Dr. Nripen Chandra Das
& Research Supervisor, Department of Folklore Research, Gauhati University. He can be reached at
There are many mysteries and puzzles in human history which are still waiting solutions. Many questions in history are there which remained unexplained and unanswered by the historians. Varied interpretations are available to the same question or problem. Well established interpretation to the problem still waits.
The puzzle regarding the Indus Valley Civilization scripts still remained a puzzle after about one hundred years of discovery of the civilization in the Indian sub-continent. Many scholars of epigraphy around the world like I. Mahadevan, Asko Parpola, and others have been trying their best to decipher this pictographic script. Even Assamese archaeologist Rajmohan Nath had also tried to decipher this script more than fifty years ago. He had a complete book on this script to his credit.