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Night missing the deadline for agreement we get the latest or so coming up Robert Mugabe appears in public at a University Graduation ceremony in harare hes been under house arrest since the military takeover in zimbabwe and is under pressure from the army from the opposition and even his own party to step down. And tesla unveiled their truck of the future and its electric the government says just has to do seal two emissions and boost the companys fortunes. On a warm welcome to you im. Germanys search for a new government has gone into extra time after a stalemate at all like talks in berlin unlimited conservatives want to trash out of cornish and deal with the probusiness free democrats and the greens but the parties remain too far apart on issues including the environment in migration now theyre back at the negotiating table hoping to avoid another election. Another round of difficult talks at the seedy hughes Party Headquarters the negotiators are coming off a long night with very little sleep but they know for you to reach an agreement could may new elections chancellor merkel says shes determined not to let that happen villain despite all the difficulties in these negotiations i am determined to form a government as mandated by germanys vote as they definitely wont be easy itll definitely be hard but its worth going into a second round of talks one that by in a while so that all this in on the river that we all realize we have to make compromises everyone. So far that hasnt happened enough to get this is specially applies to those who declare to the outside world that theyre making all sorts of concessions but from what i say me sit down together theyre not going to get some of these remarks clearly and Germanys Green Party joining the overnight talks zero office c. S. U. In the greens were at loggerheads on many key issues especially migration and Energy Policy one selfimposed deadline has now come and gone and negotiations are into of a time many expect them to extend well into the weekend. And for the very latest im joined by a Political Correspondent hes a chance to cd you bought a headquarters here in berlin too but water issues still need to be desired for these talks to move forward. On the main issue i would say is the migration issue this has been on the table for the last three weeks and no progress whatsoever has been reached yet they are especially battling about on the point of family or union for refugees here they are the parties are very far apart especially the conservatives the as you party on the center Left Green Party have completely opposite. Opinions on how to treat the Family Reunion of refugees the seas you dont want to have any Family Reunion and he more while the greens say this is a human right for that thats what applied to any refugee whatsoever im already starting to lose faith in the idea of the spillway coalition. Well it depends on who you listen to and if you listen to especially representatives of the smaller parties especially of the c. S. U. The greens the already mentioned two parties that are longer headed in the migration issue than. One could really lose some faith here because both parties always say it is needed to find a compromise every side house to have the will to give in a little bit but what we hear from inside is that both sides are not willing to give in even in little inch so i think the biggest. Problem here for chancellor Angela Merkel and her c. V. Hugh party is to find some sort of agreement to find some sort of a bridge both parties can walk over a one major deadline has come and gone whats the timeline now. Well there isnt any real time line but all parties have agreed on that these talks can could at least take the whole weekend some even say well it could even take a little bit longer the next deadline if you want to call it that is the Green Party Convention next saturday and one weeks time there the green party actually wanted to present the outcome of the preliminary talks to be part of the membership and asked them if Real Coalition talks should be taken up. Of course one could say even a Party Convention could be rescheduled but then this would mean that forming a government would take even longer and germany already has and how to govern and for a very government for quite a time now this is something this country is simply not used to. And to see if the im as well does happen in these talks do it rick john does it mean that jimmy will head for new elections. Well this is one possibility and this is the possibility that most people see as the most serious of the most likely we have to see that the only other possible a Coalition Partner for c. P. U. And sees you would be the source democrats but the social democrats have suffered a huge defeat in the last elections i already said that they wouldnt go into any form of government or Coalition Government with Angela Merkel anymore. And that they would prefer a new elections of this so make a coalition as it is called is is not going to work out. But the but the big problem here is and thats what all four parties say a failure is not an optional cannot be an option or must not be an option as they all see that from a snap election they could not benefit there would be no positive outcome for them. In the end they probably would sit again. At the negotiation table table just with a little bit of different results the only one that would really benefit from this would be the alternative for Germany Party the far right populist party which of course would be eager to perform better in snap elections and this is something all these parties dont really want to put rid of on the outside the c. D. U. Party headquarters where Coalition Talks are going on thank you very much for that update. Less article about some other stories making news around the world the Trump Administration says it will allow elephant hunters to bring trophies into the u. S. From zimbabwe and zambia lifts a ban by former president barack obama guns of wish just