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A great prize. Dot com travel quiz. There music while the study of music requires an extremely high degree of humility and if you are not humble enough you can forget it you cant say im the greatest ill do what i want with a humiliating is really a very very important is a base high in strictly. Based. Then my god when you go on stage you have to leave that humility in the dressing room. You can go out on stage thinking i dont deserve this that you know. As soon as i agree to do a concert i have to feel im worth it that people pay money to come and hear me. That is anything bought humble. This is the other side. Berlin march twenty seventeen its one day before the opening of the Pierre Boulez the concert hall in the burn bomb saeed academy. The tension is palpable among the musicians and the man without whom all this wouldnt be happening Daniel Barenboim. A last look down into the foyer. Then he and the musicians head off to the dress rehearsal in a spectacular concert hall. Architect Frank Gehry Designed it for his friend Daniel Barenboim it took just three and a half years to build from the initial idea until the opening. Yet. Every musician who has played there is fascinated. There is something really special about it. In part i think that its an oval its round. But because in every concert told from the worst to the best there are two communities. Is the community that is playing on the stage. And then theres the Audience Community that is listening. You didnt hear there is no stage we play on the floor and its all around. So that means that before we start to play we are already in one community that is not sentimentality its something totally direct and every musician who comes out of the hole so to speak thats what it looks like in the whole home to enter the whole is struck by this sense of one community. And a good mind. The audience feels it immediately in the opening concert no other concert hall seats the listeners so close to the musicians and the music. Theyre politicized is there of give out even when hes politically hes also private as a musician hes private and political he does everything passionately meticulously deliberately so its not just the passion of the driven musician man politician but theres an incredible deliberation in everything he does a study and listening having ideas for me its phenomenal how everything comes together with him. And finn or mendes so i just buy him that says im going call him. As for states the hope is but you know hes not playing a role you always know where you stand with him on not decisively you always know with him he doesnt hide anything and he doesnt hide what hes thinking he doesnt try to hide it so. This is an immensely its a personal friendship but also a musical one. I respect him that way too hes probably the greatest musician of our times theres no doubt about it. This is the books he is one hundred percent involved and concentrated on what hes doing at that moment when or what hes planning on in so whether its a schubert sonata or finishing a concert hall or then zeile the fed thinking had said of course he has a lot of good people around him but hes still one who decides every day every hour. Is by the spectrum forms and that they think its a Broad Spectrum of his activities hes a pianist again hes a conductor and he founded the divine orchestra. For me hes a huge already and a fantastic musician not only does he have such talent hes also a wonderful manager he can push through his ideas he can convince people. Goes and talks to them and gets what he wants not everyone can do that and the things he wants are very important for us. Both to suffer. They have everything. In one nine hundred ninety nine weimar was a European Capital of culture and barenboim was asked to come up with an idea for the Music Program for a long time he and his friend edward saeed had thought about an orchestra with young israeli and arab musicians barenboim seize the opportunity and the west eastern divan orchestra was born. Oh yeah yeah yeah. You. Have yes. You must keep going munch beat of. People call the west eastern divan orchestra an orchestra for peace thats not what it is. Ive said that so many times an orchestra cant bring peace i want is peace justice for the palestinians and security for the israelis. An orchestra cant achieve that we know that was the focus. Is. What the orchestra can show is that if a situation of a quantity is a chief everyone can Work Together eat together laugh together and crying together laughter. Well. The friendship between edward saeed the palestinian American Intellectual and Daniel Barenboim the argentinian israeli musician was the starting point for the project that led to the west eastern divonne orchestra one of the reasons for our friendship i mean hes an israeli and im a palestinian but daniel is one of the i mean as you all know hes a great musician i dont have to tell you this but one of the rare things about him is that hes a person who can understand and experience the suffering of others and is willing to. Make the effort to do that its very very hard to do especially if you feel as so many of us do vulnerable and defensive say well what about me what about myself i mean who is looking after me suffering is in my opinion the monopoly of no one but i think that experience would become would be incomplete without recognizing the trail. Of hatred and hostility and sadness which a place like. Next environment has produced. Environmental noisy ali ali the environment in one thousand nine or of us the entire orchestra edward syeed and i went to the book involved concentration camps or with any group or form one to twenty i came out with my group of twenty twenty five people and there was a syrian girl who was very affected by it all. She said something incredible to me do you know what ive learned today there if we syrians or arabs in general had been here back then. We would also have ended up in