and has already launched their first salvo and the other side is trying to figure out if they want to vote on it. that's what i see this point as being and i hope we don't look back on the summer of 2021 and regret the decisions that weren't made to protect this country. >> and aaron, the reaction sometimes from the right is that this conversation is hyperbolic, but the proof is in the pudding. heritage wrote sample legislation that is being debated or passed in 47 states. there was no voter fraud. bill barr said so. mitch mcconnell at one point said so. chris christie has said so. yet, at 47 state legislatures are debating legislation that is to address something that's nonexistent. so, that's how detached the republican policymaking process is from reality. the other thing is the census. the other thing is the history of midterms, the president's party typically losing some