DHS Releases Fiscal Year 2020 Enforcement Lifecycle Report
DHS Releases Fiscal Year 2020 Enforcement Lifecycle Report
Explaining the methodology behind some significant statistics
January 5, 2020
Andrew R. Arthur
On December 31, DHS released the "Fiscal Year 2020 Enforcement Lifecycle Report" (available from DHS here and to download from the CIS site here). Why is this significant? Because those 19 datasets combined tell a story connecting encounters and outcomes, but up until now, they have existed independent of one another, and have not been examined as a whole.
If you have never worked in the Rube Goldberg contraption that is the federal government and reviewed its various datasets, you might not appreciate that each is "siloed" in D.C.-speak. Simply, each dataset is a snapshot, not a movie, and only by linking all of them together can you see the whole picture.