the ovens. That reaction moves me so much. That. Two thousand and five two years after saeeds death of leukemia so a legendary concert by the west eastern divine orchestra in ramallah in the Israeli Occupied west bank the arab and israeli musicians had to enter the territory separately first the arab members arrived via jordan. Story. Then under tight security the israelis who entered via jerusalem. Would. See the impossible is much easier. Finally that evening they were all reunited on the stage an incredible moment for the orchestra and the audience. Of. The whole thrilled to hear of no its why those whove is it the hope that we had back in two thousand and five is gone that concert with the west east and yvonne orchestra in two thousand and five would be impossible today in twenty seventeen while they wouldnt allow us to come they wouldnt invite us because for part of the palestinian population that would be an act of normalization. I have to explain that everywhere in the world normalization is something positive right. Your Blood Pressure is too high so you take medication which normalizes the Blood Pressure of a normal but normalization in the middle east means normalization of the status quo. Status quo normalization of the situation where the israelis are the occupiers and the palestinians the occupied. When the. The political situation began to turn before that before edmund died that was hope and there were many signs that things were going to improve when this happened the conservative he suspended their relationship with. And then made the s. Movement while divestment and sanctions began and they began to pressure people not to join the orchestra which was very very sad. Daniel barenboim relationship with israel is complicated in two thousand and one he caused an uproar when at a concert by the berliner starts capella in jerusalem he conducted the live is told from a shot Wagners Tristan und isolde as an encore. He consulted the audience beforehand and a majority was in favor of it but many left the hall in protest. Since then barenboims ties to israel the country he loved have gotten worse. Hes pained by the Political Developments there. Is his fear and often of wonder. Like an open wound for him to see the country moving in this direction to seize it occupation. To see this unbelievable deterioration of models their words which are getting worse and worse it went under he really cannot stand it. Hes been spat upon on the street and hes really hardest. Might well lose it sometimes even been dangerous but he has to have a bodyguard in israel because its going to test this. Even by two thousand and four the distance from his one time homeland had grown large as seen when he was awarded the wolf prize in the knesset in jerusalem. In his acceptance speech he cited the israeli declaration of independence contrasting its words with todays reality and he had an earth. Meaning that this is the state of israel will dedicate itself to the development of this country to the benefit of all its people. It will be founded on the principles of Liberty Justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of israel regardless of differences of faith race or sex it will guarantee all its inhabitants equal social and Political Rights i mean. Lets be honest that is what bothers me the most is that so few israelis are able to see and say that the occupation might also be a reason for the violence coming from palestine. You know. Many people in israel think we have to occupy palestine because of the violence that. You know. They cant get it into their heads that the occupation might also be the reason why the only one i dont want to sugarcoat the other side not all. Of those this and that on both sides but israel has a bigger responsibility. Israel is a state israel is a strong state. The others are a people and they are occupied and the whole world has been talking for seventy years or maybe a little less about a two state solution. Where is that second state what does that mean two states i make a state accept palestine as a state and then they can negotiate as one state to another. He used to be so proud of israel this afternoon when i met him he was the first man i knew who came from israel. I did have a few friends from there but otherwise. And the way he talked about it and the way he explained it all to me and how the country created itself from nothing wonderful and then over the years one after another you could see how it went down like a roller coaster. And most of all i think its not so much the situations themselves as the people more the way more out has gone has declined. The freethinking or differently minded people are no longer respected. To speak to it. Thats what it is lack of respect and an exhaustion and passivity in political matters. And thats a country cant be a political. And thats why its a hundred eighteen hes returned to his routine and really feels at home here. When assad is was always special in the way that its different cultures religions and nationalities lived peacefully side by side it made a deep impression on Daniel Barenboim. And it have you here gil it was you know i lived here until i was nine years old and i have quite a few memories of it some of them very nice memories. Funnily or maybe not so family not of school then. But in the nine hundred forty s. Argentina had the Third Largest Jewish Community in the world for your mind and because of all that the synagogues here were the center of social life for young people. With children on a plate and that has stayed very clearly in my mind. I hope. Is heaped high on the land and there is no other country where you can have several different identities as. You are argentinian first but not just with german or jewish or italian or whatever roots but really that. When theres a match should serve as a model for the whole world there are three million muslims here in argentina all of them argentinians all argentineans no violence no one minds and this