this ruling as a big setback which could lead to more elephant hunting. U. S. Backed forces in iraq say theyve retaken the last island in the country held by the socalled Islamic State iraqi troops forced the militants from the town of lava after just five hours of fighting this leaves in control of only patches of rural territory in iraqs Western Desert along the border with syria. Zimbabwes president Robert Mugabe has appeared in public for the First Time Since the military took power on wednesday he attended a University Graduation ceremony and this comes as the army said it was making progress in persuading him to resign officers also moved into arrest and number of mugabes allies mugabe who is ninety three has been hand under house arrest by the military since what they are calling an intervention. Joining me now from harare is human rights activist a dog what is your ancestor and really president mugabe step down or will he be pushed out. That there really is is the question on everyones tongues here seeing that that yesterday a deal had been struck but but now it seems that the government is backtracking on that he does have a huge trump card. Even that hes pushed out that will huge the undermine the legitimacy of this government process and so as someone who is desperate to cling to power as weve seen over the last thirty seven years i dont think hes going to give up power very easy so it may it may come to be stopped or it may end up being a failed coup. And just how wanted are you as a human rights activist about this military intervention given that this army until recently supported mugabes regime which has been accused of huge Human Rights Violations in the past absolutely the Major Concerns that we have been encouraged by. The explicit statements made by the military that thats they are here to respect peoples rights and certainly their conduct has has has matched that as well in general they have been quite peaceful apart from some scuffles with some some some violence involving. Zanu p. F. Politicians so. That has been encouraging but there are Major Concerns around us and i think. There are concerns as well from a political perspective that this could just simply be an internal settlement with then zanu p. F. That results in you of their intent regime with with nothing much more than a base that now being one doc the fact Vice President has a return to herat if the opposition media morgan chang and i is also back one of the chances then off to some kind of a Transitional Government being formed. I think the Transitional Government is is is really essential is really the early way out for us now the wheels of transition have begun in motion now and as i say that this transitional this transition will not be sustainable if its merely an internal zanu p. F. Solution and it will not have any legitimacy. In the eyes of zimbabweans or in the eyes of the International Community if its not a real transition towards democratic consolidation where real reforms that implemented so that we can have free and Fair Elections so i think that that that a Transitional Authority is essential i think that the military im going to go but probably understand that because they have a huge legitimacy problem whether that will happen i think really really remains to be seen as this so much up in the air. Duck a human rights lawyer an activist in harare thank you very much thanks very much for having me. Youre watching the news coming up ahead they are the generation who would be most affected by Climate Change as a un talks draw to a close in bonn children say they want more done to tackle global warming. But first as here with news of pain for job losses at a big German Company thats right theres very much been an angry reaction to news of restructuring job cuts zeman merissa those job cuts and plant closures have been announced at the engineering giant and the company is actually highly profitable but says its Turbine Division cannot keep up now it makes the possible fossil fuel power plants and even says its been hit by the switch to Clean Energy Sources the bore claims the restructuring is an act of tough love to secure the future for the remaining employees. Zimmermanns workers took to the streets as the job cuts were announced. The industrial giant said it would slash two percent of its workforce despite billions in profits a decision met with a shock. I cant understand it at all i just thought theyre playing around or its Incorrect Information until now you cant close down a factory working at full capacity and especially not here in germanys east. The company blamed the shift to green sources of energy like solar power for the move. Board member lesa davis said the Power Generation industry is experiencing disruption of unprecedented scope and speed renewables are pushing other forms of Power Generation under increasing pressure todays action follows a nearly three year effort to rightsize the business for this changing marketplace. Zeman says its power and gas division is worst hit by the switch to renewables demand for gas turbines has tumbled dress thickly depressing prices and profits and that means six thousand nine hundred jobs around the world must go almost half are in germany with the countrys east hardest hit two plants there in the cities of light position gurlitz will shut down completely and a third hangs in the balance. The two plants to be shuttered are in the state of saxony which depends on them for jobs and tax income. Its like this for ok were now in for a fight because we cant just accept this decision the Supervisory Board has a responsibility to take a critical look at the State Government unions and Works Councils reached out their hands seamans needs to accept this and find solutions that benefit the affected regions and employees shift. Zeman says it will try to avoid forced redundancies and will move workers to other if they can seize within the company but thats little comfort for the communities they will leave behind. Well daniel winter from business is that factory in