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Hello and oh well welcome to this edition of a go at Africa European and pan african magazine show my name is joy during beer and were coming to you from the Nairobi National park here in Nairobi Kenya and for those of you who have never seen beth fellows thats what they look like hello and see how you doing. Hi im now try were coming to you from Lagos Nigeria we focus an exciting innovations around Environmental Issues across africa and europe and thats what we have lined up on the show for you today in kenya we will visit the last mail nabhan white rhino without him the pussy that is doomed to extinction and we will make a bit of a detour to switzerland to check out some tiny plastic particles polluting waters all over the world and in south africa we will find out how growing white can help to preserve biodiversity in the keep meeting. With us head to kenya to meet a species future generations will probably never see boaters have driven the northern white rhino to the brink of extinction on the black market its horn is more expensive than gold by the year twenty ten no no then why dry knows where known to exist in the wild in kenya just one male and two females are left on the grasslands of the open jetta conservancy near mount kenya and it looks like they cant have babies. In the shadow of kenyas second highest peak mild kenya the old conservancy is a very special nature reserve. Not only because of its abundant wide life and stunning landscapes but also because of its sleek northern white rhinos. The loss of their calling they theyre the burdens and share in the survival of the breed to create the optimum reproductive conditions of the just a left nothing to chance yet theres little hope. Number of mating recorded on fourteenth the none has calculated into a pregnancy saw we then decided the buy the best thing would be to bring in the assault on life. And expose that to one of the not unlike when a females. Southern white rhinos are closely related to the northern whites but efforts to save lives and points by calls breeding failed biologists have found out the other two remaining females are not capable of reproducing. The male also incapable of breeding their extinction seems to be a matter of only a few guineas only fifty years ago the northern watch why nasir was roamed throughout uganda south sudan and the Central African republic while growing rhino horn demand in china and vietnam waits used in Traditional Medicine led to approach an epidemic. By nine hundred ninety just twenty five moles in white wine left for Holden Mahama door you the breeds independent extension is nearer to his heart than for many of his colleagues at all. When youre going up and i dont do this for mine anymore since my schooldays ive not done and apart from drilling the right that is what makes me happy i love them because theyre just i mean with the homeless and they dont even talk to them mistreated and hunted down by poachers. The father of three boys says his relationship to the gentle pachyderms is a very emotional one raise. Raise their own rhinos his mothers have been killed by bushes spend the night to them in the bush i was spend the night beside her she had two blankets and i had two of my own and she was hungry. When she wants to so i take these trainers like my own children. Biologists say northern whites may well be extinct in the next ten years so scientists are now turning to high tech reproductive techniques they might be the last chance to save them. An emerging technique we just need to be careful that we have to look at all the risks involved and therefore we can get a signal on when we can start doing that the let it involves creating white rhino and briars which could be just stated by southern white rhino females but even if the program is successful it will take decades for the breech to bounce back on till then the last three kind of have to remain on the protection. South africas wine is walled framus most of the vineyards are within the cape flora region its a hotspot for biodiversity with almost six thousand endemic species of plants unesco has declared it a wild heritage site but firming aben sprawl and foreign species are all threatening the capes flora as a result more than three hundred species are on the brink of extinction according to experts can go granik one production be the solution we went to look for eco friendly wine on the cape. The architecture advice to close a spectacular and modern. The cultivation methods are more traditional. We are by the name of form and we see the whole farm as a living entity which means not just the vineyards but the fine was also and you want that natural flow of positive energy right through the farm and having your natural vegetation and your natural form and flora and the energy enhanced in your vineyards in your wines in the whole process is very special and it makes this form one living entity vata kloof is a wine estate on the cape renowned for its commitment to Sustainable Farming and wine making farm manager christiane lutes also uses manure to enrich the soil with microorganisms and to keep pasts in check chemicals are not part of his repertoire. This formosa used in the pesticide to herbicides and two thousand and eight everything to be used comes from the form. We use the type of fungus side to be used for the fungal things you find in your compost heap christiane lutes has a visitor journey from the World Wildlife fund in two thousand and eight it declared vital clue for a conservation champion