ethnicities genders and age ranges. The faces come from subjects who watch advertising clips online under the watchful eye of a webcam. The results are a highly lucrative source of revenue for the startup. In real time the Program Shows what emotions are represented by the facial expressions for example fifty percent happiness twenty percent surprise a little bit of curiosity and zero boredom developing mostly of course you have a toxic industry has a great interest in being able to read and manipulate our feelings because we stream easy to influence on an emotional level simply because our feet. Things are not rational currently this is why many of these Companies Work to develop more emotional Advertising Campaigns that are even more effective at influencing us to buy a certain product. When pushed into product at a coffee. To berlin where are such as are also hot on the trail of our emotions. Psychologist under vine has launched a startup that aims to find even more subtle ways of analyzing the emotional effects of advertisements film trailers and political campaigns. Skin contact of a t. Provides information about what interests us and what sticks in the mind. Instead of cameras electrodes record the movement of the facial muscles. If we find something attractive a laugh muscles are automatically activates it. If we find a stimulus negative we frown often without noticing. Reactions take place to quickly and to intuitively for us to use words to describe our motional responses. Not every emotional reaction is visible however emotional reactions are accompanied by the finest muscle contractions in the face and these contractions are so minute that we cannot see them here this is where electro my own comes in by using it we can amplify the tiniest contractions so that we can measure them. That way we can measure emotion. From s. And. Using these data scientists can superimpose a motion curves on advertising clips with split second accuracy. By tracking measures the movements of the eyes and reveals what exactly the subject is looking at at any given moment the curves provide information about what we like and what activates our brains get the secret recipe for a highly successful advertising clip has yet to be discovered. Colors show whether something affects us only leaves us cold. But the machine still cannot tell us why that is so good and theres a fundamental difference in emotion recognition by humans im computer to computers i analyze in a sober objective fashion they observe facial expression and such and eventually calculate a value and we humans analyze emotions because we read the emotions of others to adapt to them least we know certain emotions and this exchange in which i am familiar with another person smile and that smile makes me happy or i know when the person is sad it is this exchange that makes us human beings and mentally reason why. Can technology d. Code our emotions what actually happens when two people meet henry a life. Were just to each other in myriad minuscule ways reflecting our opposite number and sensing intuitively what makes him or her tech. Oddly for some when it comes to love many people place their faith in the oracles of the internet dating portals that promise to find the ideal partner for every individual. Perfect matching leisure activities level of Education Family planning the first step is to vet the potential partner without the initial flat. Internet dating portals are big Business Owner asked one hundred Million People are registered on matchmaking sites. These sites need the potential customer to stay true to them first long as possible success is failure anyone who finds a partner is an ex customer. How does that affect our relationships. As Online Dating back to Online Dating turns us into orb jets or even worse products Consumer Products we try to emphasize our best characteristics we present ourselves like a product in the supermarket and this creates im. Leavell the amount of possibilities i bought we are just one product among many and that makes it very difficult to reach a decision and even when weve made a decision it always seems as if there is an even better product out that. One outlook is that through the internet relationships may not last as long but theyll be happier and it still takes real life situations to clarify whether the chemistry between two people is right. When two people encounter each other and real life they form opinions of each other in split seconds if they fall in love their hearts really do beat as one. We feel what the other person feels by synchronizing our voices and body language our pokes and our breathing thats how empathy works now scientists want to apply their knowledge to machines giving them personalities. Los angeles here the Film Industry and science match to create a virtual people and feelings such as at the institute for creative technologies. Light stage acts is the name given to this oscar winning installation of alli d. s and cameras that create highly realistic digital clones of people often of hollywood stars. With a rapid succession of photos with changing light directions faces can be scanned from all sides elaina. To sixty different emotional expressions and mouth and i movements. Using these pictures as the scientists reconstruct three dimensional face models that are true to the original down to the finest pools and wrinkles. And algorithm uses the day said to create a digital double it can communicate emotions like a real human being used in facial expressions. The biggest challenge is making the avatars a pan natural rather than a still have machines. To meet this challenge the algorithm is fed countless examples of facial expressions so how to real people express themselves when theyre interested ashamed or jealous. Its hard to distinguish the copy from the original and essence aside the space twin is created. We definitely want to create virtual faces that are realistic enough that we can have an emotional connection to them because we think that a lot of the applications that