good to see that danielle tell us more about what protesters have been saying. Well. The union which represents siemens workers say they will fight for every job i spoke spoke to the berlin boss of the Union Earlier and he told me that joe kayser the c. E. O. Is cutting up the company for the benefit of shareholders and ignoring his duty of care to workers now most of those seven thousand jobs are going will be here in berlin and they say that they were promised in the past that their jobs were safe and that the c. E. O. Is trampling on that ten Year Agreement they say how can a company with over six billion euros in profits over the past year be forced to cut so many jobs siemens is europes biggest conglomerate with over three hundred seventy thousand Workers Worldwide so for them this seven thousand cuts is really just a drop in the ocean were seeing those protests in germany i do have to wonder whether we can expect to see similar scenes in other conglomerates because siemens certainly isnt the only one undergoing an overhaul right now. Thats right helena also another industry dinosaur General Electric has been forced to cut jobs and to go under a massive restructuring of course it seems a slightly better off slightly more stable so they dont want to head down that path but they said that theyre forced to expecting about a demand of one hundred gas turbines in the year but with the global capacity for four hundred across the entire industry they say its absolutely necessary to make these cuts easy matal the union on the other hand says that renewables represent an opportunity to retrain workers and keep them in their jobs they accuse him of short sightedness and say theyre ready for a fight all right our correspondent daniel winter in berlin thanks a lot. Well the controversial Keystone Pipeline has neat spilling over eight hundred thousand nitas of oil on farmland in south dakota keystone carries oil from the tar sand fields in alberta in canada to refineries in the United States in the pipeline zone a trans canada has treated an aerial photo of the affected area that shows a blackened field the spill comes as regulators decide whether to give the go ahead to a second Pipeline Route known as keystone x l that project has been at the center of a fierce political debate for years locals have protested motivated by fear of potential leaks contaminating the Regional Water supply the project was stopped eight twenty sixteen by then president barack obama has been restarted under the Trump Administration not once but twice tesla c. E. O. You know moss could postpone the presentation of his electric big rig truck but last night was finally the night vale the long awaited vehicle in california designed to challenge the climate damaging gas guzzlers on the highways and he threw in a surprise sports car as well. It was a big show for a big truck. Tesla vos must joke that this would be the most useful eighteen wheeler ever tweeting it could transform into a robot fight aliens and even brew coffee and he said its built for the long haul. But. Now one of the biggest questions weve been asked about. Dr trucks is well how far can they go because well its perhaps a five hundred mile range. Thats about eight hundred kilometers the driver sits in the middle no need for different models with steering wheels on the right or left must promised his electrode truck would be cheaper to maintain than todays diesels its set to hit the road in just two years but musk was coy about the price which logistics firms had been hoping to find out. Teslas car business has so far served a small niche small thousand expensive luxury cars thats where musk had another surprise up his sleeve the Second Generation of the tesla roadster the car the company was founded on the new castle road there. We were fastest car production car ever made period. Even though the crowd here reacted so euphorically many experts in the field are skeptical tesla has a myriad of pressing problems above all the model three intended to take over the mass market instead of the fifteen hundred vehicles it expected to build tesla was only able to make two hundred sixty last quarter experts say some of them were badly assembled tesla has been in the red for years last quarter it lost millions of euros and just recently hundreds of workers were let go now more than ever the question remains can test to achieve its goals or just a series of funny tweets and product press. Intrusions. All right lets get our financial correspondents thoughts on this now general i mean i think its fair to say some quite big. So considering the recent history of production issues with the model three how how confidence the market feeling about the semi well thats certainly what observers are asking themselves whether now is really the right time for tesla to make a big push into a new business area at a time where its still spending a lot of money but not turning a profit just yet but as you said earlier as you said earlier now this is part of about polish push to take the economy away from fossil fuels and not including commercial vehicles and that vision would seem like a bit of an oversight but it has to be said that the Customer Base for a passenger cars and for trucks are very different now if businesses were to have problems with getting their ordered trucks delivered on time or problems with how the trucks themselves are run well there are set to be a lot less forgiving than say your private bridge motorist absolutely certainly would expect surgeon now in frankfurt thank you back over to amrita now and children with a keen eye on those climate talks a keen eye and some clever ideas than in the u. N. Climate talks in bonn wrap up today with delegates trying to agree on a plan to implement the paris accord as us often talk about protecting the environment for the next generation we met a group of children who are taking the initiative themselves. Initiative called kids for climate it is to give a voice to some of those could be most affected by global warming. Our kids for