someone who supposedly fell asleep in the tub and pitched face down in the water. but a bathroom itself that was both dry and undisturbed. even though presumably the husband had to wrangle her lip body out of the tub as he moved her to the bedroom. >> whether it's lotions, soap, other things on the side, they were knocked off. if you're pulling somebody very quickly out of the tub, that still together. that bothered me. >> the detective, maintain mental. that's >> something screen to me something really bad has happened here. and more so than just a tragic accident where she drowned. >> the forensic techs arrived and were taking photos. cutting out sections of the bedroom carpet where the mixture of blood and fluid common in drownings had steamed. what they wondered is, was there another explanation for the states? >> we wanted to get those things to our lab right away to start checking out some things. >> even though it was early hours and so much would depend on the findings of an autopsy, the detective knew that this