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Terror attack he said to be a twenty nine year old truck driver from uzbekistan he was shot and wounded by police and is now in the hospital thats after a pickup truck plowed into a bicycle killing eight people also coming up could russia and iran be planning a move to end the syria conflict as russias president Vladimir Putin a rival in tehran we asked what the chances are of a conclusion to the six year long civil war. Life of Syrian Refugees in jordan we have a special report on the daily struggles facing one teenager and his family. Im sumi so much going to good to have you with us Police Sources have named the man suspected of killing eight people and injuring eleven in a truck attack in new york the suspect was shot by. And is now being treated in the hospital the twenty nine year old from his back on was said to have been behind the wheel of a vehicle that rammed into people on a bicycle path that the attack happened in Lower Manhattan the white pickup truck veered off west rate and right along the hudson river the driver plowed into the bike path and continued for several blocks before smashing into a school bus authorities have called it a terror attack but they say the suspect seems to have been acting alone ok i know you never know is right here rescuers race to free children trapped in the shredded school bus. Thats just some of the victims of tuesdays terror attack in Lower Manhattan luckily no one on the bus was killed others were not as fortunate. Just moments of this pickup truck tore down a bike path nearby plowing into cyclists and pedestrians alike five friends from argentina celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of their graduation where among the dead witnesses described the carnage and the ensuing police shootout. In the bike lane clearly in the bike lane and i see when i go down i see two gentlemen right there in the. Body and you could tell that theyre not here no more maybe thirty seconds later i hear somewhere between five in time graham one after another and thats when i got interested so i turned around to see what happened. When i walked up to it the first thing i saw was a man wearing on the ground face down in the middle of the street he was surrounded by Police Officers it appeared that he was. This footage shows the suspect fleeing on foot after jumping from the truck and brandishing what later turned out to be fake guns police shot him in the stomach before arresting him hes now recovering at a hospital u. S. Media have identified the attack suspect as this man twenty nine year old saifullah siple from pakistan witnesses said he could be heard chanting allahu akbar god is great in arabic officials said the suspect lived in this area of new jersey where he worked and rented the truck used in the attack he came to the u. S. In twenty ten and lived in ohio in florida before some news sources are reporting that the man left a note saying he carried out the attack in the name of the militant Islamic State group all thora tese were quick to label the incident a terrorist attack let me be clear that based on the information we have at this moment this was an act of terror and a particularly cowardly act of terror aimed at innocent civilians u. S. President donald trump took to twitter to offer condolences to the victims and their families. He also ordered the department of Homeland Security to step up its vetting of people traveling to the u. S. For now all thora to say theres no evidence the attack was part of a wider terror plot and they believe the suspect acted alone. Lets talk to Jonathan Wood hes director of control risks in london and a specialist in Global Security issues jonathan we have seen these types of attacks more in europe where vehicles are used as a tool of destruction there havent been as many in the u. S. Why do you think that. Well these attacks have occurred in the u. S. Prior to this of course there was an attack last year you know heigho but in europe this has really become a much more prominent tactic it is low tech low cost but potentially very high impact as we saw in the nice attack the berlin attack last year and the series of attacks in the u. K. France and sweden earlier this year why is it do you think that weve seen these types of attacks then more often in europe to this point. One of the main potential reasons is that when it comes to the types of tactics that is the most extremist groups are promoting vehicle ramming is absolutely up there bladed weapon or knife attacks have also become much more prominent but firearm attacks remain a very important type of target for many of these groups and between the u. S. And europe those types of weapons are much easier to obtain legally in the u. S. Than they generally are in most of europe so theyre easier to obtain in the u. S. That being said do you think it is likely that we could see more of these types of vehicle based attacks in the u. S. As well going forward. It seems very likely in this type of attack the dolly the location both both new york and a Public Public space in Lower Manhattan are very consistent with the broader shift in both targeting and tactics of is the most extremist terrorism and in particular that type of Terrorism Associated with sympathizers of Islamic State over the last two or three years. It has seemed to be the case that the success of the vehicle running attacks in particular has encouraged more self radicalized homegrown or lone wolf individuals to pursue that type of attack so further incidents in the u. S. In western europe and in india in other locations are certainly likely said this is a low tech attack to cure and there can be lone wolves in of was involved so how do you prevent these kinds of attacks from happening well by the very nature of these