A pioneer of gender equality. Catarina from burra traveled an unusual path to become catarina luther her life would have been unthinkable without the reformation catarina was a polarizing figure portrayed swith circulated in europe by the thousands some vilified her but for others she became a role model. Thats interesting the interesting thing about scattered in f one border was that she was the woman at luther side people wanted to know what this new way looked like she was the one actually living this way. Just a few decades earlier only one idea was considered worthy for women the virgin mary. When we do you factor. In the convents nuns so to emulate that role model catalina foreign born i was one of them however not by choice. Catalina spent more than fifteen years of her life in the mummy and tone convent in him sion in saxony today only ruins are left of it. Five hundred years ago more than forty nuns lived in him since they were socalled enclosed or cloistered nuns isolated from the outside world discipline and the beatings ruled their daily life every three hours the bells called them to prayer at night too they were awakened for chanting and devotions a doorway can still be seen in the top floor it allowed the nuns to get to prayer in the church at night without having to go outside. But a convent like this was also a privileged place. When you were together with the members of your own class you had access to education and medical care that was more than most artistic rats are thinking so its hard. Catalina from boulder learned much more in the column than than she would have done outside reading writing a bit of latin and singing. She probably also learned arithmetic and how to run a household but despite the privileges for some women this life of chastity was an ordeal women who became nuns could never leave the convent again. A way out first emerged with Martin Luther the reformer examined the values and norms of his time with reference to the bible he rejected rules if in his opinion they contravenes the word of god as laid out in the scriptures he concluded that a life of chastity in a convent was not all done by god. Being a fruitful and multiply thats what it says in genesis and that was the relevant factor for the listener and with the protestant reform as it says people should enjoy their sex humanity and their physicality thats true for women and for nine and theyre supposed to marry have children and thereby fulfill gods will. According to luther gods grace alone will save a person not a chaste life behind monastic walls monks and nuns were leading a life no closer to gods will than people outside the monastery. And that meant nobody should be forced to lead a life behind content morals luthers ideas spread very quickly helped by flyers printed in large numbers these writings also found their way into convents such as an engine where they had an explosive impact. Because just. What happened there in april fifteenth twenty three has been seen as an important step for womens rights catalina from bora and eleven other nuns took their fight into their own hands. Those. Districts in this step was bold in a way we can hardly comprende today qatari now was opting for total uncertain to be keep the ferdi into visit. The nuns and those helping them escape had to leave catholic territories fast as they could because the local ruler george the bearded was a firm opponent of the reformation thats ok your cutter invites are for george with considerable force side toughen the punishment for helping nuns escape and i neuer this was now hunted by death and a year later one such helper an eminent lights a citizen was beheaded for this very offense. To take you to sweden and help to thwart. Despite the risks countless women chose to follow catalina from borers example causing a huge stir some of them even wrote down their life stories luther supported the women by having their statements printed and by writing prefaces to them himself. As i saw it as a film of advertising to invite women to leave their convents and seek out a new way of life namely the life of a homemaker wife and mother. Witan bag one of the seats of the elector of saxony was at the heart of the reformation in fifteen twenty three. Many of the escaped nuns fled to the center of the new faith the penniless women hope they would receive protection and help in fighting back not least from the himself. Cut of enough and boy. Stand by thank you cotton enough to know that you have turned to me in your crunches of conscience. Martin luther penned writings defending the women from defamation the reform was also gave these women prospects. One of the most famous works by the painter lucas can ask can be found in that Parish Church the reformation all to peace many of the people depicted here were among the most influential supporters of the reformation. Pastor your highness bukan haagen the reformer philip milan thought here shown carrying out a baptism with lucas kind of himself at his side many of the former nuns found refuge in these mens homes. Parsonage for example in some cases for years. An unmarried woman five hundred years ago stood almost no chance of providing for herself other than by working as a servant or prostitute. Catalina from borba learned that in the time that she was put up in the crime a household youll have to marry who anyone anyone. Does ireland did then you row live reform as well advocating for women was a life as a wife and mother as a woman was to be the head of a household she was to be in charge in the home and raise the children and feel it is all he can at sea and. And she was to do that in line with the new face for that women had to be able to read the bible in his pamphlet advice to the city councilors of all german cities Martin Luther something completely new the establishment of schools for girls as well as boys. Sung in a dorm boys are protestant pastor with an interest in the women of the reformation period says luther provided a crucial push towards greater equality although that wasnt luthers actual going. To go in english one of the big demands of the reformation the aim was for everyone to read what it said in the bible and decide for themselves whether what preaches was saying was correct. The town of clima not far from the name should incumbent one of the first girls schools was set up here in fifteen twenty nine. Time magdalena func stop its the eldest of the nuns who fled with catalina became head mistress in the building of what is now the Municipal Museum she told the girls handicrafts music a bit of mathematics history and religious education. This