well, they knew they had something but what exactly? >> it was just one of those cases where we knew we were on the right track, but we also knew that there was a lot of work left. >> and for the carliles, a lot of grief. elberta was a barely-functioning mess. >> i didn't lose just my dad. i lost my mom, too. because she wasn't the same person for a really long time. >> and adding insult, doug's secrets were exposed for the whole world to see. that big house on the south hill, heavily mortgaged. the fancy cars not paid for. the paperwork that claimed he was worth millions, a facade. doug carlile was flat broke. hadn't even bought life insurance. >> do you ever feel angry at all at doug for not providing more for like a insurance policy or something? >> no, not at all. because he was a very good provider every day he was alive.