up. best friends and confidants. dani jo was a cosmetologist with a front row seat to diane's brilliant career. >> she loved crunching numbers. and along with billy corey, i think she learned how to wheel and deal. >> she rose through the ranks. and with her boss'blessing became president of the company. hiring, firing, and calling the shots. >> she would say, i don't want to hear about the labor pains, just show me the baby. >> jay grover was a vice president at diane's company. >> when she started in business here in atlanta, there were not a ton of female executives. >> no. absolutely. and i think that's what -- one of the things that really set diane apart. i mean, she was a -- a woman in a man's world. >> she had a big personality, loved clothes, furs, hats, and kids. although she never had any of her own. she survived one bad marriage and was in her 50s when she met tex mciver.