The 2020 Bollywood movie ‘Jawaani Jaaneman’ was one of the most special movies In Bollywood primarily because it marked the collaboration of Saif Ali Khan and Tabu after 21 long years since ‘Hum Saath Saath Hain’, and Alaya F made her Bollywood debut playing the lead role for the film. But did you know Sara Ali Khan was offered a role beside dad Saif Ali Khan for the movie ?
During an interview with an entertainment news portal, Saif revealed that ‘Jawani Jaaneman’ was almost in Sara’s kitty before Alaya was cast for the lead role alongside him. He also shared that Sara’s Bollywood debut film ‘Kedarnath’ was shelved and she was left with nothing. On seeing that, he offered the role (which has been essayed by Alaya) to his daughter to which Sara had also agreed.