we want to use virtual characters and. Virtual teacher virtual colleagues that you will train with for some sort of task if its going to simulate the Human Experience and the effectiveness of working with other people it needs to be able to evoke some of the same emotional and empathic connections. Eventually people created in the bar tree can do more than any hollywood action here and theyre programmed in such a way that their facial expressions gestures and voices can react to real human beings. Some test acumen also have a kind of empathy. They must put them to work as teaches. Test patients for young doctors coaches for soldiers. Well im not a real person if thats what youre asking but im based on the personality and experience is a real soldiers and marines im still just a piece of software but im Getting Better all the time so hopefully i can be a helpful piece of software to talk to. Jonathan crouches on the training of how to impart empathy to digital creations. And i interested in how do people create emotional feeling between themselves and could a computer in some sense empathize or at least convey a sense of empathy with another person and what benefits would that have for interaction if if im talking in a medical context would i disclose more information to a person or to computer in this case if i felt the computer empathize with what i feel and so in my research i try to understand what does a machine need to do to create empathy does it have to understand the content of what youre saying is it simple enough to nod and smile at the right points and then how does that make the interaction better or possibly worth stressing her most. One of questions favorite projects has facing people off against machines and negotiations aimed at sharing something fairly. Why was own change to make this possible the Digital Business partners have to be able to put themselves in the shoes of the fed in negotiations only that way can they learn to say the right thing at the right moment and signal approval or rejection by nonverbal means. Now thats not going to work for me. Our experiments give human beings and avatars the time of agreeing who should get the lamps record albums or chess we still go. Well the top choice for me is definitely the right line of fire i know that those who go fast over a lot of money through a value was valued you know i like the records too but im most interested in the lamps while the wares are really valuable but i think i have a buyer that could move and pay a pretty good price for those records oh really yeah when people have reports they synchronize with each other they train up the same style of speech and what might wonder how could you get a computer to do that and basically we do it using learning we study people we instrument people they retract their facial expressions the tone of their voice because a lot of data and then we train an algorithm to predict how would this person respond if this person did that and then we just get a character that can then follow that algorithm and they know that algorithm knows when to nod and one to smile based on its experience of studying all these people what we want we still have a stage where the avatar is controlled by humans like a traditional puppet on a string i have a buyer this is a win win situation. Ok what do you read about to be able to respond intelligently the algorithm has some learning today the more possibilities it tries out the more data it can combine and the more complex the avatars behavior will become sounds good so you want the albums you should like the brain i think all the way. So you dont want the painting so one of the challenges that were working with seven thousand different utterances and im trying to respond as naturally as possible so a lot of this is really just an iterative process its a learning process of practicing and its trying to find the utterances that i need as quickly as possible so theres a bunch of different categories that i use or really try to optimize the interface so that i can respond and get that either its that i want back to the user within about a second if possible. In future it wont just be avatars that can show emotion there are plans to put empathetic robots to work in social environments like clinics schools over time and homes. As a default that is enjoying the progress is impressive fascinating but true empathy is of course Something Else its true empathy means i know the feeling because i know the problem and im familiar with grief fear or anger a machine isnt it does not experience grief its all in that sense it is never more than a simulation of empathy and if we confuse that with true empathy and we will turn ourselves into machines that go without this decisive human factor of insight and mentally a component of. In this pen we may now a robot that german scientists intend to a quick with an Empathy Program the ultimate aim is to turn it into a teacher. Now teaches geography. Its eyes are cameras with which it observes its students its still learning how to react to different justice to encourage or motivated students. It must recognize whether they are interested oborne. The moment. Its a test at the moment its about testing whether it is possible to have a robot that responds empathetically and is recognized as such so that a bond is created between robot and pupil you know it doesnt have to be very complicated children can feel understood by a doll that a puppet understands nothing about c. Assumption we are going to forgive them oh it was good when you gave us comments no youre doing this and i was like they made us want to continue playing the human body over. The whole movement make it workers. Now is not supposed to replace the real thing as a classroom assistant it could help children with learning difficulties for example. And this will test several ready shown that children respond better to criticism from a robot and when a teacher points out the heiress and low grades. Another reason scientists are aiming to incorporate empathy in