DuPont, CABEE and its Partners Held Seminar on Sustainable Flame Retardants for Energy-efficient Buildings in Shanghai
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The green and safer-by-design BLUEDGE™ Polymeric Flame-Retardant technology patented by DuPont will be promising as hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) will be fully banned when a 5-year exemption expires on December 26th, 2021 in China
“Technology innovations like BLUEDGE™ are essential to enabling the transition to sustainability in the built environment, and we’re excited to help lead that transition as we take one more step towards facilitating a global conversion,” said Tim Lacey, DuPont Performance Building Solutions.
May 13, 2021
DuPont (NYSE: DD), together with the China Association of Building Energy Efficiency (CABEE) and its partners Lanxess, ICL Industrial Products (ICL-IP), Shandong Sunris New Materials Co., Ltd. (Sunris), and Guangzhou Fuda Thermal Insulation Materials Co., Ltd. (Guangzhou Fuda), held a Seminar on Sustainable Flame Retardants for Energy-efficient Buildings in Shanghai on May 12, 2021. The seminar was held to further promote the ban of hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) and the application of a safer alternative to HBCD. DuPont also released the White Paper on BLUEDGE™ Polymeric Flame Retardant at the symposium.