Dip in cargo intensify rivalry between Stevedores and PPP terminal operators
May 24, 2021
The Chennai Container terminal inside the Chennai Port Trust. (File photo) - The Hindu×
Major port trusts have set different terms and conditions for their operations
Stevedores engaged in loading and unloading bulk cargo from and onto ships at Centre-run major port trusts have approached the government to block demands from private cargo terminal operators handling single commodity to become multi-commodity facilities, after market disruptions from policy changes dragged down traffic such as coal and iron ore.
The issue escalates a tussle for cargo between Stevedores, who load and unload bulk cargo onto and from ships from the non-mechanised berths, at the 12 major ports and private firms that are given cargo handling terminal contracts through the public-private-partnership (PPP) route for 30 years based on a revenue share model.