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A crucial win for british Prime Minister to resign may well a compromise on ireland now unlock the door to talks on a future trade relationship with the e. U. Also coming up reports from yemen say the next president Ali Abdullah Saleh has been killed by a bombing by the rebels his supporters deny the claim. And u. S. President donald trump blazed up whether to move the u. S. Embassy to israel in israel to jerusalem a decision that could be failing middle east Peace Process. Im sorry kelly welcome to the Program Thanks for joining us british media reporting that a deal has been reached over an important stumbling block in braggs the talks the agreement would ensure that there is no hard border between the republic of ireland and Northern Ireland. The deal would be a major success for u. K. Prime minister to resign may who is in brussels for a day of crucial talks on britains exit from the e. U. There have been worries that overturns of type borders at the u. K. s border take control of the u. K. s border and Northern Ireland could disrupt peace on the island european negotiators have refused to move on to future trade talks until the issue is settled for more lets bring in our correspondent Karen Maginnis who joins us from brussels so georg what more do we know about this deal on the irish border a regulatory alignment sarahs the magic word of the hour and it refers to the Northern Irelands future relation regarding the Customs Union and the internal market now if at the moment Northern Island which is part of the u. K. And the republic of ireland are both inside the e. U. So they share the same customs and they share the same standards when it comes to the internal market and in the future that that may be different but regulatory alignment would be an indication that the compromise has been reached that Northern Ireland could remain within these Regulatory Frameworks the e. U. Has said which of course then backs the question how does Northern Island in the future if there would be a breakthrough that sees the u. K. Drop out of the internal market how would the relation of the line be organized to the rest of the u. K. Very interesting to see how this will unfold within the next couple of hours and there are also so many other issues to pick out as well remind us of the other sticking points between britain and the e. U. Still quite a number of other sticking points you can really pick and choose them there is of course Citizen Rights but theres also the bricks of bill and we just learned a couple of hours ago from the chief rex that coordinator from the European Parliament that even the bracks a bill its not all said and done there are still a number of issues and he rated the chance to see a deal today at fifty fifty on the other hand as another conservative m. E. P. Said he was quite surprised he was at the meeting with bundy and he was quite surprised that things have moved so so much for forward were also expecting the irish Prime Minister give a statement so there are some signs that it looks like maybe a deal can be struck today the European Union also making a hard push on another issue it wants a deal on the status of citizens living in britain whats on the table there georg a Citizen Rights very important to the European Union at the moment these Citizen Rights are guaranteed by the jurisdiction of the internet of the European Court of justice now that for the u. K. Is has been so for a new yoshi ations a red line they want to see that jurisdiction and with bracks it but the concern is that even if if Citizen Rights are still guaranteed in british law how are they are they guaranteed overall so they would like to see the European Court of justice still remain in place at least for the part of where european citizens are concerned georg mathis with the latest from brussels thank you of get a quick check now of some other stories making news around the world ten people have been arrested in connection with the car bomb that killed any multis investigative journalist back in october the suspects in the killing of death nay. Are described as maltese nationals most with criminal records investigators have forty eight hours to question them and to decide whether to seek charges. Accordance spain has ordered the release of several former Catalan Cabinet members who were being held in custody for their part in catalonia as declaration of independence in total six catalan secessionist leaders are said to be released on bail the judge upheld the jailing of four other men who have been imprisoned since november leaders of Germany Social Democratic Party have agreed to hold talks on the possibility of forming a new Coalition Government with chancellor Angela Merkels conservatives the decision still has to be approved at an s. P. D. Party conference later this week party leader martine jolts initially ruled out a coalition with the conservatives but he has faced increasing pressure to change course in recent weeks. Lets head to the middle east now where the Radio Station of yemens who controlled interior Ministry Says that the groups rival president Ali Abdullah Saleh has been killed this comes after earlier reports that his house in the capital sanaa had been blown up this was the last time that saleh has been seen in public here in this video. On december second he gave an interview to a local t. V. Station at the time he said that he was ready for quote a new page with the Saudi Led Coalition security has been heightened in sanaa where fighting has intensified leaving at least one hundred twenty five people dead in the past six days. Well in a lot jacko matt is from the International Committee of the red cross in geneva and joins us now thank you so much for being with us here on d. W. We understand that you know our news network in fact tried to contact the i. C. R. C. Team there in yemen but the situation is at a crisis point from what we know what more can you tell us about the conditions being faced there by staff. Conditioned and i have been critical over the past days last night so a huge increase in fighting people basically both the inhabitants of santa and i was that have been confined in their own homes caught in between their very heavy clashes on the street and strikes with hundreds of casualties as you said in your introduction people have unlimited quantities of food and water in their home pregnant women to reach hospitals this situation is very dying the. Do you have any staff left there in the capital