higher, of americans would like to see some forward action. >> and doesn't mitch mcconnell have to respond to that at some point? >> you would think. >> the nra is a lot weaker than it's ever been. >> you would think. but the pressure, downward pressure on these candidates who are running for re-election or running for election for the first time is enormous. and the question that, you know, a lot of americans are asking is, so you value your re-election more than the safety of my child in their classroom, than the safety of my family when we go to the theater or we go shopping? and i think that's a legitimate question to ask. it doesn't mean that you need to have draconian gun laws in place. a lot of states have strict gun laws, my state of maryland, very strict gun laws. the fact of the matter is that there are still big, gaping holes that need to be filled where congress has to act. and i think it's going to take people, actually, putting the