attacks are often unpredictable and opportunistic in this instance we have a rented vehicle which is in common with other vehicle running attacks in europe suggesting that an attack was preplanned the same was true in canada earlier this year. But the precise location timing and target of the incident may well may well be an optimistic they are by definition very difficult to prevent here in the u. K. Here in london after a series of attacks earlier this year theres been increased emphasis for example on anti vehicle barriers in some public locations we also saw those going into effect are the permanently or temporarily in the wake of the nice and berlin attacks last year undoubtedly as we move into the end of your Holiday Season we will start to see locations where you have events or crowds or public spaces being increasingly protected by those types of anti vehicle barriers right johnson what a director of control risks in london thank you for that analysis. Lets take a look now at some other stories making news around the world German Authorities have arrested a nineteen year old syrian man under suspicion of plotting a terror attack in the Northern City of family in the suspect reportedly had online contact with islamist extremists and was gathering materials for a highly explosive bomb is intended target is still unclear. Australia has decided to ban the climbers from an iconic sandstone formation in the Northern Territory starting in two thousand and nineteen ludo was considered sacred by the local Indigenous Community formerly known as ayers rock its one of the countrys most popular tourist destinations in consistencies have come to light in the accounts of two american women rescued after six months at sea the coast guard has said the pair statement about the Severe Weather and communication attempts appear to be inaccurate scientists have also said the court needed shark attacks they reported have never been observed. Spains high court has summoned the ousted to catalan president carlos pushed him on to testify in madrid on thursday by hes currently in brussels and his lawyer says he doesnt intend to return to spain in chimes soon spanish prosecutors have accused him and other members of his government of rebellion and other crimes. Karlas demands first appearance since declaring Catalan Independence last week was every bit as frenetic as the political fallout he left behind in spain now in belgium the ousted president said hes there for protection not asylum i am not here in order to do it as i believe because. This is not a belgian question im here in brussels as a result of the euro im here. To act with freedom and safety and security. As he left yet more chaos the upstart leader couldnt avoid questions of whether he had fled the scene. Outside the spanish unity supporters certainly think so. Im here to defend spain and complain about this pastor who is a coward and a terror maker. The courts may to have their say invoking laws rarely used in modern times catalan leaders face up to thirty years in prison for crimes of sedition rebellion and embezzlement. But the Spanish Government does welcome push demand support for fresh elections in december seen as a concession to madrid. It is very important to respect this call for elections from the Prime Minister of the Spanish Government money on all the whole use this is very important because this implies an acceptance that the return to democratic legality lies with accepting democratic elections back in barcelona a push to still dominates the waves those some were surprised at their former leader turning up in belgium supporters say they understand why he. Went to india and when i look at it yes i understand what hes saying right now the Spanish Government isnt giving him any guarantees the minute he lands here they can put him in prison. In the u. S. Whether his bid to break up spain will indeed to land him behind bars will be the subject of intense scrutiny not just here but across europe. Russian president Vladimir Putin has arrived for a meeting with his iranian counterpart has on rouhani in tehran the talks will focus on the ongoing conflict in syria as moscow eyes a new initiative to end the countrys civil war both iran and russia want fresh elections in syria featuring current ruler russia. As a Vice President is also set to meet in and iranian officials in a three way summit between the neighboring countries. Lets talk to saeed kamali de gotten a rainy and british journalist writing for the guardian in london thank you for joining us on our program the russia of Iran Alliance has some people in the west worried how significant is this meeting between the two leaders in tehran today. This is the first time that president putin is was are going to run since president rouhani was elected in two up and so it is important both for iran and for russia to maintain its relationship especially now that president trouble in washington is you know a promising to jeopardize the Nuclear Agreement that was signed in two thousand and fifteen russia has said very vocally that. It has criticized france decision to decertify that agreement last month for example and i mean frankly in the new guys the Nuclear Agreement. U. S. Is isolated because all the negotiating partners russia china u. K. France and germany both support the country relation of the agreement now syria looks like its going to top the agenda here both countries are supporting Bashar Al Assad in the region and fresh elections what exactly does iran want to see come out of this. Syria is a contentious issues you know iran and russia have been propping up the charlotte assads regime in syria some say that it wasnt for irans and russias support of the fallen by and so its a role thats being heley criticize in the west. Aside especially for not supporting