sanaa or have you had to move them out to to safety of a sense. Where actually you have to have to stop and santa this morning we have been if you look at it or any of thirteen people that are going to continue covering yemen. But basically most of us got out of prison and in santa and throughout yemen swep. Does the i. C. R. C. Have access to fresh deliveries of medical supplies and if so are they enough. There are not enough. Particularly in santa is that we do have stocks of medicines and what is called what would keep what you need to treat people with the doing the glasses unfortunately we have been unable to reach these warehouse which has been taken over by armed men and has. During the fighting we are not going to provide a few it was because. Because it was because depended on generators and used to have. Got out of fuel at the point where of course they need electricity in order to be able to operate surgeries on the basins you are describing marys situation of dire proportions a humanitarian crisis there where would you say that the most urgent action is needed and what would you like the International Community to know about the situation in yemen what is absolutely urgent now is for those fighting in sanaa to allow you back. And also to allow people to live in their homes having said that this is part of a wider picture yemen has been. And also very. Important and now only when it ends lies i get. That not sufficient the country needs commercials like but the cure if you will fuel is critical as were seeing for hospitals it is critical for treatment. Water to the citizens of came into the twenty seven million of people look yemen really is critical to transport food right now this is not happening and the humanitarian situation is absolutely catastrophic yolanda jackie may from the International Committee of the red cross in geneva thank you so much for telling us a little bit more about the situation there and yeah man. Jordan has warned u. S. President donald trump that recognizing drew salaam as the capital of israel could have dangerous consequences trump has repeatedly pledged to make the controversial declaration and move the u. S. Embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem previous u. S. President s have declined to do so amid fears that the move would enraged palestinians who claim east roussillon as their capital well Donald Trumps son in law and advisor Jared Kushner says that the president is Still Deciding on whether to formally recognize to roussillon as israelis kept israels capital in the coming days but also is that the president s going to make his decision and and when he hasnt made his decision hes still looking at a lot of different facts and that when he makes his decision. Hell be the one to want to tell your nominee so i hope hell make sure he does that at the right time lets get more now on this issue we are joined by jove lieber he is a correspondent with the times of israel which is based in jerusalem thanks so much for being with us a lot of head scratching over the prospect of trump recognizing jerusalem as the israeli capital what do you think his motivations might be. Well i think he just wants to fulfill a Campaign Promise to be honest at least on his point of view. You know its it works with his base its very popular here and his own i just think that he wants to feel that promise its you know despite all the talk you know he just wants to be seen as someone who can get the job done he said he was going to do but ultimately isnt the u. S. Aggravating the situation in the region i mean could he bring the Peace Process crashing down if he decides to acknowledge jerusalem as the capital yet so. He can just bring the Peace Process crashing down most people must really syria dont think there is much for a Peace Process to be crashing down in the first place jerry cushion or. The president s son in law that says there isnt even still a necessarily a plan yet for Peace Process theyre still working on it what it could come crashing down is peace and security here drew some as a tinderbox in most every single bout of Serious Violence thats taken place here the state of israel and since before the question is serious or has originated from a conflict or which you islam and especially the temple mount so i mean this is what were dealing with here and as youre on the ground there can you just tell us what the atmosphere is like because i mean we know the Palestinian Authority for example that they want to roessler as their capital that they have claims there as well what is the mood there at the moment and how do you see this playing out if if trump does indeed make this decision well i mean among the palestinian officials as a frenzy. There are they seem quite afraid that this could happen and mean. If it does they the thing about drucilla is that in the Palestinian Authority point of view they dont really have control over it its in israeli. You know Israeli Police run the show here and i mean they dont have control what happens in the street in jerusalem or in the west bank they could if you know america declares moves their procedures on anything could happen its true when they say they dont have control because they really wont happen till they barely have control now and you can see theres a lot of panic you know Mahmoud Abbas has called eight or nine wolves leaders in the past day them to urge President Trump not to do this you could sense the panic among officials about this happening into the honest israelis dont seem to be talking about it much that that much at all so what is. Were heading there and i dont know. If the president. Can hear the frustration in your voice thank you very much for telling us a little bit more about the situation correspondent with the times of israel which is based there in jerusalem on a lighter note now were going to take a look around the globe at some stunning shots of last nights super moon now a super moon it happens when the moon is full and reaches its closest point to earth that makes the moon appear bigger and brighter than usual last night super moon was part of what nasa is calling a super moon trilogy but the other two set to come in january that is much more frequent than usual. Youre watching news still to come on the Program Denmark takes the robot revolution to another level producing a whole host of socalled Collaborative Robots or kobach so they take the drudgery out of Assembly Line work. Has that story and more

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