Driver rescues man who was being compressed in the back of a garbage truck
Updated: 9:11 PM CDT May 15, 2021
Ted Wayman
Updated: 9:11 PM CDT May 15, 2021
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from the air. It was hard to tell what was inside the dump truck below. On route nine, a closer look shows a man being rescued from inside the main been after suffering severe internal injuries when he was compressed in the garbage truck process, police asked him how he ended up in the dumpster before it was picked up and dumped into this Blue Republic truck. He was going into the dumpster at the location he was last at to retrieve an item he dropped in there. If it wasn't for an alert driver who saw the on board camera feed, police believe he would have continued to be compressed with the remaining trash pickups. They have a live feed that looks from the top of the truck into the hopper so they can monitor what goes on inside that upper and that's when you notice it. It still took E. M. T. S. Time to get the man out of the truck with the basket. He was eventually airlifted to a boston hospital. This was a first For a 28 year police veteran, something like in the movies, you know where someone's inside of a a dumpster and truck comes and picks up the dumpster and dumps the person into the back of their truck. So, like I said, it's something you see more of a movie than you would in real life. But today it happens And we are told tonight that unidentified 38 year old man is expected to survive.