one, there is a larger number than you would -- than i think most people would believe of republicans, including republican elected officials, who believe donald trump won the election and believe the conspiracy theories and believe in qanon, and we'd like to think that it's the far fringe of the -- >> who? who? >> well, you go through the members of congress who, in the past few weeks, were saying that, you know, the insurrection wasn't that bad and who are defending the insurrectionists. you talk about people like ron johnson in the senate. so they are the fringe of the party but these are people in high elected office and i think it's bigger -- the number is -- there are more of them than there are liz cheneys, i'll put it that way. but i think there is a much bigger number of people who just continue to, especially in the senate, who approach this the same way they've approached the lies and conspiracy theories for more than ten years now. you go back to where this, i think, all began with birtherism, when most republicans -- you would talk to serious republicans who would say -- and this wasn't just about donald trump. it was about the base of the party. look, it's harmless.