certainly could have a suppressive effect. we don't know how many voters this will deter from the ballot box, but we also don't know how many black voters this will galvanize because they understand so many of these laws are in direct response to the record turnout we saw in november and in january with the georgia senate runoff. they know these bills are -- they're targeted at many of the strategies that they use to get around voter suppression headed into the 2020 election and the voter suppression that they're trying to enact headed into elections this year, next year and beyond. so i would not be surprised if this continues to be a showdown between voter suppression and voter turnout. that is really what our elections have come down to, and i think we have to think about that in addition to thinking about what is happening in congress with legislation that may or may not happen, frankly, and that seems to be facing pretty long odds as we sit here