Disha Parmar dazzles in Rs 60k sequinned draped saree gown at reception with Rahul Vaidya
Disha Parmar dazzles in Rs 60k sequinned draped saree gown at reception with Rahul Vaidya
At her reception, Disha Parmar dazzled in a draped saree gown designed by Dolly J. Disha Parmar married singer Rahul Vaidya on Friday.
Disha Parmar married singer Rahul Vaidya on Friday. (Photos: Israni Photography)
Television actress Disha Parmar was nothing short of mesmerising at her reception held in Mumbai in the presence of close friends and family on July 16. Disha Parmar married singer Rahul Vaidya in a private ceremony on Friday while the reception party was held in the evening.