somebody like the sap but nevertheless assad has the upper hand in syria now. Islamic state at the same time has been ousted from some of the cities it was occupying iraq or health fallen recently by example and the next game is important for iran and russia what happens as isis the islamic mistakes you know is pushed out of syria and iraq what is the next stage in syria is. Going to continue to dominate the country is it going to stanford split his position or not russia next month is holding talks in sochi for example to trying to find a diplomatic push but the problem is that iran and russia are one side but in the region for example turkey and a lot of arab states are on the other side and washington as well they are supporting the opposition in syria so. Its difficult to see at the moment what that the grandmother solution would look like right journalist saeed kamali de gun with the guardian in london thank you very much for joining us on our program of budget. Youre watching t. V. News still to come life for Syrian Refugees in jordan it is hosting around one and a half million of them we report on the daily struggle facing one teenager and his family. But first a perfect storm is shaping up in equities markets across the globe care how does mine that thats right so mean but its not a bad storm sowing destruction its a good storm sweeping across the worlds trading floors at the moment boosting share prices in a broad based rally the fire is being fueled primarily by upbeat corporate earnings reports also oil has been making a bull run of the producers cut their outputs Central Banks are showing confidence in the economy with rate hikes scaling back monetary accommodation global trade is booming at the same time in tokyo frankfurt london and new york indices are soaring. Us. So lets dive straight into the action and cross over to early parts at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange right in the center of the storm really what does it look like where you are the german investors celebrating. I think those that have equities those that have stocks shares theyll be celebrating because theyre looking at handsome gains since the beginning of the year and handsome gains since two thousand and nine basically since then the market has been on an upward swing but you know theyre very few germans who actually have shares directly or indirectly and their number has declined since two thousand and one in a major way at the moment the oxen institute its an Advocacy Group for the companies that issue shares the Big Companies here for example in the dax it says that only about nine million germans are invested directly or indirectly in shares its about fourteen percent of the population and thats much less than in other comparable Major Industrial countries and if you look at the dax companies most of them have more than fifty percent and some way more than fifty percent Foreign Investors one reason i think is that with the collapse of the new economy and the downturn of the Deutsche Telekom share which created tremendous interest in shares but when that came down it also created tremendous disappointment lots of people lost lots of money and have been shell shocked since disappointment yuki what you and i are journalist with german journalists we dont easily fooled by what seems to be good news so how far away are we from calling it a bubble. You know since two thousand and nine the market has been up i think i mentioned just now and at some time the trend has to go the other way and there are indications for a bubble of perhaps bursting at some time at times while that level was this high theres been very little fluctuation in the shares that is very little interest at this high level theres been a surge now but theres also been a huge interest and i. P. O. s in new companies coming to the market most of which are not making a profit thats a bad sign. That there isnt over exuberance their Central Bank Money is keeping Interest Rates low if Interest Rates would rise that would be a danger signal no one knows when a bubble burst but it might not be that far away considering the history of this rise over the past years forever the pessimists only buyouts that frankfurt for us thank you very much. Now Facebook Google and twitter are on the spotlight of u. S. Lawmakers theyre being questioned about their political ads the companies have begun two days of hearings before legislative committees the question is has russia used the companys business to sway American Voters in last years president ial elections and so discord afterwards facebook admitted that hundreds of millions of people may have been influenced by politically divisive posts from fake accounts that originated in russia. Thousands and thousands of ads and comments on social networking sites during the president ial election in the u. S. Favored u. S. President donald trump over his opponent Hillary Clinton up to one hundred twenty six million americans were served the messages originating from the russian troll farm the Internet Research agency u. S. Lawmakers in washington are now trying to figure out how it could have happened the u. S. Judiciary subcommittee grilled three social media representatives from Facebook Twitter and google for hours but the questions were difficult like why was the problem first discovered eleven months after the election those are two datapoints american political ads and russian money rubles. How could you not connect those two dots. Senator its a signal we should have been alert to and in hindsight its one we know ok during the Senate Hearing facebooks representative stated that ads from russia were even posted after the election but this time against Donald Trumps presidency in the wake of the election and now president trumps election we saw a lot of activity