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The u. S. House Intelligence Committee is investigating russian interference in the twenty sixteen president ial poll its released a trove of facebook ads linked to a Russian Internet Agency Representatives from Facebook Twitter and alphabet have been testifying at back to back hearings in both the congress and senate with facebook being the first to announce it had evidence of russian meddling on social media lawmakers have slammed the companies for failing to rein in russian use of their sites to manipulate the american political process when it comes to extra security costs facebooks Third Quarter profits soared to four point seven one billion dollars. Lets get to yes quarter standing by the New York Stock Exchange on this one even Facebook Says russias influence was reprehensible yes shouldnt these companies have been hindering outside interference of any sort. Legally probably not morally probably yes i mean this whole situation is a rather new and we didnt have to deal with problems like that in the past is really the big question should facebook care of block those polls and should they have been aware of it i do not believe that there is a law any rule there facebook broke at this point but if they knew about it if there were warning signs then morally facebook probably should have acted and then again facebook is probably not alone there was this issue of Companies Like google and their you tube channel for example and also twitter have to deal with a very similar. Problem problematic situation will get let me pick up on the legalities of this is we find out what was paid for the ads how many thousands there were and how many millions of americans they reached what we see stricter advertising rules for social Media Companies well i mean what we will probably see is that is the big question if we will see that or not if there will be legal steps taken of how facebook and the likes of to deal with those issues in the future there was one senator actually saying that hes hoping that the companies will take the ride steps or that the legal side does not have to step in and we shouldnt forget the new administration is not necessarily known for being very keen on bringing up tighter regulation but this will certainly be discussed im heavily in the weeks to come. Well back to ghent at a moment because the Federal Reserve has kept Interest Rates steady thats widely in line with investors expectations and not betting on a third rate rise until next month thats becoming ever more likely with the fed describing the economy as solid supported by manufacturing and labor strength and the central bank is playing down the Economic Impact of recent hurricanes another sign its on track to lift borrowing costs again. Yes what is the likelihood of a rate rise next month. Well we might see an Interest Rate increase in december its tough to really put a percentage bet on it but it is really likely especially if the u. S. Economy keeps to improve as we see it right now the labor market seems to be pretty strong if you look at Consumer Confidence we are at the highest level in about seventeen years and specially was the Holiday Season coming up that is probably consumers also will keep spending we just saw for a second consecutive month g. D. P. So the u. S. Economy growing by a good three percent or so if that pace continues it is pretty likely that we will see the next Interest Rate increase in december and then maybe some more steps next year ok thank you very much for your analysis from new york and. Janet yellen sorites announcement today is being overshadowed by speculation as to who could replace her as the worlds most powerful central banker and decisions expected from president of trump on thursday and there are reports the white house has notified Jerome Powell that it will nominate him. The head of the u. S. Federal reserve is the most powerful central banker in the world some past fed chairman have even a teen near cult status like alan greenspan. He opened the money floodgates and sent equity markets into a feeding frenzy it led to a time of unprecedented growth field by credit until the bubble burst in two thousand and seven unleashing a Global Financial crisis greenspan wasnt around anymore it was his successor ben bernanke who had to do the damage control but he kept Monetary Policy loose the u. S. Economy had gotten used to extremely low Interest Rates a rapid reversal would have caused shocks to the system. It was business as usual under his successor janet yellen at least at first now shes opened the door to gradual rate increases amid stable growth in the us the Federal Reserve stronger intervention in the economy stands in contrast to the policies of the European Central bank which has favored a lighter touch and focuses on inflation the fed reacts to developments in the job market yellen sturm ends in february and this man may replace or Jerome Powell the former investment banker is a republican and already part of the feds governing board markets look ready to welcome such a choice his nomination would signal continuity another possible choice of fed chair could be Stanford University economist john taylor but his chances are considered slim and analysts caution that he might be too quick to tighten policy. Of course janet yellen might still stay on theoretically shes allowed a second term she was appointed by former president barack obama in the past u. S. President s have tended to retain the fed chairs chosen by their predecessors if donald trump decides to replace yellen it would be a break with tradition. The bull market continues unabated for Global Equities traders must be anxious about a correction or crash being around the corner but the financial indicators are overwhelmingly positive with robust corporate earnings and booming global trade indices a soaring to record highs in tokyo london new york and frankfurt. German broadcasters are spellbound and this course is the reason why it just keeps going up and up the dax broke through the Twelve Thousand mark back in march and galloped past thirteen thousand points two weeks ago the atmosphere down on the Trading Floor is calm the recipe for success is suddenly simple buy stocks lean back and watch them rise and the expectation seems to be that things wont change anytime soon or when they shine the still true things already seem to be on track next year even in europe and asia crises are behind in the u. S. Growth is continuing whether because of trump or despite him it doesnt matter which is a perfect pass into the penalty box for germanys export economy. Looks like a home game for germany the World Economy is expected to grow stronger than expected next year by three point seven percent according to the i. M. F. More than almost any other nation on earth germanys export economy is geared to profit from situations like these another indicator that there is no end in sight to the continuing upswing our recent numbers from the German Institute for shipping economics and logistics it recently reported that container turnover in the countrys ports is rising steadily an early sign that companies are optimistic about the next few months and therefore more willing to invest. As our Central Banks theyre plowing billions into economies in the eurozone japan and the us and a lot of that money is ending up on the stock markets thats because Interest Rates remain low and alternative investments like bonds arent attractive enough the sheer amount of investment funding out there is driving the dacs and other stock markets to new heights but sooner or later all good things come to an end. The robots are on the motts set to take over many workplaces especially in factories and the Services Sector theyre also entering our hearts Japanese Electronics giant sony has introduced the latest version of a little electric dog to keep you company you dont need to take it for walks and it doesnt. Even its quite cute. To electronic dog stream of chasing electric sheep ask Japan Sony Corp just developed a Second Generation of its little robotic dog in silver and black looks like a cross between your average lap dog and a coffee maker he even comes with to light the way Japan Sony Corp unveiled the robot a day after it forecast record earnings leaving its share price to hit a nine year high the robo doggy runs for about two hours after a full three hour charge it has two cameras that use facial recognition to identify its owner and twenty two motors for movement. So. How can i have a confident that a robot that allows the experience of connecting with people and love is exactly what embodies sonys mission so i gave the order to begin the development of about a year and a half ago. I have to say is much the owners can also sync with a Smartphone Application called my i bow which allows them to play with the robot dog remotely the electro will cost about fifteen hundred euros and shipments start in mid january. I was doing business with a. Good. Job on your we speak your language our Spanish Program on june. Only swilling for lesson one listen i can like you always close to the action but i will bite my quadruple the fall get in line with what you can get that up to the minute news and opinions of the background to political developments. D. W. We bring you more of the noise. Hijacking the news. Were arguing from the news that is being hijacked journalism itself has become a scripted reality show its not just good versus evil us versus them black and white. In countries like russia china turkey people are told that sets up and if youre a journalist there and you try to get beyond that you are facing scare tactics intimidation. And i wonder is that where were heading as well. My responses. As a journalist is to get beyond the smoking mirrors its not just about being fair and balanced or being neutral its about being truthful. When he was born gough and i were to be the. New on d w make or see famous stars emmy and now. With the feature that came in vegas house of musical sun close to be this. Lovely and unplugged the. Three night grooves

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