the distinction is only awarded to vineyards that fulfil rigorous environmental criteria all out conservation champions theres about thirty seven of them they all get a formal review every year and thats when i come out to the farms and just want to actually monitor how are they doing with Environmental Management that would include clearing the Fire Management also looking at Waste Management problem animal control anything to do with environmental risks on the farm. The vatican is one of six hundred vineyards in the cape wind lands. Here the grapes or picked and processed by hand the estate makes up to two hundred and forty thousand liters of wine a year for the domestic market and for export. Kristie im going to takes joan isham on a tour of inspection. More than half the one hundred and forty six hector state has been set aside as a conservation area. Instead of vines endemic bushes and shrubs flourished there the famed boss is the natural heathland of the western cape it forms part of the cape floral kingdom a region with an incredible number of plant species whats more two thirds of the nine thousand species are only found on the cape but thats not all. It might happen that one species only occur on one specific form nowhere else even in the west correct so if its lost there and we dont to motivate to look after that species it will be lost for the world the greatest threats to the cape floral kingdom invasive alien plant species is ation and farming isham says its very important to get more wine growers on board to become conservation champions. Conservation brings them a range of advantages that we do in both walks and we do want to stay on horseback through the thing both the. Biological effect of it. In the for indoors and available to the vines in spring so they actually migrate from the fine boys into the vineyards to control this. Concludes that Environmental Management advanta kloof is good you dont see early in vegetation. There in the distance they will still deal with thats a future plan so we recognise conservation efforts by allowing them to use the little sugar but protea logo on their wine bottle lutes is passionate about biodynamic farming he goes way beyond the w w f criteria for being a conservation champion here natural processes do their jobs many farmers assigned to machines and chemicals sheep grazing the vineyards reducing the level of weeds between the rows of vines a sustainable farm like this will be around in the next on the years the vines will grow up to fifty years old. Son and so on will still be able to farm the soil because of the soil is alive its a living. Generation hopes to sign up ten more states as conservation champions by the end of the year to help ensure a future for both wine growing and the famed voice. N t have you thought of all the things that you can do with empty old metallic coke cans what if i told you that you could actually make pots and pans out of them well joypad thousand wild but its true in fairly on thats exactly what they are doing some clever folks collecting all care and reengineering them lets have a look at how they are doing their bit for the environment. Did you know that you can turn old soda cans into cooking pots. Many african countries like Waste Management systems. Therefore most of the trash ends up at the roadside. In sierra leone many people make a living from it. They collect soda and spray cans and turn them into general allen in your cooking pots. The alan minium is melted in a clay furnace. After that the molten metal is cast in a clay form. After cooling the part needs a little bit of filing when its ready for sale remail ting requires Much Less Energy than producing alum minium from or thats why recycling benefits the environment and saves Natural Resources and little do you like that. If you are also doing your bit tell us about it. Visit our website or send us a tweet. Recycling is exactly how bill. A nigerian social entrepreneur started years ago to grow a successful business is not just the business that has grown she and her team have also helped to grow awareness amongst the people concerned Waste Management the people now know that their waste can them some rewards. Its a new day for the we cyclers in legos using low cost cargo bikes the Organization Collects the trash thats been gathered by local residents. Just forty percent of the waste in this city of eighteen Million People is collected that can encourage the spread of diseases. The trash clogs drainage is causing flooding. All of that could be prevented by recycling says billy because abiola shes the c. E. O. Of we cyclers. Is going to prevent. Project from going into what are we going to prevent people from burning ways and means is going to prevent many chemicals from the recyclable way from entering into our fore i mean who are you going to protect our because i mean frankly what with the environment where we do within our consumption of energy. Conservation. And Natural Resources. Volunteers go from door to door to motivate local residents to join in. Those who sign up receive collection reminders on their mobile phones. And participation pays off for every kilogram of plastic bottles paper or aluminum cans the residents receive we cyclers points the points can then be redeemed for cellphone minutes food or Household Items mama dudda is happy to be part of the program. Since she joined shes been able to afford a gas cooking stove and even a t. V. Im keeping legos clean because i dont want lagos to be dirty if you move out to other countries even to portanova down