government. and if the republicans on that judiciary committee want to ignore this, when you have both barr and sessions saying they don't know, i don't want to hear another word from them about the over reach of big government. you know, they all love to be righteously pontificating about the over reach of big government. this is the definition of an un-constitutional over reach of big government. so they have to shut up about the over reach of big government if they're not going to step up and participate in subpoenaing all of the information and ruining the careers and finding people to prosecute who actually carried out this policy. sorry. i got carried away. >> no. you're absolutely -- your righteous indignation is very much appropriate. now it shall meet my doubt. because here's the problem. i'll throw this to you. claire is obviously right, right? i remember when there was the whole controversy during the bush 2 administration about the