states will have begun the process of at least partial reopening. after federal social distancing guidelines expired on thursday. >> mother's day is coming up. your mama told you to wash your hands and cover your nose and mouth if you cough. as long as we do those simple things and use common sense, we ought to be just fine. >> they did misleading pictures acting like, you know, this was like lollapalooza on the beach. has there been some type of major outbreak? no. >> in michigan. >> swastikas and confederate flags, nooses and automatic rifles do not represent who we are as michiganders. nothing i want more than to just flip a switch and return to normal. but that's not how it's going to work. unfortunately. >> on tuesday, the president promised to meet the testing benchmark set by a harvard study. >> you're saying you're confident you can surpass 5 million tests per day? is that -- >> we're going to be there very soon. >> on wednesday, he walked that back. >> i didn't say it, but somebody came out with a report saying 5