CROSSWAYS parish council has questioned proposals for up to 700 new homes for the area put forward in the Local Plan proposals.
It says if the area has more it will turn from a village into a town – altering its character forever.
Land at both the Woodsford Estate and Moigne Combe Estate have previously been identified for the majority of new housing in and around the village.
Crossways Parish Council says it is not against the general concepts of change and growth but this must be justifiable for the village and needs the infrastructure to go with it.
“It has to be sustainable for the community and must not be just a mathematical exercise in order to satisfy a plan on paper. Crossways Parish Council believes that there are significant benefits of concentrating development in locations where homes, jobs and facilities will be easily accessible and there is a choice of transport. Whilst Crossways can provide some of this to a lesser extent the more sustainable locations within Dorset are to be found nearer larger settlements such as Dorchester, Weymouth & Portland and Sherborne,” said a statement from the parish.