A ProjectPermit Application has been filed with the City of Lakewood Community and Economic Development Department. Following is a description of the application and the process for review. The application and listed studies may be reviewed upon request.
APPLICATION NUMBER AND NAME: LU-20-00229 –Gravelly Lake 55 – SEPA
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: To construct a 36 dwelling unit multifamily development separated into 2 buildings consisting of 18 dwelling units per building, with associated parking, landscaping and site improvements.
PROJECT LOCATION: 8931 & 8933 Gravelly Lake Drive SW (Parcel numbers 5130001870 & 5130001880).
ZONING: Multifamily 2 (MF2)
: December 30, 2020
OTHER PERMITS/PLANS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED: Site Development Permit, Design Review Permit, and Building permits.