what is medicare for all? there's no exact definition, because it doesn't exist yet, but the basic idea of the two proposals in congress is that the government runs one national health care program. and everybody's on it. private insurance companies are pretty much put out of business and doctors, hospitals, and pharmacists bill uncle sam. co-pays, premiums, and deductibles would mostly disappear. but nothing in life is free. the government needs money to pay for all of that care, which means side effects could include, a payroll tax, an income tax, a progressive income tax, a tax on the wealthy, a tax on the extremely wealth, and imposing fees on government institutions and the government may finally be able to negotiate deals with pharmaceutical companies and i'm hoping that means they haveless mon less mo kmeshls th commercials that sound like this. to learn more about what medicare for all could look like in america, i'm grabbing a bagel with the new york native who put it on the map. senator and democratic presidential candidate, bernie