house? >> no, we were, you know, back on the job. making sure since the case was reopened, we -- they had enough evidence this time. >> by then, detective lopez at the sheriff's homicide bureau had pulled out the old files and read everything. police reports, forensic reports, interview notes. and what he read lined up with what c-styles had told him. >> the description of the place. the description of meeting the victim's sister the day prior. the way he ran out of the place, all those things were, you know, matched what he was telling us. and we were able to corroborate. >> with all that information, lopez decided to take a chance. arrest derek, apply some pressure, and see if he would crack. so nine years and ten months after crystal taylor's murder, derek smyer once again sat in a police interview room. >> he felt like he had to control everything that happened in the interview. he would answer a question, but