acceptance of other people is what i learnt here. Three years ago Daniel Barenboim gave a series of concerts in the cologne in win a saris together with Martha Argerich the great argentinian pianist she has been his friend since they were children. Audiences throng to the concert to welcome the two National Heroes together on the stage. Because. Here. On the sidelines of the rehearsals all the artists have known each other for years the atmosphere is friendly and relaxed. And here were my month field thats the first time and said here ive only just told my husband much better through seeing him here. Since weve been coming here its as if i know where his real mentality comes from is this its from here its funny he was only here until he was nine years old and then he was gone but its remained i think because his family continued to be arjun tines at home in israel and wherever he lived they called george and cheney and they spoke spanish pretty thick and they always dressed that way for the first time i understood why he was always dressed like that so elegantly. He always has the feeling that one must be properly dressed theyre all like that here. Its near inverness has. Mr patternist all the rules and its place where we used to go you used to go every week i dont know if it was wednesday or thursday as a remember and play and there were a lot of foreign artists and local artists musicians yeah going there and playing timber music he himself used to play mr nestor was when he was a matter and his wife would be wonderful after school because she was they were from the a nice thing originally it was a jewish family but from the end. And then the date wonderful. You know park is like that then thats where we met. Despite their tight schedule during the concerts in buenos aires three years ago the two musicians found the time to search for mr rosenthals apartment. Its player to go numb can you tell me all the economy until hes the montauk image you know you see the new bar moyo in the south oh no couldnt see moses and jesus he was time and mr cause im thinking i said who we are but they think were i dont know what a pity. You lasted. This long. Barenboim doesnt seem to have gotten through so she gives it a try. On insanity see. The moment is so much. Sicker than a hundred. I know she had some luck with Daniel Barenboim and martha ill give each good we match here when we were children in the home of senor who was in time. No good in the part of the mental but this time. Anyway he with a German Television team all you on the second to the third floor business you know sinyard rosen time lived on the second floor. He believed her. Way. Then your barenboim was born in buenos aires he was given piano lessons at the age of five first from his mother aida then from his father enrique barenboim. He was dutch where the piano was. We both have the impression that this was really the apartment he was ruthless covetously that was a grand piano there and the apple strudel was here. Nowadays people have records but back then great artists played together with amateurs. Sinew all rozental was an amateur violinist he had a trio. And all the great musicians came to his home. Bush. Chad a bit dark and they were always guess that listening. My parents wanted to emigrate to israel. My grandparents were already in israel when i got an invitation from eagle markovitch to plant dissolves book festival as a soloist in the final concert of the conductors course. But we didnt have the means both my parents were piano teachers and couldnt afford to go to europe and then to his round. So we were able to collect some money which was very very kind and went to solids borgen then to vienna. I left argentina and late july you noticed we were in zone spork september to november in vienna. I played in vienna and in rome by christmas fifty two i was in israel. Then use the argentine prodigy spirit invitations to perform at concerts abroad follow the music world was taking notice of him. He met feel him for dangler who invited him to play with the berlin philharmonic but in barenboim refused he said it was too soon after the war for a jewish pianist to appear in germany. Accepted that and wrote a glowing letter of reference. It was around that time that the Young Musician started to conduct. His group. Because i was very lucky in my life in many ways. One of them was that i always felt at home where i work and live. In paris in london and obviously now in berlin. That is my final station but really my if you like emotional relationship is a human being is to argentina and to israel where i lived for ten years and went to school. After those ten years in israel barenboim moved to london. There he met his first wife the english cellist jacqueline du prey. The young and fabulously gifted couple caused a stir. Tragically jacqueline du pre it was stricken with multiple sclerosis in the early one nine hundred seventy s. And died several years later at forty two. Theres the. Hot conducting help me in terms of my piano playing to hear myself so. When you conduct you develop the years to here with you. Barenboim began to devote more time to conducting in one thousand nine hundred five he became music director of the orchestra to poverty he remained chief conductor there until one nine hundred eighty nine his older son david recalls im phone less at the beginning he worked in the building where we lived in paris a side clearly was the concert house and we had an apartment on the sixth floor. Of the movie that we just had to take the elevator downstairs so he wasnt away so much as after paris ended he was away more sometimes traveling constantly for one or two years. But my father always wants more he cant just do one thing he has to have four or five things going on at once most of the. Can leave it on function. And. In june twenty seventeen berlin tower was still temporarily housing the staatsoper during the renovations on its building on today linton. On the rehearsal schedule george