president of afghanistan such as it is will be in town friday to talk to pooid snoon what's that going to do? >> there's very little left to do. it's too late. it's one of these situations where it really is too late. the troops are on the way out, every week centcom sends another press release, it's basically all gone. >> what are the other option as soon as are there any options? >> mika, the only options left are financial support that will give them the money to buy the things, fire the contractors, keep their military in the air which is the most important thing and then diplomatically it turns out that every country that matters does not want the taliban to take over in kabul and that includes russia, china, iran, pakistan, every single country agrees with us. so some way to bring them together more forcefully to say, no, that's probably -- >> but they don't want it enough. they don't want it enough.