Life and autonomy. Three careers three german d. J. Superstars. Adored by their fans across the world for their electrifying life sets. Into the world the festivals and backstage parties the place where no one attain stardom just like the. Super store d. J. s starting november twenty fifth on d w. Days and nights passed seventeen days four weeks eight years and two cut to deal on the fifth lamb out of the six shool three animals much kena. Of the royal blood of palenque wasnt thrown upon the jaguar throne in the white stone house. It is a long time since i wrote those words i the citys crime of poland in the late seven century by christian reckoning. Most of this great center of my in culture had long been reclaimed by the forest when one cortez made his way across mexico and so the spanish passed the lanky unsuspecting there was nothing left to destroy anyway. The jungle remained in possession until in the eighteenth century the major buildings were cleared in my inscriptions first studied. Here where the forested shoppers highlands meet the moist plains of tabasco the capital of the western mind civilization once flourished. The renowned great powers could be seen from afar it was the rulers residence an Administrative Center a complex of buildings that were one hundred twenty years in the construction at the heart was the white Stone Building that housed the jaguar through. Our ruler and high priest observe the heavenly bodies closely doubtless from the tower from them he learnt the will of the gods. Over the millennia my in astronomy had acquired great expertise our calendar was complex and measured time in various cycles with a greater precision than anything known to europe astronomers were able to calculate when solar eclipses would take place they set the dates for sawing in sacrifice and predicted with absolute gods would return. On july the twenty third six month the christian calendar mars on them were all in the sign of a rare conjunction new temples were consecrated in ceremonies that lasted for days the temple of the sun of the tree of life and of the lived cross had three Young Princes and three traders to the rear their sacred to the through sands of the mother god. As it is grime i was extremely busy on those days other my in the city states made inscriptions on styli in the squares but we recorded our history on stone tablets in the inner sanctums of our sacred buildings writing was special. Phi im particularly proud of the work i did on the temple of the inscriptions our greatest ruler commanded it to be built he wished to be worshipped there after death and united him with the gods for one six hundred seventeen tower which i recorded the most important events in our cars life and his ancestors including the gods and mythological heroes. It was earlier succeeded through the christian era after a reign of almost seventy years that a col stepped over into the realm of the dead in the temple we conceal his route to the underworld under islam steps led down to park house crypt in the base of the pyramid the tombs of our kings were rarely found and it was a long time to archeologists discover the remains of. Their whereabouts remained a secret until one thousand nine hundred forty nine by then he had long been among the immortals and the vessels containing provisions for his journey to the realm of the shades were of course empty. On the side of parkour sarcophagus lid i recorded the dates of his birth and death and the dates when his father died his grandfather and seven of his predecessors on the throne. This stocco him for treys the king at the height of his reign. More a death mask crafted of jade over his body lay a heavy slab and on it i inscribed words the truth of which we took for granted a cow the naming shield by the power of his divine ancestors vanquishes the lords of the underworld. Which was true but our son john bathroom window into what trends in this period journeyed to the realm of the dead very his father parker all gave into his keeping the rearward head of the two headed serpent as a symbol or. At least that was what he later dictated to me. Child like who was now the new ruler it was where the three temples built and it was my task to record our claims good relations with the gods. The office of scribe was an important one but without the expertise of the Master Builders and their workers i should have had no suitable place to display my own scales openwork facades were a specialty of blankies builders. Between the temples to the altar stone where human sacrifices were me. We believe the gods would have been angry if we had not shed the blood of our prisoners to appease them not was the world we lived in it may seem alien now perhaps but it was coherent and clear in this scene the car is receiving the insignia of power from his mother normally the succession followed the male line but a call had a problem with the legitimacy of his claim to the throne so i recorded his entire ancestry back to the mythical heroes who lived at the dawn of time it was an impressive lineage and convince the people that only good rulers could come from this bloodline and after all the kings mediated between the people in their gods and ancestors their practices in doing this included self mutilation and other mortifications they went into trances and saw visions. The king was his military overlord responsible for extending the city state influence but he also had to provide his people with captives to service slaves or for humans are professors. The higher the rank of a prisoner the better and the best of all of course was to capture the ruler of an enemy city state the other mayan cities were naturally trying to do the same thing. That was the undoing of china for he was the brother of john raccoon and his successor and he waged war on neighboring tonia to provide victims for the sacrifices but it was john sure himself who was taken prisoner and sacrificed and we his people looked on helpless as his dynasty collapse. All that remained for me to do was to record the events cryptically of course since there was no need for everyone to know in our disgrace. In poland to my predecessors and i and my few successors left enough inscriptions for archaeologists to be able to decipher our and the lives though they took until the late Twentieth Century to do so the square format and were read right to left and top to bottom there over one thousand of them representing syllables or entire words most of the inscriptions are a stork a record and many of the glyphs are numbers or calendar data or the names of rulers. And lives predominate even illiterates from the outline country were meant to understand the pictures we used phonetic symbols chiefly to record our elaborate myths writing them in brushwork calligraphy unbound raffia most of these books were later burned by the spanish. Ball games were played behind the palace partly because they were fun but chiefly because it was a ritual noble men were expected to participate in the game involved getting a rubber ball into a basket past the other side in part it was a reenactment of our myths it wasnt always dangerous to take part in the games only on special occasions where the losers sacrificed but in those matches it was clear from the start that the captives would be the losers the layout of reflected the Class Divisions in our society the Common People lived down on the plains which the jungle has now reclaimed the nobility and officials were in the middle and at the top where they could look down on the rest where the rulers anyone who lived in a stone house was middle class the poor maya lived as their descendants still do in fact cottages with walls of wicker and clay. Maize has been ground in the same way for thousands of years it was the toil of the peasants that made possible the luxury we lived in and our cultural achievements through at times we did forget that finally it all came down to mays god in our creation myth fashioned us as worshippers made of maize flour. So to this day we are known as the maze people but scientists also say that centuries of a maze monoculture exhausted the soil and that too played a part in the sudden decline of our civilization after a thousand years of preeminence. He was abandoned not long after the year eight hundred the magnificent buildings were left to the elements and we few who could read and write dispersed and i was skills were lost what survived of our knowledge was destroyed by the spanish and the grass clover the really. The life of the Great Monarch but karl his deeds and his dream of immortality would have remained unknown and in vain had i had the scribe not recorded it all. So spare a thought for me traveller should you ever come to. Entered the conflict zone this week conflict zone is at the u. S. Armys hole in first Training Area is a very are our guest is Lieutenant General ben hodges commander of the some thirty thousand u. S. Soldiers in europe with such controversial commander in chief in washington many people in europe are wondering is america still a reliable power. Next d. W. Its more on the outside and big on the inside. From a callous and maria did step great love an old house on the island of crete i saved it created their own little palace. A flirt with nature and playful styles the place to feel good. Check it out on your romance in sixty minutes on d w. Every journey begins with the first step and every language with the first word published in the. Nico is in germany to learn german why not learn with them its simple online on your mobile and free to shop for d w z e learning course nikos basic german made easy. This week conflict zone is at the u. S. Armys own first Training Area in bavaria our guest is Lieutenant General ben hutches commander of some thirty thousand u. S. Soldiers in europe with a such controversy in chief in washington many people in europe are wondering

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