Fort Stewart, Ga. – The 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, won best brigade and brought home the Marne Cup during Marne Week, May 17-20, 2021, at Fort Stewart, Georgia. The Marne Cup was awarded to the brigade with the most points earned over a series totally 22 sporting events.
Marne Week normally takes place during the third week of November, aligning with the Division’s birthday. The week is a time for units to test their mettle and build esprit de corps while remembering all those Dogface Soldiers that came before.
“The Spartan Brigade was excited to compete and show our physical prowess after a year of dealing with a worldwide pandemic,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Jamie Lopez, the senior noncommissioned officer of 2nd ABCT, 3rd ID. “Winning the Marne Cup is an added bonus, but the real value was spending quality time with each other as a unit in a low-key environment in pursuit of a common goal.”