here if you go there you cant see any rubbish not as much as in nigeria so thats why im trying to keep my fathers land clean. And the we cycling facilities the trash is sorted and then sold to recycling companies. By turning the waste into wealth build a case abiola hopes to fuel social change in low income communities and help to create a cleaner environment. Indiscriminately in the car now they know that they must keep the waste and get the recycled to protect. Everybody because. We all need to do by recycling. Other people so we. Have it seems that some lagos residents have caught the bug in the hopes of making the nigerian metropolis a little bit cleaner up till now we cyclers has reached fifteen thousand households in lagos but the organization is expanding into other areas so that number is set to grow. Whether in africa or in europe if anything. The Twentieth Century it was plastic its light durable chemical resistant and easy to manufacture its advantages are obvious but there is major downside to that very joe ability plastic is not biodegradable instead it breaks down very slowly. And thats a huge problem. This is the rhine river in the swiss city of basel environmental scientist thomas mani and his colleagues from the university are taking water samples to establish just how polluted the river is with small plastic particles known to scientists simply as micro plastics. You cant see them but theyre there and theyre a growing menace to the environment and its inhabitants and they last for ages this. Is a fight the only time the Little People have been blasted. Out so the trouble is that plastic takes an extremely long time to biodegrade hundreds or even fountains of years before your. Cities and more and more stick is being manufactured and a lot continues to find its way into nature. Thats what sets this problem apart from other environmental contaminants that also owns it so on the net oh my belongs to. The team has already taken lots of samples from the rhine and the numbers are scary at the surface they found an average of close to one million particles per square kilometer and theyve worked out that the rind astrology is one hundred ninety one million micro plastics particles towards the north sea every day. This means the rhine has some of the worlds highest measured concentrations of these particles. Professor Patricio Hahn is leading the study she says micro plastics are entering the environment in large volumes from a wide range of sources but the dangers are not widely appreciated. So along my plastic border see so long. When people see plastic bottles or seals strangled by fishing nets things for him until then they do something about it a curfew and a fruitless kind of next hour but these particles are so tiny they tend to get overlooked because they had a much lower loss of them for course thomas mani analyzes the samples from the rhine firstly sifts the soup from the river three times through ever finer serves he then adds enzymes and Hydrogen Peroxide which dissolved the organic material but not the plastic the tiny particles hes looking for are five millimeters or less in diameter. Once most of the organic material has been removed he analyzes samples under the microscope he counts the tiny pieces of plastic and calculates how much micro plastic per square kilometer is swirling at the surface of the rhine. This sample from the german dutch border indicates a concentration of well over three million particles per square kilometer so where does all this plastic come from. Firstly many microscopic particles are actually made that way. So used in lots of personal Care Products and in manufacturing all kinds of products. That are a fiber as that is shared when you wash clothes made from synthetics. As well as fragments from everyday items that get into waste water or directly into the river or theyre old enough to fals. There hasnt yet been Much Research on the dangers micro plastics represent for animals here in bars or theyre investigating how much micro plastic can be found in the fish in the rhine once the particles with their baggage of toxins make their way into the food chain into shellfish and fish they can also end up on our dinner plates. Back to africa joy did you know that tobacco is malawis most important export or that its called green gold and theyre all about malawi is among the top ten producers of tobacco leaves in the world but it comes at a great cost in t. The monoculture is degrading the soil its bad for Farming Families health and farmers income fluctuates widely in line with the price of tobacco in the world market now the Malawi Government and germanys International Development agency have set up a project to help farmers diversify and grow it wide range of other plants lets take a look. Ot harvest time for the whole family gets the plantations to help peter feeling these is about to farmer has been for decades. Its all done by hand with every single leaf in hong individually to dry as well has been an exhausting job its also one healthy do you. So the toxins contained in the tobacco that enter the farmers body through the skin. And these days its increasingly hard to make profit she turned years ago. She will find struggling to support my family. Members into. Which one i was under was so i wouldnt hang school fees for my children its becoming hard because tobacco is not giving me another income. Not enough to support my family ten years already when i turn to. The government to malawi once in the great farmers like peter farey from this unhealthy dependence on