the pearl fishers in a stage production by filmmaker of inventors. The sofa so theres a. Bit. On the. Eyes of these and even then can they get. On. The amount of feeling after the berlin wall fell the board of the staatskapelle orchestra approached me and. I was fascinated by the idea of working with such an institutional and so oh with such a history of them and but i said i cant accept without conducting the orchestra at least one. At least a rehearsal so i can get a sense of whether i can get along with this orchestra or not and that is more importantly if it can get along with me. So we had a rehearsal. What do you want to rehearse i said passive followers overture and they said but we have three hours and then i said we pacify overture. And i came along. And there they were. And i started this and it was a shock for me because i heard the sound i had grown up with. Each of us starts cut palenque up was like a beautiful piece of antique furniture and. The show and every one had the quality you could sense the quality like you see the would be here and there they could hear was a chip and theres something broken there was definitely need for repair. You know men but basically the attitude towards the music and the sound was absolutely right. Absolutely and that was a shock to us i finished and shock. Is a shock is that shock has grown into a great joy over more than twenty five years. Its taken a lot of patience from both sides. But of course most of all from the side of the orchestra. Is such. He has Something Special that not many conductors have. He can shine both in opera and in concert but he can do that many its economists stupidity to get there and also conductors who want to perform concerts and symphonies because they cant deal with the reset the tubes and the transitions in opera but are outstanding in concert conductors from start to again. To be done to take for example he never conducted opera maybe it was too much for him with the stage rehearsals the directors the singers who also have their special characters i dont know. There are many famous opera conductors who cant do so well in concert on the ground so i have been doing it since ive been in consult he saw but with him barenboim he can do both unfortunately the staatskapelle are can also do both. In the start soapers production of the pearl fishers italian tenor francesco to morrow and hungary and romanian baritone or and sing the roles of the two friends who become rivals for the same woman. Vice which. Is just. As you and. I would rather do has we dont know if this have it suzanne environment. Nine i dont know its just passed by side. By side is that will get you commission and you know none done there. V. V. Goes a little the lesson on must be not my bet you bought that there be gun so long from here. I am. And about a miss as one of his own does mystically of Daniel Barenboim is a person who cant be explained as pianist as he needs different lives to make the pianist as the conductor of the general music director in the world personality. If you look at how he performed the entire schubert sonata cycle in its new concert old as the peer boleh saw the one in course he hadnt learned most of those piano sonatas until he was seventeen there is as it says well honestly and if you see him doing those sonata is in addition to the program as a conductor here im this its all really not explainable. Hes someone who comes out strongly for the situation when as hell he wants this institution to move forward on finding and he always sees the whole picture and thinks the whole thing through of the institutes on him and that is something very special that. I think that and its not. And this is at. An office. On october third two thousand and seventeen the long awaited reopening of the start over was celebrated with schumanns scenes from get just fast and the audience celebrated Daniel Barenboim and this particular. Was it is the business surely the visit of music is the best school weve all experienced that we fall in love and we automatically lose all sense of discipline. Because. For example you cant make music only with passion. And you cant make music only with reason. It is this coexistence sometimes tension filled minds of passion and discipline. That is the condit c. E. O. Sinead kwan on the phone making music. And the jersey they put through this was. To celebrate the reopening the staatskapelle also gave an open air concert next to the opera house. Tobins ninth symphony for all berliners. As he dined with them eyes thats one then for me he said listen if theres a wonderful sentence from the great italian philosopher graeme sheen and you know i cant quote the sentence exactly but the census is well known but he said this in the late one nine hundred thirty s. But its relevant to twenty seventeen ways that he says the old world is dying. The new world is not yet born know these data or in the end in between come the monsters home and the monster that is that of course he meant hitler. But. I dont want to compare but we have a similar variant now. Humvee is. For the love the theater. For the devotion to diamonds. John long miles thinks in movement. And does choreography for some of the best Dance Companies in the world. An encounter with an exceptional artist. We need to choreographer john norman. Thirty. Among us and if youre doing something you feel passionate about then it doesnt feel like a john joke. Your children like chocolate. You cant live without your smartphone. You buy your tomatoes in the supermarket. As we go about our daily life human rights often the last thing on the. Invisible hand is. Slavery in the twenty first century. Starting december second on d w. Preliminary Coalition Talks to form germanys new government have collapsed this comes after the probusiness free democrats pulled out of negotiations with chancellor Angela Merkels conservatives and the greens citing irreconcilable differences here

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