directed at fomenting discord about the validity of his elections used state sponsored attackers are particularly pernicious they are well resourced they are sophisticated they are patient and often by design they are difficult to recognize the russians attack was clearly meant to cause political and social discord and divide the American People in the future all three Companies Plan on countering organized troll campaigns by blocking accounts investigations continue today Facebook Google and twitter executives will appear before the u. S. Congress intelligence committee. Robots on the set to take over the workplace they will perform Public Services and help us with chores at home Japanese Electronics giant sony now has introduced the second version of a little electronic dog that will keep Lonely People company with its fresh little gates and a lady eyes ive seen set to take home a dog. I stole maybe. Ill do electronic dogs dream of chasing the electric sheep ask ibo Japan Sony Corp just developed a Second Generation of its little robotic dog in silver and black looks like a cross between your average lap dog and a coffee maker he even comes with to light the way. Japan sony corp unveiled the robot a day after it forecast record earnings leading its share price to hit a nine year high the robo doggy runs for about two hours after a full three hour charge it has two cameras that use facial recognition to identify its owner and twenty two motors for movement so remember there. Are confident that a robot that allows the experience of connecting with people and love is exactly what embodies sonys mission so i gave an order to begin the development of about a year and a half ago. Owners can also sync with a Smartphone Application called my i bow which allows them to play with the robot dog remotely electro will cost about fifteen hundred euros and shipments start in mid january. Mans new best friend now its back to sue me with news thank you. Jordan is one of the neighboring countries that host Syrian Refugees it has taken around a million and a half now many live in refugee camps but most scratch out an existence as urban refugees in towns and cities the city of erbil lies about ten kilometers from the Syrian Border and houses one of the biggest syrian refugee communities tanya kramer has a special report on the daily struggle facing refugees who fled syria as children. Should be at school but mohamed who everyone here to call it is working at a bakery instead his specialty is sweet pastries. The fifteen year old fled to jordan with his siblings and called the four years ago. Study medicine i miss a lot youre caught up in a bad situation but the alternative back home is worse we got used to it. How moved his mother and his oldest brother were killed in the war in jordan the family lived in a refugee camp at first but because they left the camp on their own accord that barely qualify for any aid that is another reason the family depends on his earnings hammoud is here at the bakery every time work is on offer. Its barely enough for the apartment the rent electricity water and the rest my sister sometimes works as a hairdresser when we dont work we dont eat but were surviving. His boss also forced to flee from syria supports him even if hamouda doesnt have a work permit the baker transmits his knowledge to a traditional learn from his own father in syria. The situation does not allow him to study so he learns and helps his family with the expenses at home. He likes to learn we syrians help each other here away from home and no one will hire him. Its estimated that just like him moved his family over one million syrians have sought refuge in jordan according to government figures the country recently eased some restrictions for refugees to find work six hundred fifty thousand syrians are registered with the Un Refugee Agency but after many years away from home most of them have next to nothing the situation is getting harder for the families to move ahead Economic Opportunities are is Still Limited so. Becoming more and more we see like that eighty percent of the refugees living in the cities here in jordan in the cities they live under the poverty line home is now a rental unit at the edge of the city hamouda and his older sister must now also take care of their father who is ill he lost an arm during an attack in syria and was tortured in prison due to the trauma they experienced and the challenges of daily life the family holds together fast. When i was in syria i had many hopes about how it would be here now i have no hope except to become an expert of what i am doing and to support my family and myself and to make a small future for myself thats all i think about now. His family tells us how moody most top of his class at home in syria but in jordan he had to change his expectations and posts who a new path. And we just have time for reminder of our top story this hour Police Sources have named a suspect in the new york terror attack this math twenty nine year old truck driver from his back to stop a pickup truck rammed into people on a bicycle path killing eight. You can always get you the news on the go just download our app from google play or from the app store that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news you can also use the data to send us your photos and your videos. Thanks for watching well be back in about thirty minutes with more. Because the refutation of german carmakers beyond repair first the emissions. Then the allegations of collusion the big five german car makers stand accused of doing secret deals and brake. Record profits. How far did it go. Industry shenanigans. Made in germany. Creative. Paul paul. Paul. Aspiring. Presage. Lifestyle your it. Your romance in sixty minutes. 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