climate have plenty to do jana and ana are all committed to protecting the environment and slowing the pace of Climate Change. Eleven year old john a writer is organizing a Clothing Swap Party at her school its the second time shes done it. Because its important that we all do something to reduce the level of consumerism that we take the stand against so much new stuff being brought if you buy less because you spend more theres less need to grow so much cotton which in turn means that fewer pesticides are released into the environment Environmental Protection is important in less than two yana believes it will be one of the biggest issues for her generation. And then my fear is there are many you can bring about real changes we need to tell the adults what to do because this is our future one day well be the adults and so we have to take action now. I read a quote by bertold blessed and changed the world it needs it. That really stayed with me because its so important and its about our future with a through cool. Fifteen year old look at this as he lives in a small town in south west germany where hes surrounded by nature. And his team set up protest rallies seeking to persuade politicians to do more to protect the environment. To the north it would be even more fun if they would actually listen to our arguments and respond but all in all of course its fun for the team to be out there getting involved in politics to. Photograph butterflies over the past five years this sixteen year old has recorded the bio diversity in her area sometimes she finds species that are new to the region them on twenty years ago for example there arent any more ability to larry butterflies here now i see them all the time in the summer so its clear that Climate Change is having an effect. On our uploads her pictures to an online database its a place for people to document the flora and fauna in her state shes already uploaded about seven hundred entries each discovery is flagged on the map. Climate protection is fun because it gives me something in return that i feel like im doing something worthwhile with my time i really enjoy it. And well done to them during august fourth in the bundesliga returns of the International Break with that once donna dortmund hoping to get back to their winning ways and theyve got tonight dortmund have slipped down the table after a poor run of results and they visit should carved out their star striker appear emerick album a young a media reports say he was suspended because he turned up late for training. Go get her peer in obama young is out dont many gave no further details on why he has been disciplined and dropped from the squad obama young was hoping to end his goal drought in the game against stuttgart the striker has been miscreants lot lately no goals in his last five outings peter boss has been under pressure due to dortmund sudden decline from top of the table to third their last win the league came back in september. On the ice that money could enter and if you dont you know if you dont win theyll be expression and in the stuff you want to call that opposing wins then yes we feel the breeze thats for sure. And over the last three weeks the winds change quickly in the post office just after the last International Break the first match against leipzig and thats when it began as well and we definitely fails. Thats it for me thats the challenge to once again turn it around. And im sure well manage does mean the show friday night could be Perfect Timing for dortmund to turn it around history is on their side the black and yellow has won the last five matches in stuttgart but stuttgart is not a cakewalk especially when playing at home this season so far theyre undefeated. Dortmunds on the road firepower a league high twelve goal. Against the leagues best home defense is a stage set for a thrilling match. A Michelle Schumacher championship winning a ferarri from two thousand and one has been sold at an auction in new york it has set a new world record for a modern era formula one car its the set of really set one the german sporting legend his fourth f one crown a tweet from the auction house saw the shows a ferrari sold for seven point five Million Dollars almost twice the asking price schumacher suffered a severe head injury after a skiing accident four years ago. A recap of the top story that were following for you germanys potential Coalition Partners have resume talks about forming a new government thats off to war and i think jose sions failed to get a good deal between on the americans conservative block and to Junior Hockey now. Thats it for now from me on the touchy by the news team thats not theres lots more on our website the c w dot com i soon thirty minutes but i. One three got the International Talk show for journalists to discuss the topic of the week the go here between saudi arabia and iran is again heating up leading to talk of more conflict in the already hugely troubled and volatile middle aged could the two sides even go to war to find out what my guests have to say join me on forgery. Quadriga next on d w. Mesmerising mountains. Conrad hanka is fascinated by their beauty. For months he retires to his studio on a glacier to create unique. Inspired by his i see parents around. Your romance in sixty minutes on d w. On freedom and home. Where i come from the region is rich in history and talent but so poor in education opportunity and freedom this makes it especially difficult for independence. I see many of the young and promising janitors now making names for themselves all over the world. Some might get away some might follow. With continue. Their experience of freedom in a sense is like the beauty of the day you can visit it but your call come back from. Mine in your fifth ward and i work at. Eleven a very warm welcome indeed to this latest edition of quadriga coming to you from the heart of berlin now is the middle east is currently own edge with socalled Islamic State forced into what looks like full scale rich

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