technology is so that we do not end up blind to the feelings of others when more and more of our communications take place in the virtual world. Says she on the just Sherry Turkle says shes already observed a clear loss of empathy among students and. The psychologist is about your back is looking for technology that can help people on the autism spectrum who have problems reading the emotions of other people. Joe baca is testing a new type of small classes that can analyze the facial expressions and gauge the emotions of the person opposite. But the display is still not accurate enough. And steady job and a team have adopted a different strategy for training empathy. Downside. People with autism find it difficult to imitate others they do not reflect other people and ability based not just on following other peoples movements but also on following their emotions. Its a beautiful and candles that i think we all know that dancing and making Music Together promotes a sense of community that has its life or for example when we talk to someone else we imitate their gestures and facial expressions well thats what it is promotes a sense of community and strengthens empathy and. The mechanism behind it is embodied cognition and it helps explain why we simulate the behavior of others. And thats the future then what does we physically simulate and imitate their emotions and thoughts what happened in that improves our understanding of the feelings and thoughts of other people stack that food is able to and i mentioned mention. After the dance training tests on the empathetic abilities of those with autism show a clear improvement in mecca pass a t two interpret the emotional expressions of others. In contrast to the smart glasses which only deliver facts about emotions dancing activates a persons own and she would have abilities a built in program that helps us identify emotions. Ballots in a whats all of it despite all the Technical Innovation were seeing right now i think we should go back to our own bodies as a resource for human interaction. God and pettiness and empathy in particular is something engine we take with us from birth as measured voice see that people want to dance people want to move together and when we we do. Create a powerful force and i think research should look more closely at these areas of these about i. Do. The job it conducted interviews with tango salsa and cup where dances and found that the more two people synchronize their movements with their partners the more empathy is at work. In the contrast for example to circuit training which has no effect on our empathetic abilities. Scientists have recognized design geist people who suffer from stress at the office can turn to ups for help often via an adhesive digital tattoo or an implanted chip. A voice recording just a few seconds long is enough for a complete analysis of the state of body and mind if the emotional balance is wrong the app has suggestions exercises and videos to create moments of mindfulness. Yes. Its. Meditation stimulates brain areas that strengthen our empathy. This scientific finding has led to a vision in meditation. Meditation is being held up as a cure for digital autism like an upgrade of our mental software. Which is. True empathy is not easily transferred to machines. That is what makes them so fascinating. Computers seem more than many dreamed was possible just a few years ago but they cannot be taught sensual experience we humans are the true experts at intuitive lee reading the feelings and thoughts of others. In the hague neuropsychologist says and decker tries to show the magic of empathetic behavior whether scientific demonstration. In a mysterious looking capsule to subjects who are digitally connected gain a new perspective on empathy. The dome lights up when two people succeed in sending each other neurofeedback and feeling what the other is feeling. Are brain waves synchronized without words when we look at each other and put ourselves in someone elses shoes we adopt the same wavelength. Its almost romantic the stronger the common beat the more the capsule lights up and a picture of the opposite number appears on the outside. I would result in it we should not forget that feelings and emotions are ultimately there for exchange i seldom have a feeling on my own channel with another person laugh together maybe we cry together feelings are always a means of communication and that poses the question of whether i should prefer to communicate with a machine a robot or with a real human being with a smidgen. We humans love to share information and emotions with others we love it so much that we have created technologies to communicate worldwide. Millions upon millions of selfies and smileys transport our feelings in cyberspace. Futurologist say those technologies could lead to a global mega trend towards mindfulness. One two elephants. How does a plastic bundle turn into a paving stone why do algae make it clear. Good idea kill working anywhere and there are people developing Smart Solutions everywhere. Lets inspire each other in the environment to magazine go at africa in thirty minutes on t w. Migration and Asylum Seekers remain hot topics in europe. But european politicians struggle to provide answers while those who fled wait for what might come and family members back home i feel very shame because i am german to save europe and the refugee crisis incites outlooks i dont because the cost. To switch on. The sling and the fresh do w. Me speak your language stuck up. For content in dari pashto and for good prospects for returning our web special refugee journeys life in germany and the prospects for those returning home. To join the discussion on t w dot com and on facebook. Prospects for return issues d. W. May for mine. This is news from berlin the return of the far right in austria the conservatives struck a Coalition Deal with immigration freedom handing them control of key ministries europes youngest leader of promises of governmental

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