MIAMI – For its current project, 328 Design GmbH and Deutsche Aircraft have appointed Maximilian Fahr as Supply Chain Director.
Fahr is driving the strategic development and growth of the supply chain activities of the D328eco program towards entry its into service.
Deutsche Aircraft D328Eco Photo: Deutsche Aircraft
Background on Fahr
Fahr has worked in various sectors, including aviation. He most recently held leadership positions in purchasing, quality and project management at Airbus where he contributed to the development, production and delivery of components for more than 3,000 Airbus aircraft in Europe and Asia.
He also ran his own financial and strategic consulting firm in Brazil. He then moved to Asia while working for Airbus, where he was responsible for local procurement and development support for Airbus in the region, including work at the A320 Final Assembly Line (FAL) in Tianjin, China.