is an against liabilities and that was a completely new role not least for my den in a funny stop its to be a single woman well king and running a school thats why there was local resistance to watch she was doing so Martin Luther and his a says he its regularly ensured that she got support. An unmarried woman standing on her own two feet didnt fit the standard view of the sexes at the time it wasnt what the reformers had had in mind either ultimately many of the escape nuns married supporters of the reformation. I do. I do. The most famous wedding of the day was between Martin Luther im catalina from. This marriage didnt just have supporters on the contrary. To talk to us thats the truth about luthers wife. The syndicate his sinful acts of the holy people to please the devil in him was. Not enough oh and. The marriage between a nun and a monk gave critics of the reformation a point of attack in response to the taunts the painter lucas kind of produced a series of portraits of catarina the only one of a wife of a famous reformer she became known throughout the land when her face appeared on flyers. The metaphysical word for comparison it was like a tabloid portraying the royals its basically that to satisfy peoples curiosity that the people wanted to know who was that woman that point this side. Of. It. Just as martin had done during his time as an orchestra in cannes and the luthers made their home in the black monastery invest in their catalina set about transforming the abandoned and derelict mastic complex. The luth this house still exists although it has changed over the centuries the place where luther lived and worked became a museum in one thousand nine hundred three some rooms like luthers a rich. You know study have survived. Shortly after getting married catalina turned the form a monastery into a flourishing business with agriculture an Animal Husbandry a brewery an orchard and a vegetable garden and all this in the spirit of luther. Luther lived in a world that was determined to shape by an order of creation and according to this woman has a clear tosk to bear children and to run the household and i know how so few. Invited back catarina wasnt the only woman to manage a launch household on her own in the crown a house which still stands in the center of town the living and working areas came together the couple functioned as a team. Looked after the children and made sure the family and staff were clothed and fed lucas cranach represented the family in the outside world and ran the paint his studio where he also created the portraits of martin and catalina luther a division of labor in line with the ideas of the reformation. In the home of reform of philip my film his wife ran the home along with a student guest house historian martin toy believes that upper class women primarily define themselves via their husbands. Did if in the end they really define themselves as wives not tax independent people with all the reformers in haunts the status of women as wives and married women getting their selfrespect from that one of them was catalina who now run a hostel for students in the luther house. Thats the money up front you have to stuff your own straw sex theyll be a bell for the evening mirror. Whats up i want to speak with the man of the house i want my money i am the man of the house oh. Believe her she is the man of the house mr cater how much for nine silver pieces ill give you eight the sack sound quite full the sex are as full as they should be wait there ill get the town judge. Catalina was skilled at running her business so skilled in fact that in the eyes of many she was pushing the limits of the new woman. Writer catherine vertica has studied gender roles for years in her view these roles still determine how men and women are permitted to behave with regard to their job to fashion and in everyday life. And i didnt but i women and men can form sub conscious me in a way these areas there are very subtle expectations and rows that come into play you when you really notice it when a man or woman goes against those expectations thats when you get a lot of derogatory words such as book. Catalina was so assertive in her manner that even luther sometimes called his wife mr kite. In several publications luther oppose the general disparagement of women in his day in his reformist tract to the christian nobility of the german nation he stated that all people were equal before god men and women luther was convinced of a priesthood of all believers. This presettlement the priesthood of all the leavers means that thanks to baptism of faith all people are equal in the eyes of god that they are loved and accepted by god in the same way. The social and gender disparity between them shouldnt have any impact on their relationship to god in him because of your god has for had this kind of labrador. But luther was an impulsive and sometimes contradictory character while he revered catalina and asked her to join him at the table he could be derogatory and insulting about women when in the company of other men. And i was on off in one lecture he said when it comes to adam and god its like this adam you know man is like the sun the moon we know the sun shines on its own but the moon needs the light from another source to put it polemic like Martin Luther is saying adam is move god like than that on biblical of course but it shows that hes a child of his time and kings and that side of. The Parish Church in witan back also contains clues about luthers variable relationship to women. The hymnal still contains the song lord christ the only son of god written by Elizabeth Cohen a former nun who married one of luthers students invent and she composed new religious songs and luther had one of her works included in the hymnal thereby honoring crusader as the first female him writer. Martin luther also preached here in the witan the church as captured in a painting by lucas can ask although men and women were equal before god in luthers mind it was inconceivable to him to carry this equality into society to each gender had its role and for luther it was only imaginable in exceptional circumstances for women to take on the role of pastor and preach. In games and he acknowledged a kind of female emergency around that when it came to preaching if the men failed if the men were silent too cowardly to preach the gospel and so avowed their faith then no woman is entitled to them but if a man comes along then she should return to her proper role. However even in luthers day there were women who openly and eloquently presented deathy illogical views to the public quite in the spirit