The DOST-ITDI announced that the launch of the TekNegoShow Special Edition will be held on July 8, at 9 a.m.
DOST-ITDI Director Dr. Annabelle V. Briones expressed hopes that with the launch of TekNegoShow Special Edition, more businesses will be interested in adopting ITDI-developed technologies and will be availing themselves of their various testing services.
The special edition is expected to feature four technologies and two newly-opened research facilities geared toward augmenting business-coping mechanisms of industries to the current coronavirus disease (COVID-19) crisis.
“TekNegoShow Special Edition will air narratives and insights of technology generators, business people, and the consuming public. This way ITDI can provide the public virtual experience of the technology and a way to interact with technology generators and companies that have adopted these or made use of the facilities,” the Institute said.