for the next day. so next day comes. we go pick him up. and he's real quiet. >> reporter: he, of course, was nick holbert. who was now back in the forest, outside fayetteville. it was may 14th, 2014. two years of searching had now come down to this one, sweltering-spring morning. but holbert, still, couldn't remember exactly where he had buried kelli's body. and went off searching in a different direction. >> we're standing there. i'm like, darn it, i cannot figure this out. and all of a sudden, there's some clearing over here and there's some sun coming down. >> reporter: then, in that very same spot, kaz seemed to pick up a scent. >> all of a sudden, he starts crawling to it. like, whimpering, crawling. and he stops. that was our spot. >> reporter: they carefully pushed a metal rod into the