Dlab partner in European digital transformation project for a more sustainable energy system
May 07, 2021 02:30 ET
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Dlaboratory Sweden AB
Dlaboratory Sweden AB
Cleantech company Dlaboratory Sweden AB (publ) joins a European consortium in applying for funds from EU’s joint programming platform ERA-NET Smart Energy Systems (SES) for a project on power grid resilience. The overall aim of the project is to advance the green energy transition in all sectors of the energy system while also ensuring security of supply in the power grid.
Swedish KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Siemens, Wiener Netze, Fraunhofer ISE, OFFIS, and Solandeo GmbH join forces with dLab for the ERA-Net SES call for transnational projects on digital transformation for green energy transition. The proposed project called Resili8 – Resilience for Cyber-Physical Energy Systems – is aiming to increase grid resilience through a digitalized smart system. Part of the project proposal plan is an installation of dLabs solution in Austrian utilities company Wiener Netze’s power grid to study improved resilience possibilities.