tobacco. Very long Way University of agriculture has a Training Program for advisors they help farmers learn modern techniques such as environmentally friendly irrigation and cooperation to maintain the soil quality although the primary objective is for people to grow plants and a better income the program seems to be bearing fruit in manoa cantor has switched from tobacco to soya beans and other products he now hopes the next harvest will see more money coming last saw as in a still pose a Health Hazard to back with dogs i stopped because there was only one market but now with. The local market. So this my cash flow now is increasing so the prices are better than the present bit of and the farmer has been asking for additional advice from the experts of the university traditional methods of work in the past may no longer be so effective other change in conditions. So for example the specific we have been helping the farm on the best suspicion of the crop that was previously they were forming their community specific but now they can do good spacing and then they can produce a very good crop and again when it comes to sources of c to grow what you the best to seed was the changes in the climate we need to see that can mature much and as with any productive distribution is important to bottle is largely destined for export so your hands on flowers for the mess to consumers theres still room for improvement on that front which is where a german Development Agency comes in were looking for companies that have an interest to engage with the farmers but seeing the business as more than just buying but theyre ready to invest now ready to invest into the relations with the farmers. The agency is goal is a natural when foot companies provide farmers with low cost seeds and undertake to buy the resulting harvests effect prices. A vegetable altered you saw in the dong way has a very committed to the project and its own interests. We support their production and we encourage them to produce more so than they were to sell to us over the years we have seen that there is an increase because the Previous Year we bought about a thousand times but this is only the neighborhood by about fourteen thousand times the Company Makes coconut oil from the seeds mostly for the domestic market its also committed to Sustainable Production keeping the entire production chain from the sowing of seeds to the bucklin of oil in malawi now if we are going for just the who are located we could hear more demand from the oil since going by theres more to come id like to. Highlight how both are both said on the prices ive read what the point is how much they disagree would certainly welcome a boost to his earnings last year his struggle to sell his tobacco harvest where advisors help him with his next see job ration has likely to shift and other plans and make himself even less dependent on tobacco production. And thats all the time we had for this edition of eco africa brought to you by dr beller in germany k. P. N. Aim kenya and channels t. V. In nigeria my name is joy during beer and we were coming to you from the Nairobi National park here in Nairobi Kenya if you have any stories you want to tell voters suppost on Environmental Issues and innovations in Green Technology dont hesitate to send of an email or visit our social media site you can also comment on our videos so you next time and thanks for watching a good africa. The scorpions theyre superstars and theyve been rocking fans long omo for more than fifty years on stage in the museum. And in the documentary for ever and a day. The scorpion especially on. Topics more than thirty minutes w. Its reformation day on d w. Programs while the clocks marking its five hundredth anniversary were going live to the commemoration ceremony getting back to building documentaries magazines and talk shows focusing on luther and the groundbreaking events he helped set in motion reformation day october thirty first g. W. Yet you make of that company me a German Stock Corporation was founded in two thousand i mean i mean this was stuff of two his meanwhile going to eighty i just dont know well the site was chosen because we have all the competency in excellence it doesnt insects and your fellow very good ecosystem fought off by me through fifty five g. E. Is the driving force behind industry four point zero dollars whats special about us is probably that we dont only present the formulas how it could be but that we also make tests on a running system involving eczema conduct or the other ill just cluster in germany and in europe we have to university we have a set of the fancy jute you have to play as of equipment and materials for us is going to cost its absolutely important that our staff have their minds free when they come to work this means we do have the child friendly facilities creativity maybe a take this is a fruit off the atmosphere surrounding your company and we have also extremely good support from the political system is entrenched quite proud of where we are today and see what we still need as human power as the end of the day the industry says of course they go where they get their problems solved and thats possible here on site i believe in see us i live in china before im french but doesnt is a very good place to raise a family. And i know if it was my for media. This is the wus line from bombing bond of asia and the un a warning for heads six hundred thousand muslim to he go have fled to but secure than me and more into bombing of the nation

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