of the priesthood of all believers. One such was aga funk who in fifteen twenty three invited the professors at the university of english not to debate the bible with her which they refused to do does it on his dad its surprising that while the role of female preacher emerged from the ideas of the reformation it took five hundred years for women to be allowed to preach from the pulpit in the a protestant chant. First society had to change over those five hundred years but the reformation and luther gave an important impetus not least when it came to sexuality. One major aspect that changed during the reformation for women in particular was that sex humanity was no longer seen as something sinful it was seen as a good thing but only in the very narrow context of marriage. To luther the Christian Family was almost a continuation of the monastery by different means eating together singing christian hymns and intemperate in bible verses. That obviously the court. Just. Luthers family life had a role model function for centuries luther also redefined the role of men as fathers. My Martin Luthers said a man shouldnt feel about washing diapers and rocking his child in his own hands that was pleasing to god. By fifteen forty a good forty people were living with the nooses in the black ministry their own children a few other relatives staff and guests along with several students who paid for a room and board. It was a flourishing business the original front door of the little house still exists catalina gave this expensive sandstone work to her husband for his fifty seventh birthday a clear indication of that wealth. Catalina luther was essential to keeping life going in the black monastery if you have a list she did everything to support her husband to stand by his signed and to see this as the main purpose of the life of. She also worked to raise the children and to provide a Living Environment associate to the black man a street where he was as happy as a fish in water thats how we wanted to live like and she made it possible us avoiders or leave or. Martin luther wanted catalina to be able to maintain her independence after his death to the rittenberg archives contain a copy of the will that the reformer wrote for years before he died in it he highlighted cattle in a special talent for running a household and made her his sole land in addition luther went against the legal norms of the day and made her the childrens legal guardian. As they were talking and he did this with the conviction that she would be better at it and it could add a responsibility to the system and this will is evidence that he viewed her as an unreserved atlee capable person and his friend complex figure press on head. Catalina and Martin Luther were married for twenty one years in his lifetime he was able to guarantee her status as the manager of the household. But he died when catalina was forty seven with his testament luther tried to establish more rights for his wife than widows were allowed at the time even the famous reformer couldnt fight the established legal system. Catalina caterina had to accept legal guardians for herself because it was inconceivable that a woman could be the legal guardian of her children are very close to. Catalinas independence was curtailed after Martin Luthers death as a widow she had few rights in society however she successfully fought to stay in the black monastery and keep running the student guest house. But just a few months after luthers death the first religious war broke out on german soil the fighting even reached wittenberg catarina as a state outside the town gates was destroyed she was economically ruined and in fifteen twenty two she had to flee once again this time from crop failures and the plague. Talk on the elder the university of it and bag fled here from the plague and catarina followed but just outside the town she had an accident with her carriage injured luthers widow was taken to this house in the center of talk out. She spent her last few weeks in these two small rooms catalina never recovered from her injuries she died in torgau in fifteen fifty two at the age of fifty three six years after the death of her husband. Canton it was laid to rest into marys church a burial place that had been reserved for members of the electors family it was a mark of respect for catalina the independent woman that Martin Luther signed. Sort of i knew there was an incredibly powerful character who was also subject to powerful mood swings we might call him manic depressive not living with that required a high degree of inner strength which she undoubtedly got in part from the interpretation of the Christian Faith as put forward by luther thats because most busy look to us last night after the shift of. Luther and the reformation opened doors to women leading them away from the ideal of convent life and out into the world. As wives and mothers. Step a step toward equality for women. Its mr mission. Programs around the clock marking its five hundredth the first three. Last year max is on the bottom of the. Last three other information has been celebrated in twenty seven of the rama three hundred sixty degree view of the board five hundred years of the musical the split between protestants and catholics for. The reformation a special. Your moment. Progress but where they start to divide the country i do mean where they start to divide the money which your blood will flow for cause. So the soviet union is breaking up part. Of. The members of the Russian Federation would have to find their own way politically and economically while some of it was an incredibly difficult task not most of which you would find this democracy was a lie this is your delectation where frauds that say privatization was robbery. The soviet unions heritage where does russia stand today and moscows empire our series starting november fifth on w. Listening and then fresh d. W. Hook up we speak your language being dug up. For content in dari pashto and order prospects for returning our web special to the net the refugee journeys of life in germany and the prospects for those returning home. Join the discussion on t w dot com and on facebook. Prospects for returning s d w may for minds. Health. But here its too long. Solidarity. They fall by the wayside when the gap between rich and poor grows. Life in an equal societies. The divide starting november fifteenth on t w. A z w news live from berlin catalonia the ousted leader says he will oppose rule from madrid carlos pushed them all wants guarantees from the government before he return

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